From fb7adb3404a0a84680ee9345bf0d305e5b4d7834 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Scott Berg <>
Date: Wed, 12 Jun 2019 20:52:13 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] Update audit data models, add requirement courses.

 package-lock.json                             |    2 +-
 package.json                                  |    2 +-
 src/app/dars/audit/audit.component.html       |   98 +-
 src/app/dars/audit/audit.component.scss       |   92 +-
 src/app/dars/audit/audit.component.ts         |   69 +-
 .../dars/dars-view/dars-view.component.html   |    3 +-
 src/app/dars/dars-view/dars-view.component.ts |    2 +-
 src/app/dars/models/audit.ts                  |   47 -
 src/app/dars/models/audit/audit.ts            |   29 +
 src/app/dars/models/audit/bottom-section.ts   |   16 +
 src/app/dars/models/audit/requirement.ts      |   39 +
 src/app/dars/models/audit/top-section.ts      |   76 +
 src/app/dars/pipes/audit-line.pipe.ts         |   12 +-
 src/app/dars/services/api.service.ts          |    2 +-
 src/app/dars/store/actions.ts                 |    2 +-
 src/app/dars/store/state.ts                   |    2 +-
 src/assets/mock-data/audit-response.json      | 3445 ++++++++---------
 src/environments/          |    2 +-
 18 files changed, 2030 insertions(+), 1910 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 src/app/dars/models/audit.ts
 create mode 100644 src/app/dars/models/audit/audit.ts
 create mode 100644 src/app/dars/models/audit/bottom-section.ts
 create mode 100644 src/app/dars/models/audit/requirement.ts
 create mode 100644 src/app/dars/models/audit/top-section.ts

diff --git a/package-lock.json b/package-lock.json
index e577f6b..a3ea50c 100644
--- a/package-lock.json
+++ b/package-lock.json
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
   "name": "course-search-enroll-fe",
-  "version": "1.0.34",
+  "version": "1.0.35",
   "lockfileVersion": 1,
   "requires": true,
   "dependencies": {
diff --git a/package.json b/package.json
index 786f628..d778b66 100644
--- a/package.json
+++ b/package.json
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
   "name": "course-search-enroll-fe",
-  "version": "1.0.34",
+  "version": "1.0.35",
   "scripts": {
     "ng": "ng",
     "start": "ng serve --proxy-config proxy.json --open",
diff --git a/src/app/dars/audit/audit.component.html b/src/app/dars/audit/audit.component.html
index 9c07237..c45c050 100644
--- a/src/app/dars/audit/audit.component.html
+++ b/src/app/dars/audit/audit.component.html
@@ -1,25 +1,25 @@
 <mat-card id="audit">
-  <header class="no-horizontal-padding">
+  <header id="audit-header" class="no-horizontal-padding">
     <div class="audit-metadata">
-        <p>{{}}</p>
-        <p>Program Code: {{audit.header.degreeProgram}}</p>
+        <p>{{audit.header.studentName}}</p>
+        <p>Program Code: {{audit.header.darsDegreeProgramCode}}</p>
       <div class="text-align-right">
-        <p>{{audit.header.graduationDate}}</p>
-        <p>{{audit.header.graduationDateLabel}}</p>
+        <!-- <p>{{audit.header.graduationDate}}</p>
+        <p>{{audit.header.graduationDateLabel}}</p> -->
     <h3 class="text-align-center">
       <br />
-      {{audit.header.title1}}
+      {{audit.header.degreeProgramTitle1}}
       <br />
-      {{audit.header.title2}}
+      {{audit.header.degreeProgramTitle2}}
     <div class="audit-section-controles">
@@ -28,26 +28,22 @@
-  <section>
+  <section class="audit-section">
     <p class="tight faded">This audit was run using values not reflected in your current status. Parameters used when submitting this audit request:</p>
     <p class="tight faded">Honors Processing: Keep current status.</p>
