From 3e832a8f1e8a1354ad32146504e50c912a2464ff Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Paulina Nogal <>
Date: Thu, 13 Jun 2019 19:00:04 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] Get termcourses data

 .../dars/dars-view/dars-view.component.html   |  9 +-
 src/app/dars/dars-view/dars-view.component.ts |  6 +-
 .../new-audit-options.component.html          | 99 ++++++++++---------
 .../new-audit-options.component.scss          |  7 ++
 .../new-audit-options.component.ts            | 61 ++++++++++--
 src/app/dars/services/api.service.ts          | 22 +++--
 src/assets/sass/general.scss                  | 16 ++-
 7 files changed, 155 insertions(+), 65 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/app/dars/dars-view/dars-view.component.html b/src/app/dars/dars-view/dars-view.component.html
index 4116a84..d08c670 100644
--- a/src/app/dars/dars-view/dars-view.component.html
+++ b/src/app/dars/dars-view/dars-view.component.html
@@ -39,9 +39,9 @@
           aria-label="Run new degree audit"
           [disabled]="(metadataStatus$ | async) != 'Loaded'"
-          (click)="openNewAuditOptionsDialog()">
-          Run new degree audit
-        </button>
+          (click)="openNewAuditOptionsDialog('degree')">
+        Run new degree audit
+      </button>
@@ -70,7 +70,8 @@
           aria-label="Run new degree audit"
           [disabled]="(metadataStatus$ | async) != 'Loaded'"
-          color="primary">
+          color="primary"
+          (click)="openNewAuditOptionsDialog('whatif')">
           Run new &lsquo;what if&rsquo; audit
diff --git a/src/app/dars/dars-view/dars-view.component.ts b/src/app/dars/dars-view/dars-view.component.ts
index 597f524..bba02f9 100644
--- a/src/app/dars/dars-view/dars-view.component.ts
+++ b/src/app/dars/dars-view/dars-view.component.ts
@@ -46,8 +46,10 @@ export class DARSViewComponent implements OnInit { darsActions.DismissAlert({ key }));
-  public openNewAuditOptionsDialog() {
-, {});
+  public openNewAuditOptionsDialog(selectedAuditType) {
+, {
+      data: { selectedAuditType: selectedAuditType },
+    });
   public openAudit(metadata: AuditMetadata) {
diff --git a/src/app/dars/new-audit-options/new-audit-options.component.html b/src/app/dars/new-audit-options/new-audit-options.component.html
index 33dd556..8b39b82 100644
--- a/src/app/dars/new-audit-options/new-audit-options.component.html
+++ b/src/app/dars/new-audit-options/new-audit-options.component.html
@@ -25,12 +25,12 @@
             <mat-step class="audit-step" formGroupName="0" [stepControl]="formArray?.get([0])">
                 <ng-template matStepLabel>Choose audit type</ng-template>
                   <mat-radio-group class="audit-radio-group" formControlName="auditType">
-                    <mat-radio-button checked="true" class="audit-radio-button" name="declared-audit-type" id="declared-audit-type" value="declaredMajorAudit" aria-label="Select run a degree audit with declared major">
+                    <mat-radio-button [checked]="selectedAuditType === 'degree'" class="audit-radio-button" name="declared-audit-type" id="declared-audit-type" value="declaredMajorAudit" aria-label="Select run a degree audit with declared major">
                       <p>Run a degree audit with declared major <br />
                       <span class="sub-line">See the progress towards your current program of study.</span></p>
-                    <mat-radio-button class="audit-radio-button" name="what-if-audit-type" id="what-if-audit-type" value="whatIfAudit" aria-label="Select run a what-if degree audit">
+                    <mat-radio-button [checked]="selectedAuditType === 'whatif'" class="audit-radio-button" name="what-if-audit-type" id="what-if-audit-type" value="whatIfAudit" aria-label="Select run a what-if degree audit">
                       <p>Run a what-if degree audit <br />
                       <span class="sub-line">See the progress towards a new program of study and degree plans.</span></p>
