/** * Created by gavorhes on 11/2/2015. */ import $ from '../jquery/jquery'; import provide from '../util/provide'; import {} from './range-change'; let nm = provide('jQueryPlugin'); /** * @callback mediaCallback * @param {number} tm */ function timeToLocalDateString(tm) { "use strict"; let d = new Date(tm); let p1 = d.toLocaleTimeString().split(' '); let p2 = p1[0].split(':'); p2 = p2.slice(0, 2); return d.toLocaleDateString() + '<br>' + p2.join(':') + ' ' + p1[1]; } class MediaControl { constructor(jQueryElement, min, max, val, step, func, playInterval, dateFormat) { this._container = jQueryElement; this._playInterval = playInterval; this._interval = undefined; this._func = func; this._dateFormat = dateFormat; this._currentValue = undefined; this._min = undefined; this._max = undefined; this._step = undefined; this._playing = false; let htmlStr = '<span class="media-player-button media-back"></span>' + '<span class="media-player-button media-play"></span>' + '<span class="media-player-button media-pause media-disabled"></span>' + '<span class="media-player-button media-stop media-disabled" ></span>' + '<span class="media-player-button media-ahead"></span>' + `<input type="range">` + `<div class="media-control-value-label-container">` + `<span class="media-control-value-label-min"></span>` + `<span class="media-control-value-label-val"></span>` + `<span class="media-control-value-label-max"></span>` + `</div>`; this._container.append(htmlStr); let btnPause = this._container.find('.media-pause'); let btnPlay = this._container.find('.media-play'); this._$btnStop = this._container.find('.media-stop'); let btnAhead = this._container.find('.media-ahead'); let btnBack = this._container.find('.media-back'); this._$slider = this._container.find('input[type=range]'); this._$valLabelMin = this._container.find('.media-control-value-label-min'); this._$valLabelVal = this._container.find('.media-control-value-label-val'); this._$valLabelMax = this._container.find('.media-control-value-label-max'); this.setMinMaxValueStep(min, max, val, step); let _this = this; this._$slider.rangeChange(function (newVal, ratio, evt) { _this.currentValue = newVal; }, 100); btnPlay.click(function () { let $this = $(this); $this.addClass('media-disabled'); _this._$btnStop.removeClass('media-disabled'); btnAhead.addClass('media-locked'); btnBack.addClass('media-locked'); _this._$slider.prop('disabled', true); _this._playing = true; _this._interval = setInterval(function () { _this.currentValue += _this._step; }, _this._playInterval); }); this._$btnStop.click(function () { clearInterval(_this._interval); let $this = $(this); $this.addClass('media-disabled'); btnPlay.removeClass('media-disabled'); btnAhead.removeClass('media-locked'); btnBack.removeClass('media-locked'); _this._$slider.prop('disabled', false); _this._playing = false; }); btnAhead.click(function () { _this.currentValue = _this.currentValue + _this._step; }); btnBack.click(function () { _this.currentValue = _this.currentValue - _this._step; }); } stopPlaying(){ if (this._playing){ this._$btnStop.trigger('click'); } } get playing(){ return this._playing; } get min() { return this._min; } get max() { return this._max; } get step() { return this._step; } get currentValue() { return this._currentValue; } set currentValue(newValue) { if (newValue > this._max) { newValue = this._min; } else if (newValue < this._min) { newValue = this._max; } this._currentValue = newValue; this._$slider.val(this._currentValue.toFixed(2)); if (this._dateFormat) { this._$valLabelVal.html(timeToLocalDateString(this.currentValue)); } else { this._$valLabelVal.html(this.currentValue.toString()); } this._func(newValue); } /** * set min and max value with step * @param {number} newMin the new min * @param {number} newMax the new mas * @param {number} [newValue=newMin] the value to set * @param {number} [newStep=(newMax-newMin)/20] step value */ setMinMaxValueStep(newMin, newMax, newValue, newStep) { this._min = newMin; this._max = newMax; newValue = typeof newValue == 'number' ? newValue : newMin; newStep = typeof newStep == 'number' ? newStep : (newMax-newMin)/20; this._currentValue = newValue; this._step = newStep; this._$slider.prop('min', this.min.toString()); this._$slider.prop('max', this.max.toString()); this._$slider.prop('step', this.step.toString()); this._$slider.val(this.currentValue.toString()); if (this._dateFormat) { this._$valLabelMin.html(timeToLocalDateString(this._min)); this._$valLabelVal.html(timeToLocalDateString(this.currentValue)); this._$valLabelMax.html(timeToLocalDateString(this._max)); } else { this._$valLabelMin.html(this._min.toString()); this._$valLabelVal.html(this.currentValue.toString()); this._$valLabelMax.html(this._max.toString()); } } /** * * @param {mediaCallback} newFunc the callback on change */ set changeFunction(newFunc) { this._func = newFunc; } } nm.MediaControl = MediaControl; /** * Adds a media control to a container * @param {number} [min=0] the min * @param {number} [max=100] the max * @param {number} [val=0] the val * @param {number} [step=1] the step * @param {mediaCallback} [func=function (n) {console.log('default function', n);}] media change callback function * @param {number} [playInterval=500] play interval * @param {boolean} [dateFormat=false] date format * @this {jQuery} * @returns {MediaControl} the Media control object */ $.fn.mediaControl = function (min, max, val, step, func, playInterval, dateFormat) { min = typeof min == 'number' ? min : 0; max = typeof max == 'number' ? max : 100; val = typeof val == 'number' ? val : 0; step = typeof step == 'number' ? step : 1; func = typeof func == 'function' ? func : function (n) { console.log('default function', n); }; playInterval = typeof playInterval == 'number' ? playInterval : 500; dateFormat = typeof dateFormat == 'boolean' ? dateFormat : false; this.addClass('media-control-container'); return new MediaControl(this, min, max, val, step, func, playInterval, dateFormat); }; export default undefined;