     <p class="tight faded">Courses Used: Using courses from Curse Guide Plan: (Plan name field blank in cobol program "stuinst.)</p>
-  <!-- <section *ngIf="audit.topText.length > 0">
-    <p *ngFor="let text of audit.topText" class="text-align-center pre-wrap">{{text}}</p>
-  </section> -->
-  <section>
-    <mat-accordion multi="true" hideToggle="true" displayMode="flat" #requirements>
+  <section class="audit-section">
+    <mat-accordion multi="true" hideToggle="true" #requirements>
       <!-- START OF REQUIREMENT -->
-      <ng-container *ngFor="let requirement of audit.requirements">
+      <ng-container *ngFor="let requirement of audit.requirements; trackBy: trackReq">
         <ng-container *ngIf="requirement.status.status === 'NONE'; else requirementTemplate">
-          <div *ngFor="let contentType of requirement.requirementLinesGroupedByContentType" class="content-type-{{contentType.contentType}}" matTooltip="{{contentType.contentType}}">
+          <div *ngFor="let contentType of requirement.requirementContents" class="content-type-{{contentType.contentType}}" matTooltip="{{contentType.contentType}}">
             <p *ngFor="let line of contentType.lines">{{line}}</p>
@@ -55,7 +51,7 @@
         <ng-template #requirementTemplate>
-          <mat-expansion-panel #requirementPanel>
+          <mat-expansion-panel #requirementPanel [expanded]="true">
             <mat-expansion-panel-header collapsedHeight="auto" expandedHeight="auto">
               <mat-panel-title class="requirement-title status-{{requirement.status.status === 'OK' ? 'ok' : 'no'}}">
@@ -74,10 +70,57 @@
-            <div *ngFor="let contentType of getRequirementBody(requirement)">
+            <div *ngFor="let reqBody of getRequirementBody(requirement); trackBy: trackByIndex">
-              <div class="content-type content-type-{{contentType.contentType}}" matTooltip="{{contentType.contentType}}" matTooltipPosition="left">
-                <p *ngFor="let line of contentType.lines" class="pre-wrap requirement-line" [innerHTML]="line | auditLine: contentType.contentType"></p>
+              <div class="content-type content-type-{{reqBody.contentType}}" matTooltip="{{reqBody.contentType}}" matTooltipPosition="left">
+                <ng-container [ngSwitch]="reqBody.template">
+                  <ng-container *ngSwitchCase="'courses'">
+                      <table style="width: 100%" mat-table [dataSource]="asCourseBody(reqBody).subRequirementCourses">
+                          <caption>Applicable academic work</caption>
+                          <tr mat-header-row *matHeaderRowDef="courseTerms"></tr>
+                          <tr mat-row *matRowDef="let row; columns: courseTerms;"></tr>
+                          <ng-container matColumnDef="term">
+                            <th mat-header-cell *matHeaderCellDef>Term</th>
+                            <td mat-cell *matCellDef="let course">{{course.term}}</td>
+                          </ng-container>
+                          <ng-container matColumnDef="course">
+                            <th mat-header-cell *matHeaderCellDef>Course</th>
+                            <td mat-cell *matCellDef="let course">{{course.course}}</td>
+                          </ng-container>
+                          <ng-container matColumnDef="credits">
+                            <th mat-header-cell *matHeaderCellDef>Credits</th>
+                            <td mat-cell *matCellDef="let course">{{course.credits}}</td>
+                          </ng-container>
+                          <ng-container matColumnDef="grade">
+                            <th mat-header-cell *matHeaderCellDef>Grade</th>
+                            <td mat-cell *matCellDef="let course">{{course.grade}}</td>