@@ -42,9 +42,8 @@
             <mat-step class="audit-step" formGroupName="1" [stepControl]="formArray?.get([1])">
               <ng-template matStepLabel>Select program of study</ng-template>
               <mat-radio-group *ngIf="newAuditForm.value.formArray[0].auditType === 'declaredMajorAudit'" class="audit-radio-group" formControlName="darsDegreeProgram">
-                <mat-radio-button *ngFor="let program of DARSprograms" class="audit-radio-button" name="{{ program.darsDegreeProgramCode }}" id="{{ program.darsDegreeProgramCode }}" value="{{ program.darsDegreeProgramCode }}" aria-label="{{ program.darsDegreeProgramCode }}">
+                <mat-radio-button *ngFor="let program of studentDegreeProgram; let i = index" [value]="i" [checked]="i === 0" class="audit-radio-button" name="darsDegreeProgramCode" id="{{ program.darsDegreeProgramCode }}" aria-label="{{ program.darsDegreeProgramCode }}">
                     {{ program.darsDegreeProgramCode }}
@@ -52,20 +51,20 @@
               <!-- If what-if audit was selected in #1 -->
               <mat-form-field *ngIf="newAuditForm.value.formArray[0].auditType === 'whatIfAudit'" class="audit-program">
                 <mat-select formControlName="darsInstitution" placeholder="School, College or Population" aria-label="Select School, College or Population" [disableOptionCentering]="true">
-                  <mat-option value="{{ programOfStudy }}">{{ programOfStudy}}</mat-option>
+                  <mat-option value="{{ programOfStudy }}">{{ programOfStudy }}</mat-option>
               <!-- Show after School, College or Population was selected -->
               <mat-form-field *ngIf="(newAuditForm.value.formArray[0].auditType === 'whatIfAudit') && (newAuditForm.value.formArray[1].darsInstitution)" class="audit-program">
                 <mat-select formControlName="darsInstitutionProgram" placeholder="Academic Plan Program" aria-label="Academic Plan Program" [disableOptionCentering]="true">
-                  <mat-option *ngFor="let program of DARSprograms" value="{{ program.darsDegreeProgramDescription }}">{{ program.darsDegreeProgramDescription }}</mat-option>
+                  <mat-option class="mat-option-long" *ngFor="let program of DARSprograms" value="{{ program.darsDegreeProgramDescription }}">{{ program.darsDegreeProgramDescription | titlecase }}</mat-option>
               <div class="step-buttons-group">
                 <button mat-button matStepperPrevious color="primary">Back</button>
-                <button mat-button matStepperNext mat-stroked-button color="primary">Next</button>
+                <button mat-button matStepperNext mat-stroked-button color="primary" (click)="getPlansList()">Next</button>
@@ -74,54 +73,64 @@
               <mat-form-field class="audit-settings-option">
                 <mat-label>Honors Degree Options</mat-label>
                 <mat-select formControlName="honors" placeholder="Honors Degree Option" aria-label="Honors Degree Options" [disableOptionCentering]="true">
-                  <mat-option *ngFor="let honor of honorsOptions" value="">{{ honor.darsHonorsOptionDescription }}</mat-option>
+                  <mat-option *ngFor="let honor of honorsOptions" value="{{ honor.darsHonorsOptionDescription }}">{{ honor.darsHonorsOptionDescription }}</mat-option>
               <mat-form-field class="audit-settings-option">
-                  <mat-label>Include Courses From</mat-label>
-                  <mat-select formControlName="includeCoursesFrom" placeholder="Include Courses From" aria-label="Include Courses From" [disableOptionCentering]="true">
-                    <mat-option value="">Previous, current, future, and planned terms</mat-option>
-                  </mat-select>
-                </mat-form-field>
-                <p style="margin-top: 12px;"><strong>Run against which degree plan?</strong></p>
-                <mat-form-field class="audit-settings-option">
