"use strict"; var __extends = (this && this.__extends) || function (d, b) { for (var p in b) if (b.hasOwnProperty(p)) d[p] = b[p]; function __() { this.constructor = d; } d.prototype = b === null ? Object.create(b) : (__.prototype = b.prototype, new __()); }; /** * Created by gavorhes on 12/4/2015. */ var RealEarthAnimate_1 = require('./RealEarthAnimate'); var provide_1 = require('../util/provide'); var $ = require('jquery'); var nm = provide_1.default('mixin'); /** * class mixin to animate RealEarth vector layers * @augments RealEarthAnimate */ var RealEarthAnimateVector = (function (_super) { __extends(RealEarthAnimateVector, _super); function RealEarthAnimateVector(layer, loadCallback) { _super.call(this, layer, loadCallback); this._source = layer.source; this._olLayer = layer.olLayer; this._lyr = layer; } /** * Call this after the mixin has been applied */ RealEarthAnimateVector.prototype.timeInit = function () { _super.prototype.timeInit.call(this); this._rawTimesLookup = {}; this._dataCache = []; }; /** * Given the raw time string, add to the arrays to keep track of dates and cache * @param {string} inString - input date string * @protected */ RealEarthAnimateVector.prototype._loadDates = function (inString) { var rawDte = _super.prototype._loadDates.call(this, inString); this._dataCache.push(null); this._rawTimesLookup[rawDte] = null; return ''; }; /** * @protected */ RealEarthAnimateVector.prototype._loadLatest = function () { if (_super.prototype._loadLatest.call(this)) { this._loadAtTimeIndex.call(this, this._currentIndex); } return true; }; // //http://realearth.ssec.wisc.edu/api/image?products=nexrhres_20160108_212500&x=1&y=5&z=4 // // 20160108.205500 // http://realearth.ssec.wisc.edu/api/image?products=nexrhres_20160108_205500&x=34&y=46&z=7 /** * Load the features at the date index specified * @param {number} i the index of the features to be loaded by date * @param {boolean} [setAsSource=true] set to false to trigger cache load only * @private */ RealEarthAnimateVector.prototype._loadAtTimeIndex = function (i, setAsSource) { if (setAsSource === void 0) { setAsSource = true; } setAsSource = typeof setAsSource == 'boolean' ? setAsSource : true; if (this._dataCache[i] != null) { this._source.clear(); this._loadFeatures(this._dataCache[i]); } else { var _this_1 = this; $.get('http://realearth.ssec.wisc.edu:80/api/shapes', { products: this._products + "_" + this._rawDateStrings[i] }, function (d) { _this_1._dataCache[i] = d; _this_1._rawTimesLookup[_this_1._rawDateStrings[i]] = d; if (setAsSource) { _this_1._source.clear(); _this_1._loadFeatures.call(_this_1, _this_1._dataCache[i]); } }, 'json'); } }; /** * helper to load the features at the index specified * @param {object} geojObj - the geojson object * @private */ RealEarthAnimateVector.prototype._loadFeatures = function (geojObj) { this._source.addFeatures(this._lyr._geoJsonFormat.readFeatures(geojObj, this._lyr._transform)); }; RealEarthAnimateVector.prototype.setLayerTime = function (theTime) { if (_super.prototype.setLayerTime.call(this, theTime)) { this._loadAtTimeIndex(this._currentIndex); } else { this._source.clear(); } return true; }; return RealEarthAnimateVector; }(RealEarthAnimate_1.default)); nm.RealEarthAnimateVector = RealEarthAnimateVector; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); exports.default = RealEarthAnimateVector; //# sourceMappingURL=RealEarthAnimateVector.js.map