+                          </ng-container>
+                          <ng-container matColumnDef="title">
+                            <th mat-header-cell *matHeaderCellDef>Course Title</th>
+                            <td mat-cell *matCellDef="let course">{{course.courseTitle}}</td>
+                          </ng-container>
+                          <ng-container matColumnDef="note">
+                            <th mat-header-cell *matHeaderCellDef>Course Note</th>
+                            <td mat-cell *matCellDef="let course">{{course.courseNote}}</td>
+                          </ng-container>
+                      </table>
+                  </ng-container>
+                  <ng-container *ngSwitchCase="'lines'">
+                      <p 
+                        *ngFor="let line of asLineBody(reqBody).lines; trackBy: trackByIndex"
+                        [innerHTML]="line | auditLine:reqBody.contentType"></p>
+                  </ng-container>
+                </ng-container>
@@ -90,19 +133,4 @@
-  <!-- <section *ngIf="audit.bottomText.length > 0">
-    <pre style="margin:auto;">
-      <p *ngFor="let text of audit.bottomText">{{text}}</p>
-    </pre>
-  </section> -->
-  <!-- Not sure where this info comes from? -->
-  <!-- <section class="text-align-center">
-    <h4 class="mat-h2 uppercase faded">At least one requirment has not been satisfied</h4>
-    <p class="mat-h2 faded">For more information about undergraduate L&S program see:</p>
-    <a href="#" mat-button color="primary">L&S Guide</a>
-  </section> -->
diff --git a/src/app/dars/audit/audit.component.scss b/src/app/dars/audit/audit.component.scss
index 6296c78..39fe8f8 100644
--- a/src/app/dars/audit/audit.component.scss
+++ b/src/app/dars/audit/audit.component.scss
@@ -28,8 +28,8 @@ $blue: #0479a8;
-section {
+.audit-section {
   border-bottom: solid 1px #616161;
   padding: 20px 75px;
@@ -131,17 +131,6 @@ section {
   text-align: center;
-.content-type-okSubrequirementNeedsSummaryLine {
-  margin-left: 43px;
 .requirement-line {
   display: flex;
   justify-content: flex-start;
@@ -154,14 +143,26 @@ section {
 .content-type-noSubrequirementTLine {
   margin-top: 20px;
   font-weight: bold;
+  > p {
+    display: flex;
+  }
+  i {
+    margin-right: 10px;
+  }
 .content-type-okSubrequirementTLine {
-  color: $green;
+  i {
+    color: $green;
+  }
 .content-type-noSubrequirementTLine {
-  color: $red;
+  i {
+    color: $red;
+  }
 .tline-header {
@@ -182,7 +183,7 @@ section {
 .content-type-noRequirementNeedsLine {
   color: $red;
-  margin-left: 20px;
+  // margin-left: 20px;
   align-items: center;
@@ -207,12 +208,69 @@ section {
 .content-type-noSubrequirementCourses {
   color: $blue;
+  // margin-left: 20px;
+.content-type-noRequirementNeedsLine {
+  color: $red;
   margin-left: 20px;
+  align-items: center;
+.requirement-icon-outer {
+  margin: 20px 15px 0 0;
+  font-size: 1.75rem;
+.content-type {
+  margin-bottom: 5px;
+  > p {
+    margin: 2.5px auto;
+  }
+.content-type-noSubrequirementTLine {
+  margin-top: 20px;
 .content-type-noRequirementNeedsLine {
-  margin-left: 20px;
+  // margin-left: 20px;
   color: $red;
+  Course requirments styles
+.content-type-noSubrequirementCourses {
+  .mat-table {
+    border: solid 1px #e3e3e3;
+    border-top-width: 0px;
+    border-radius: 0 0 5px 5px;
+    box-shadow: none;
+    caption {
+      padding: 10px 20px;
+      background-color: #f5f5f5;
+      border: solid 1px #e3e3e3;
+      border-radius: 5px 5px 0 0;
+      color: #7d7a7a;
+      font-weight: bold;
+      text-align-last: left;
+    }
+  }
+  .mat-header-row {
+    th {
+      padding-top: 10px;
+      padding-bottom: 10px;
+    }