-                  <mat-label>Degree Plan</mat-label>
-                  <mat-select formControlName="runAgainst" placeholder="Degree Plan" aria-label="Degree Plan" [disableOptionCentering]="true">
-                    <mat-option value="">Engineering</mat-option>
-                  </mat-select>
-                </mat-form-field>
+                <mat-label>Include Courses From</mat-label>
+                <mat-select formControlName="includeCoursesFrom" placeholder="Include Courses From" aria-label="Include Courses From" [disableOptionCentering]="true">
+                  <mat-option value="future">Previous, current, future, and planned terms</mat-option>
+                  <mat-option value="future">Previous, current, future</mat-option>
+                  <mat-option value="current">Previous, current</mat-option>
+                  <mat-option value="previous">Previous</mat-option>
+                </mat-select>
+              </mat-form-field>
-                <div class="step-buttons-group">
-                  <button mat-button matStepperPrevious color="primary">Back</button>
-                  <button mat-button matStepperNext mat-stroked-button color="primary">Next</button>
-                </div>
+              <p style="margin-top: 12px;"><strong>Run against which degree plan?</strong></p>
+              <mat-form-field class="audit-settings-option">
+                <mat-label>Degree Plan</mat-label>
+                <mat-select formControlName="runAgainst" placeholder="Degree Plan" aria-label="Degree Plan" [disableOptionCentering]="true">
+                  <mat-option *ngFor="let degreePlan of (degreePlans$ | async)" value="{{ degreePlan.roadmapId }}">{{ }}</mat-option>
+                </mat-select>
+              </mat-form-field>
+              <div class="step-buttons-group">
+                <button mat-button matStepperPrevious color="primary">Back</button>
+                <button mat-button matStepperNext mat-stroked-button color="primary" (click)="getCoursesList(newAuditForm.value.formArray[2].runAgainst)">Next</button>
+              </div>
             <mat-step class="audit-step" formGroupName="3" [stepControl]="formArray?.get([3])">
               <ng-template matStepLabel>Select credits</ng-template>
               <p>To provide more accurate audit, specify the number of credits you planto make in the following course(s):</p>
-              <!-- If no variable credits were found, show the message -->
-              <!-- <p>No variable credits found.The audit is ready to be run.</p> -->
-              <div fxLayout="row" fxFlex="100" style="margin-top: 18px;">
-                <div fxLayoutAlign="start center" fxFlex="80">
-                  <span>Spring 2020: BIO 151 <br /> Introductory biology</span>
-                </div>
-                <div fxLayoutAlign="end center" fxFlex="20">
-                  <mat-form-field id="audit-credits-selector">
-                    <mat-select formControlName="credits" placeholder="" aria-label="Number of credits" [disableOptionCentering]="true">
-                        <mat-option value=""></mat-option>
-                    </mat-select>
-                  </mat-form-field>
-                </div>
+              <p *ngIf="!hasVariableCredits && isLoaded"><strong>No variable credits found.The audit is ready to be run.</strong></p>
+              <div class="course-items-loading">
+                <mat-progress-spinner *ngIf="!isLoaded"
+                  mode="indeterminate"
+                  diameter="24">
+                </mat-progress-spinner>
-              <div class="step-buttons-group">
-                <button mat-button matStepperPrevious color="primary">Back</button>
-                <button mat-button mat-raised-button color="primary" (click)="runDARSAudit();">Run Audit</button>
-                <!-- <button mat-button (click)="stepper.reset()" mat-stroked-button color="primary">Reset</button> -->
