"use strict"; /** * Created by gavorhes on 11/2/2015. */ var __extends = (this && this.__extends) || (function () { var extendStatics = Object.setPrototypeOf || ({ __proto__: [] } instanceof Array && function (d, b) { d.__proto__ = b; }) || function (d, b) { for (var p in b) if (b.hasOwnProperty(p)) d[p] = b[p]; }; return function (d, b) { extendStatics(d, b); function __() { this.constructor = d; } d.prototype = b === null ? Object.create(b) : (__.prototype = b.prototype, new __()); }; })(); Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); var LayerBaseVector_1 = require("./LayerBaseVector"); var esriToOl = require("../olHelpers/esriToOlStyle"); var provide_1 = require("../util/provide"); var $ = require("jquery"); var nm = provide_1.default('layers'); var EsriJSON_1 = require("ol/format/EsriJSON"); /** * Helper to return the url to the service on the production server * @param {string} folder * @param {string} service * @param {number} layer * @returns {string} */ function makeServiceUrl(folder, service, layer) { return "https://transportal.cee.wisc.edu/applications/arcgis2/rest/services/" + folder + "/" + service + "/MapServer/" + layer; } exports.makeServiceUrl = makeServiceUrl; /** * Base layer for esri vector layers * @augments LayerBaseVector */ var LayerBaseVectorEsri = /** @class */ (function (_super) { __extends(LayerBaseVectorEsri, _super); /** * The base vector layer * @param {string} url - url for source * @param {object} options - config * @param {string} [options.id] - layer id * @param {string} [options.name=Unnamed Layer] - layer name * @param {number} [options.opacity=1] - opacity * @param {boolean} [options.visible=true] - default visible * @param {number} [options.minZoom=undefined] - min zoom level, 0 - 28 * @param {number} [options.maxZoom=undefined] - max zoom level, 0 - 28 * @param {object} [options.params={}] the get parameters to include to retrieve the layer * @param {number} [options.zIndex=0] the z index for the layer * @param {function} [options.loadCallback] function to call on load, context this is the layer object * @param {boolean} [options.legendCollapse=false] if the legend item should be initially collapsed * @param {boolean} [options.legendCheckbox=true] if the legend item should have a checkbox for visibility * @param {boolean} [options.legendContent] additional content to add to the legend * * @param {boolean} [options.autoLoad=false] if the layer should auto load if not visible * @param {object} [options.style=undefined] the layer style, use openlayers default style if not defined * @param {boolean} [options.onDemand=false] if the layer should be loaded by extent on map move * @param {number} [options.onDemandDelay=300] delay before the map move callback should be called * @param {MapMoveCls} [options.mapMoveObj=mapMove] alternate map move object for use with multi map pages * * @param {string} [options.where=1=1] the layer filter clause * @param {string} [options.outFields=*] comma separated list of output fields, defaults to all * @param {string} [options.format=pjson] the format the retrieve the data * @param {number} [options.outSR=3857] the output spatial reference, defaults to web mercator * @param {boolean} [options.useEsriStyle=false] if the map service style should be used * @param {boolean} [options.collapseLegend=false] if the legend should be initially collapsed * @param {number} [options.mapMoveMakeGetParams=function(extent, zoomLevel){}] function to create additional map move params */ function LayerBaseVectorEsri(url, options) { var _this = this; if (typeof options.params != 'object') { options.params = {}; } options.params['where'] = options.where || '1=1'; options.params['outFields'] = options.outFields || '*'; options.params['f'] = options.format || 'pjson'; options.params['outSR'] = options.outSR || 3857; _this = _super.call(this, url, options) || this; _this._outSR = _this.params['outSR']; _this._esriFormat = new EsriJSON_1.default(); if (_this._url[_this._url.length - 1] !== '/') { _this._url += '/'; } _this._urlCopy = _this.url; _this._url += 'query?callback=?'; if (_this.autoLoad || _this.visible) { _this._load(); } _this._useEsriStyle = typeof options.useEsriStyle == 'boolean' ? options.useEsriStyle : false; if (_this._useEsriStyle) { _this.addLegendContent(); } return _this; } /** * add additional content to the legend * @param {string} [additionalContent=''] additional content to add to legend */ LayerBaseVectorEsri.prototype.addLegendContent = function (additionalContent) { var _this = this; if (!this._useEsriStyle) { _super.prototype.addLegendContent.call(this, additionalContent); } else { $.get(this._urlCopy + '?f=pjson&callback=?', {}, function (d) { if (d['subLayers'].length > 0) { alert('should only use single feature layers, not groups'); return; } var newStyleAndLegend = esriToOl.makeFeatureServiceLegendAndSymbol(d); _this.style = newStyleAndLegend.style; _super.prototype.addLegendContent.call(_this, newStyleAndLegend.legend); }, 'json'); } }; /** * add feature collection * @param {object} featureCollection - features as esrijson */ LayerBaseVectorEsri.prototype.addFeatures = function (featureCollection) { var feats = this._esriFormat.readFeatures(featureCollection); this.source.addFeatures(feats); }; /** * trigger load features * @protected * @returns {boolean} if already loaded */ LayerBaseVectorEsri.prototype._load = function () { var _this = this; if (_super.prototype._load.call(this)) { return true; } $.get(this._url, this.params, function (d) { _this.addFeatures(d); _this.loadCallback(_this); }, 'json').fail(function () { _this._loaded = false; }); return false; }; /** * callback to generate the parameters passed in the get request * @param {object} extent - extent object * @param {number} extent.minX - minX * @param {number} extent.minY - minY * @param {number} extent.maxX - maxX * @param {number} extent.maxY - maxY * @param {number} zoomLevel - zoom level */ LayerBaseVectorEsri.prototype.mapMoveMakeGetParams = function (extent, zoomLevel) { _super.prototype.mapMoveMakeGetParams.call(this, extent, zoomLevel); this.mapMoveParams['geometry'] = extent.minX + "," + extent.minY + "," + extent.maxX + "," + extent.maxY; this.mapMoveParams['geometryType'] = 'esriGeometryEnvelope'; this.mapMoveParams['spatialRel'] = 'esriSpatialRelIntersects'; this.mapMoveParams['spatialRel'] = 'esriSpatialRelIntersects'; this.mapMoveParams['inSR'] = 3857; if (this._outSR == 3857) { this.mapMoveParams['geometryPrecision'] = 1; } }; /** * Before call to map move callback, can prevent call by returning false * @param {number} zoom - zoom level * @param {string} [evtType=undefined] undefined for initial load, otherwise one of 'change:center', 'change:resolution' * @returns {boolean} if the call should proceed */ LayerBaseVectorEsri.prototype.mapMoveBefore = function (zoom, evtType) { return _super.prototype.mapMoveBefore.call(this, zoom, evtType); //if (super.mapMoveBefore(zoom, evtType)){ // //place holder for additional processing // return true; //} else { // return false; //} }; /** * callback function on map move * @param {object} d - the json response */ LayerBaseVectorEsri.prototype.mapMoveCallback = function (d) { _super.prototype.mapMoveCallback.call(this, d); this.source.addFeatures(this._esriFormat.readFeatures(d)); }; return LayerBaseVectorEsri; }(LayerBaseVector_1.LayerBaseVector)); exports.LayerBaseVectorEsri = LayerBaseVectorEsri; nm.LayerBaseVectorEsri = LayerBaseVectorEsri; exports.default = LayerBaseVectorEsri; //# sourceMappingURL=LayerBaseVectorEsri.js.map