+  }
diff --git a/src/app/dars/audit/audit.component.ts b/src/app/dars/audit/audit.component.ts
index e55b53a..54bc78f 100644
--- a/src/app/dars/audit/audit.component.ts
+++ b/src/app/dars/audit/audit.component.ts
@@ -1,15 +1,37 @@
-import { Component, Input, ViewChild, OnInit } from '@angular/core';
-import { Audit, Requirement, ContentType } from '../models/audit';
+import {
+  Component,
+  Input,
+  ViewChild,
+  OnInit,
+  ViewEncapsulation,
+} from '@angular/core';
+import { Audit } from '../models/audit/audit';
+import {
+  Requirement,
+  ContentType,
+  SubRequirementCourses,
+  RequirementContents,
+  SubRequirementCourse,
+} from '../models/audit/requirement';
 import { MatAccordion } from '@angular/material';
   selector: 'cse-dars-audit',
   templateUrl: './audit.component.html',
   styleUrls: ['./audit.component.scss'],
+  encapsulation: ViewEncapsulation.None,
 export class DarsAuditComponent implements OnInit {
   public metadata: any = {};
   public auditId: number;
+  public courseTerms: string[] = [
+    'term',
+    'course',
+    'credits',
+    'grade',
+    'title',
+    'note',
+  ];
   @Input() audit: Audit;
   @ViewChild(MatAccordion) requirements: MatAccordion;
@@ -27,19 +49,46 @@ export class DarsAuditComponent implements OnInit {
   public getRequirementTitle(requirement: Requirement): string[] {
-    const title = requirement.requirementLinesGroupedByContentType.find(
-      r =>
+    const title = requirement.requirementContents.find(
+      (r): r is ContentType =>
         r.contentType === 'okRequirementTitle' ||
         r.contentType === 'noRequirementTitle',
     return title ? title.lines : ['No title found'];
-  public getRequirementBody(requirement: Requirement): ContentType[] {
-    return requirement.requirementLinesGroupedByContentType.filter(
-      r =>
-        r.contentType !== 'okRequirementTitle' &&
-        r.contentType !== 'noRequirementTitle',
-    );
+  public getRequirementBody(requirement: Requirement) {
+    return requirement.requirementContents.reduce<
+      (
+        | ContentType & { template: 'lines' }
+        | SubRequirementCourses & { template: 'courses' })[]
+    >((acc, item) => {
+      switch (item.contentType) {
+        case 'okRequirementTitle':
+        case 'noRequirementTitle':
+          return acc;
+        case 'okSubrequirementCourses':
+        case 'noSubrequirementCourses':
+          return [...acc, { ...item, template: 'courses' }];
+        default:
+          return [...acc, { ...item, template: 'lines' }];
+      }
+    }, []);
+  }
+  public trackReq(index: number, req: Requirement) {
+    return `${index}-${req.requirementName}`;
+  }
+  public trackByIndex(index: number, i: any) {
+    return index;
+  }
+  public asCourseBody(reqBody: any) {
+    return reqBody as (SubRequirementCourses & { template: 'courses' });
+  }
+  public asLineBody(reqBody: any) {
+    return reqBody as (ContentType & { template: 'lines' });
diff --git a/src/app/dars/dars-view/dars-view.component.html b/src/app/dars/dars-view/dars-view.component.html
index 237607f..a150980 100644
--- a/src/app/dars/dars-view/dars-view.component.html
+++ b/src/app/dars/dars-view/dars-view.component.html
@@ -6,7 +6,8 @@
         Return to audit list
-      <ng-container [ngSwitch]="visibleAuditStatus$ | async">
+      <!-- <ng-container [ngSwitch]="visibleAuditStatus$ | async"> -->
+      <ng-container [ngSwitch]="'Loaded'">
         <ng-container *ngSwitchCase="'Loaded'">
           <cse-dars-audit [audit]="audit$ | async"></cse-dars-audit>
diff --git a/src/app/dars/dars-view/dars-view.component.ts b/src/app/dars/dars-view/dars-view.component.ts
index d5e79c9..597f524 100644
--- a/src/app/dars/dars-view/dars-view.component.ts