+              <div *ngFor="let course of courses">
+                <div *ngIf="hasVariableCredits" fxLayout="row" fxFlex="100" style="margin-top: 18px;">
+                  <div fxLayoutAlign="start center" fxFlex="80">
+                    <span>{{ course.termCode | getTermDescription }}: {{ course.subjectDescription }} {{ course.catalogNumber }} <br /> {{ course.title }}</span>
+                  </div>
+                  <div fxLayoutAlign="end center" fxFlex="20">
+                    <mat-form-field id="audit-credits-selector">
+                      <mat-select formControlName="credits" placeholder="" aria-label="Number of credits" [disableOptionCentering]="true">
+                          <mat-option class="mat-option-center" *ngFor="let credit of course.creditsRange" value="{{ credit }}">{{ credit }}</mat-option>
+                      </mat-select>
+                    </mat-form-field>
+                  </div>
-            </mat-step>
-          </mat-vertical-stepper>
-        </form>
+            </div>
+            <div class="step-buttons-group">
+              <button mat-button matStepperPrevious color="primary">Back</button>
+              <button mat-button mat-raised-button color="primary" (click)="runDARSAudit();">Run Audit</button>
+            </div>
+          </mat-step>
+        </mat-vertical-stepper>
+      </form>
diff --git a/src/app/dars/new-audit-options/new-audit-options.component.scss b/src/app/dars/new-audit-options/new-audit-options.component.scss
index 8f6ce71..00bc18b 100644
--- a/src/app/dars/new-audit-options/new-audit-options.component.scss
+++ b/src/app/dars/new-audit-options/new-audit-options.component.scss
@@ -30,3 +30,10 @@
     text-transform: uppercase;
+.course-items-loading {
+  mat-progress-spinner {
+    position: relative;
+    top: 8px;
+  }
diff --git a/src/app/dars/new-audit-options/new-audit-options.component.ts b/src/app/dars/new-audit-options/new-audit-options.component.ts
index 50890d9..72f74fd 100644
--- a/src/app/dars/new-audit-options/new-audit-options.component.ts
+++ b/src/app/dars/new-audit-options/new-audit-options.component.ts
@@ -1,8 +1,14 @@
-import { Component, OnInit } from '@angular/core';
+import { Component, OnInit, Inject } from '@angular/core';
 import { MatDialogRef, MatSnackBar } from '@angular/material';
 import { DarsApiService } from '../services/api.service';
 import { DegreeProgram } from '../models/degree-program';
 import { StudentDegreeProgram } from '../models/student-degree-program';
+import { Observable } from 'rxjs';
+import { Store, select } from '@ngrx/store';
+import { GlobalState } from '@app/core/state';
+import * as selectors from '../store/selectors';
+import { DARSState } from '../store/state';
+import { MAT_DIALOG_DATA } from '@angular/material';
 import {
@@ -25,7 +31,13 @@ export class NewAuditOptionsComponent implements OnInit {
   public studentDegreeProgram: StudentDegreeProgram[];
   public DARSprograms: any;
   public honorsOptions: any;
+  public courses: any;
+  public variableCreditCourses: any;
+  public degreePlans$: Observable<DARSState['degreePlans']>;
+  public hasVariableCredits: boolean;
+  public creditsRange: any[];
+  public isLoaded: boolean;
+  public selectedAuditType: string;
   get formArray(): AbstractControl | null {
     return this.newAuditForm.get('formArray');
@@ -35,9 +47,21 @@ export class NewAuditOptionsComponent implements OnInit {
     private dialogRef: MatDialogRef<NewAuditOptionsComponent>,
     private snackBar: MatSnackBar,
     private api: DarsApiService,
-  ) {}
+    private store: Store<GlobalState>,
+    @Inject(MAT_DIALOG_DATA)
+    data: {
+      selectedAuditType: string;
+    },
+  ) {
+    this.selectedAuditType = data.selectedAuditType;
+  }
   ngOnInit() {
+    // Get student degree programs
+    this.api.getStudentDegreePrograms().subscribe(studentDegreeProgram => {
+      this.studentDegreeProgram = studentDegreeProgram;