+++ b/src/app/dars/dars-view/dars-view.component.ts
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ import { GlobalState } from '@app/core/state';
 import * as selectors from '../store/selectors';
 import { Observable } from 'rxjs';
 import * as darsActions from '../store/actions';
-import { Audit } from '../models/audit';
+import { Audit } from '../models/audit/audit';
 import { DarsApiService } from '../services/api.service';
 import { Alert } from '@app/core/models/alert';
diff --git a/src/app/dars/models/audit.ts b/src/app/dars/models/audit.ts
deleted file mode 100644
index d2899ec..0000000
--- a/src/app/dars/models/audit.ts
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
-export interface ContentType {
-  contentType:
-    | 'blankLine'
-    | 'hText'
-    | 'noRequirementNeedsLine'
-    | 'noRequirementTitle'
-    | 'noSubrequirementAcceptCourses'
-    | 'noSubrequirementCourses'
-    | 'noSubrequirementNeedsSummaryLine'
-    | 'noSubrequirementRejectCourses'
-    | 'noSubrequirementTLine'
-    | 'okRequirementTitle'
-    | 'okSubrequirementAcceptCourses'
-    | 'okSubrequirementCourses'
-    | 'okSubrequirementEarnedLine'
-    | 'okSubrequirementNeedsSummaryLine'
-    | 'okSubrequirementTLine';
-  lines: string[];
-export interface Requirement {
-  requirementName: string;
-  status: { status: string; description: string };
-  requirementLinesGroupedByContentType: ContentType[];
-export interface Audit {
-  header: {
-    catalogYear: string;
-    catalogYearLabel: string;
-    clientDefinedMessage: string;
-    degreeProgram: string;
-    degreeProgramLabel: string;
-    graduationDate: string;
-    graduationDateLabel: string;
-    name: string;
-    preparedDate: string;
-    studentId: string;
-    title1: string;
-    title2: string;
-  };
-  topText: string[];
-  bottomText: string[];
-  completeText: string;
-  errorText: any[];
-  requirements: Requirement[];
diff --git a/src/app/dars/models/audit/audit.ts b/src/app/dars/models/audit/audit.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bc866c5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/app/dars/models/audit/audit.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+import { AuditTopSection } from './top-section';
+import { AuditBottomSection } from './bottom-section';
+import { Requirement } from './requirement';
+export interface Audit {
+  header: AuditHeader;
+  topSection: AuditTopSection;
+  requirements: Requirement[];
+  completeText: string;
+  requirementEndnote: string;
+  bottomSection: AuditBottomSection;
+  errorText: any[];
+export interface AuditHeader {
+  preparedLabel: string;
+  preparedDate: string;
+  studentCampusId: string;
+  studentName: string;
+  darsCatalogYearTermLabel: string;
+  darsCatalogYearTerm: string;
+  darsDegreeProgramCodeLabel: string;
+  darsDegreeProgramCode: string;
+  darsAlternateCatalogYearTerm1Label: string;
+  darsAlternateCatalogYearTerm1: string;
+  clientDefinedMessage: string;
+  degreeProgramTitle1: string;
+  degreeProgramTitle2: string;
diff --git a/src/app/dars/models/audit/bottom-section.ts b/src/app/dars/models/audit/bottom-section.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f4a4e79
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/app/dars/models/audit/bottom-section.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+export interface AuditBottomSection {
+  memorandaSection: {
+    label: string;
+    memorandaLines: string[];
+  };
+  exceptionsSection: {
+    label: string;
+    exceptions: AuditException[];
+  };
+export interface AuditException {
+  date: string;
+  exceptionTypeCode: string;
+  memo: string;
diff --git a/src/app/dars/models/audit/requirement.ts b/src/app/dars/models/audit/requirement.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4ced698
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/app/dars/models/audit/requirement.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+export interface Requirement {
+  requirementName: string;
+  status: { status: string; description: string };
+  requirementContents: RequirementContents[];
+export type RequirementContents = ContentType | SubRequirementCourses;
+export interface ContentType {
+  contentType:
+    | 'blankLine'
+    | 'hText'
+    | 'noRequirementNeedsLine'
+    | 'noRequirementTitle'
+    | 'noSubrequirementAcceptCourses'
+    | 'noSubrequirementNeedsSummaryLine'
+    | 'noSubrequirementRejectCourses'
+    | 'noSubrequirementTLine'
+    | 'okRequirementTitle'
+    | 'okSubrequirementAcceptCourses'
+    | 'okSubrequirementEarnedLine'
+    | 'okSubrequirementNeedsSummaryLine'
+    | 'okSubrequirementTLine';
+  lines: string[];
+export interface SubRequirementCourse {
+  term: string;
+  course: string;
+  credits: string;
+  grade: string;
+  courseNote: null | string;
+  courseTitle: string;
+export interface SubRequirementCourses {
+  contentType: 'okSubrequirementCourses' | 'noSubrequirementCourses';
+  subRequirementCourses: SubRequirementCourse[];
diff --git a/src/app/dars/models/audit/top-section.ts b/src/app/dars/models/audit/top-section.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f784bd8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/app/dars/models/audit/top-section.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
+export interface AuditTopSection {
+  nonProductionCautionTextLabel: string;
+  nonProductionCautionText: string;
+  serverUsedLabel: string;
+  serverUsed: string;
+  whatIfCautionText: string;
+  testDegreeProgramUsedNotice: string;
+  programYearSection: {
+    primaryProgram: string;
+    yearInSchool: string;
+    label: string;
+  };
+  academicPlansSection: {
+    planList: AuditPlan[];
+  };
+  advisorSection: {
+    advisorLabel: string;
+    advisorNames: string[];
+  };
+  highSchoolUnitsSection: {
+    highSchoolUnitsLabel: string;
+    units: [];
+  };
+  advancedStandingCreditsSection: {
+    advancedStandingLabels: {
+      dateLabel: string;
+      typeLabel: string;
+      degreeCreditsLabel: string;
+      courseCreditsLabel: string;
+    };
+    advanceStandingCredits: AuditAdvanceStandingCredits[];
+    totals: {
+      totalsLabel: string;
+      degreeCreditsValue: string;
+      courseCreditsValue: string;
+    };
+  };
+  degreesSection: {
+    label: string;
+    degrees: AuditDegree[];
+  };
+  intentToGraduate: null | string;
+  admitTypeLabel: string;
+  admitType: string;
+  academicActions: null | string;
+export interface AuditPlan {
+  planTypeLabel: string;
+  declareDate: string;
+  planCodeNumber: string;
+  planCodeDescription: string;
+export interface AuditUnits {
+  unitLabel: string;
+  subjectUnits: null | AuditSubjectUnit[];
+export interface AuditSubjectUnit {
+  subject: string;
+  unitsTaken: string;
+export interface AuditAdvanceStandingCredits {
+  dateValue: string;
+  typeValue: string;
+  degreeCreditsValue: string;
+  courseCreditsValue: string;
+export interface AuditDegree {
+  awardedDate: string;
+  degreeCode: string;
+  major: string;
diff --git a/src/app/dars/pipes/audit-line.pipe.ts b/src/app/dars/pipes/audit-line.pipe.ts
index 33522bb..3b0223c 100644
--- a/src/app/dars/pipes/audit-line.pipe.ts
+++ b/src/app/dars/pipes/audit-line.pipe.ts
@@ -1,14 +1,6 @@
 import { Pipe, PipeTransform } from '@angular/core';
-import { ContentType } from '../models/audit';
- * Raise the value exponentially
- * Takes an exponent argument that defaults to 1.