+    });
     this.api.getStaticData().subscribe(degreePrograms => {
       this.degreePrograms = degreePrograms;
       this.honorsOptions = [];
@@ -61,7 +85,7 @@ export class NewAuditOptionsComponent implements OnInit {
     this.newAuditForm ={
       formArray: this.fb.array([{
-          auditType: new FormControl('declaredMajorAudit'),
+          auditType: new FormControl(''),
           darsDegreeProgram: new FormControl(''),
@@ -69,8 +93,8 @@ export class NewAuditOptionsComponent implements OnInit {
           darsInstitutionProgram: new FormControl(''),
-          honors: new FormControl(''),
-          includeCoursesFrom: new FormControl(''),
+          honors: new FormControl('Keep current status'),
+          includeCoursesFrom: new FormControl('future'),
           runAgainst: new FormControl(''),
@@ -80,6 +104,31 @@ export class NewAuditOptionsComponent implements OnInit {
+  public getPlansList() {
+    this.degreePlans$ =;
+  }
+  public getCoursesList(roadmapId) {
+    this.isLoaded = false;
+    this.api.getAllCourses(roadmapId).subscribe(courses => {
+ = courses;
+      this.creditsRange = [];
+ ? (this.isLoaded = true) : (this.isLoaded = false);
+ {
+        course.creditMin === course.creditMax
+          ? (this.hasVariableCredits = false)
+          : (this.hasVariableCredits = true);
+        // Build creditsRange array
+        course.creditsRange = [];
+        for (let i = course.creditMin; i <= course.creditMax; i++) {
+          course.creditsRange.push(i);
+        }
+      }, this);
+    });
+  }
   public runDARSAudit() {
     const {
diff --git a/src/app/dars/services/api.service.ts b/src/app/dars/services/api.service.ts
index 719e1eb..bcacb62 100644
--- a/src/app/dars/services/api.service.ts
+++ b/src/app/dars/services/api.service.ts
@@ -6,8 +6,7 @@ import { AuditMetadata } from '../models/audit-metadata';
 import { StudentDegreeProgram } from '../models/student-degree-program';
 import { environment } from './../../../environments/environment';
 import { Audit } from '../models/audit/audit';
-import { map } from 'rxjs/operators';
+import { CourseBase } from '@app/core/models/course';
 const auditResponse: any = require('../../../assets/mock-data/audit-response.json');
 const degreeProgramsResponse: any = require('../../../assets/mock-data/degreeprograms-response.json');
@@ -24,11 +23,7 @@ export class DarsApiService {
    * Get all degree programs, honors, and institution data.
-   * All the data for institutions, honors, and degree programs is static.
-   * The backend is going to cache all this data in S3 and create a single
-   * endpoint for us to hit and get all of it!
   public getStaticData(): Observable<DegreeProgram[]> {
     // Prevents errors locally
     if (environment.production) {
@@ -41,7 +36,20 @@ export class DarsApiService {
-   * Get a students degree programs.
+   *
+   * Get courses
+   */
+  public getAllCourses(
+    roadmapId: number,
+  ): Observable<{ termCode: string; courses: CourseBase[] }[]> {
+    return this.http.get<{ termCode: string; courses: CourseBase[] }[]>(
+      `${environment.apiPlannerUrl}/degreePlan/${roadmapId}/courses`,
+    );
+  }
+  /**
+   * Get students degree programs.
   public getStudentDegreePrograms(): Observable<StudentDegreeProgram[]> {
     const url = `${environment.apiDarsUrl}/studentplans`;
diff --git a/src/assets/sass/general.scss b/src/assets/sass/general.scss
index 6a2a640..146bf04 100644
--- a/src/assets/sass/general.scss
+++ b/src/assets/sass/general.scss
@@ -298,7 +298,7 @@ body {
   overflow: hidden;
-// Form styles
+// Form fields styles
 .audit-radio-button {
   .mat-radio-label {
@@ -324,6 +324,20 @@ body {
+.mat-option-long {
+  overflow-x: scroll !important;
+  .mat-option-text {
+    overflow: visible;
+    padding-right: 18px;
+  }
+.mat-option-center {
+  .mat-option-text {
+    text-align: center;
+  }
 .mat-radio-outer-circle {
   border-color: #0479a8 !important;