- * Usage:
- *   value | exponentialStrength:exponent
- * Example:
- *   {{ 2 | exponentialStrength:10 }}
- *   formats to: 1024
- */
+import { ContentType } from '../models/audit/requirement';
 @Pipe({ name: 'auditLine' })
 export class AuditLinePipe implements PipeTransform {
   replaceIcon(line: string, search: string, icon: string): string {
diff --git a/src/app/dars/services/api.service.ts b/src/app/dars/services/api.service.ts
index 8c69c59..719e1eb 100644
--- a/src/app/dars/services/api.service.ts
+++ b/src/app/dars/services/api.service.ts
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ import { DegreeProgram } from '../models/degree-program';
 import { AuditMetadata } from '../models/audit-metadata';
 import { StudentDegreeProgram } from '../models/student-degree-program';
 import { environment } from './../../../environments/environment';
-import { Audit } from '../models/audit';
+import { Audit } from '../models/audit/audit';
 import { map } from 'rxjs/operators';
 const auditResponse: any = require('../../../assets/mock-data/audit-response.json');
diff --git a/src/app/dars/store/actions.ts b/src/app/dars/store/actions.ts
index b7aed37..a30ef3f 100644
--- a/src/app/dars/store/actions.ts
+++ b/src/app/dars/store/actions.ts
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 import { DARSState } from '@app/dars/store/state';
 import { Action } from '@ngrx/store';
 import { AuditMetadata } from '../models/audit-metadata';
-import { Audit } from '../models/audit';
+import { Audit } from '../models/audit/audit';
 export enum DarsActionTypes {
   ErrorLoadingMetadata = '[DARS] Error Loading Metadata',
diff --git a/src/app/dars/store/state.ts b/src/app/dars/store/state.ts
index 8adfeb8..5b90c48 100644
--- a/src/app/dars/store/state.ts
+++ b/src/app/dars/store/state.ts
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 import { Alert } from './../../core/models/alert';
 import { AuditMetadata } from '../models/audit-metadata';
-import { Audit } from '../models/audit';
 import { DegreePlan } from '@app/core/models/degree-plan';
+import { Audit } from '../models/audit/audit';
 export interface DARSState {
   degreePlans: DegreePlan[];
diff --git a/src/assets/mock-data/audit-response.json b/src/assets/mock-data/audit-response.json
index 60ed8e3..a3a7e5b 100644
--- a/src/assets/mock-data/audit-response.json
+++ b/src/assets/mock-data/audit-response.json
@@ -1,1785 +1,1664 @@
-  "header":{
-     "preparedDate":"Prepared: 04/24/19 - 12:18",
-     "studentId":"0000000000",
-     "name":"John Doe",
-     "graduationDateLabel":"",
-     "graduationDate":"Catalog Year: 20171",
-     "degreeProgramLabel":"Program Code:",
-     "degreeProgram":"ENG 465",
-     "catalogYearLabel":"",
-     "catalogYear":"Alternate Catalog Year: 20171",
-     "clientDefinedMessage":"DEGREE AUDIT REPORTING SYSTEM (DARS)",
-     "title1":"What If DARS for B. S. in Geological Engineering",
-     "title2":"Geological Engineering"
-  },
-  "topText":[
-     "Caution: Non-production environment: ISDEV, DARSD",
-     "Server: 4.4.1 SDL Release 1.6: DARS-624 and DARS-678 oneOff",
-     "CL/YR: BUS  4",
-     "",
-     "Major:   08/29/16  569  InfoSystms",
-     "Certif:  12/25/17  316  French",
-     "",
-     "Advisors: Murray,Jackie",
-     "          Miernowska,Ewa",
-     "HS Units:",
-     " Lang:     0.0  FRE 4.0",
-     " Math: ALG 1.0  GEO 1.0  ADV 4.0",
-     " Science:",
-     " Soc Stud:",
-     "",
-     "Advanced Standing Credits",
-     "         Date        Type       Deg      Crse",
-     "       08/29/16    CEEB         41       41",
-     "       12/25/16    RETRO         8        8",
-     "      **Totals**                49       49",
-     "Admit Type: FYR",
-     ""
-  ],
-  "completeText":"------> AT LEAST ONE REQUIREMENT HAS NOT BEEN SATISFIED <------",
-  "requirements":[
-     {
-        "requirementName":"TXTCOEWIF",
-        "status":{
-           "status":"NONE",
-           "description":""
-        },
-        "requirementLinesGroupedByContentType":[
-           {
-              "contentType":"hText",
-              "lines":[
-                 "",
-                 "This report shows how past and present coursework applies toward",
-                 "general college requirements (GCR) for current College",
-                 "of Engineering students. It is a guideline; it does not",
-                 "guarantee acceptance into a CoE degree granting program",
-                 "or graduation from one. The program requirements below",
-                 "are those in effect today and are subject to change until you",
-                 "enter this degree-granting program.",
-                 "",
-                 "Please call 608-262-2473 for information on engineering advising",
-                 "or questions regarding this report."
-              ]
+   "header": {
+       "preparedLabel": "Prepared",
+       "preparedDate": "05/30/19 - 15:31",
+       "studentCampusId": "9999999999",
+       "studentName": "Last,First",
+       "darsCatalogYearTermLabel": "Catalog Year",
+       "darsCatalogYearTerm": "20062",
+       "darsDegreeProgramCodeLabel": "Program Code",
+       "darsDegreeProgramCode": "HEC 522",
+       "darsAlternateCatalogYearTerm1Label": "Alternate Catalog Year",
+       "darsAlternateCatalogYearTerm1": "20031",
+       "clientDefinedMessage": "DEGREE AUDIT REPORTING SYSTEM (DARS)",
+       "degreeProgramTitle1": "SCHOOL OF HUMAN ECOLOGY",
+   },
+   "topSection": {
+       "nonProductionCautionTextLabel": "Caution",
+       "nonProductionCautionText": "Non-production environment: ISDEV, DARSD",
+       "serverUsedLabel": "Server",
+       "serverUsed": "4.4.1 SDL Release 1.6: DARS-624 and DARS-678 oneOff",
+       "whatIfCautionText": null,
+       "testDegreeProgramUsedNotice": null,
+       "programYearSection": {
+           "primaryProgram": "HEC",
+           "yearInSchool": "4",
+           "label": "CL/YR"
+       },
+       "academicPlansSection": {
+           "planList": [
+               {
+                   "planTypeLabel": "MAJOR",
+                   "declareDate": "10/10/05",
+                   "planCodeNumber": "522",
+                   "planCodeDescription": "Fam&CnsrEd"
+               },
+               {
+                   "planTypeLabel": "MAJOR",
+                   "declareDate": "11/25/02",
+                   "planCodeNumber": "540",
+                   "planCodeDescription": "HumDev&FS"
+               }
+           ]
+       },
+       "advisorSection": {
+           "advisorLabel": "ADVISORS",
+           "advisorNames": null
+       },
+       "highSchoolUnitsSection": {
+           "highSchoolUnitsLabel": "HS UNITS",
+           "units": [
+               {
+                   "unitLabel": "LANG",
+                   "subjectUnits": [
+                       {
+                           "subject": "FRE",
+                           "unitsTaken": "1.0"
+                       },
+                       {
+                           "subject": "SPA",
+                           "unitsTaken": "0.5"
+                       }
+                   ]
+               },
+               {
+                   "unitLabel": "MATH",
+                   "subjectUnits": [
+                       {
+                           "subject": "ALG",
+                           "unitsTaken": "1.0"
+                       },
+                       {
+                           "subject": "GEO",
+                           "unitsTaken": "1.0"
+                       }
+                   ]
+               },
+               {
+                   "unitLabel": "SCIENCE",
+                   "subjectUnits": null
+               },
+               {
+                   "unitLabel": "SOC STUD",
+                   "subjectUnits": null
+               }
+           ]
+       },
+       "advancedStandingCreditsSection": {
+           "sectionLabel": "ADVANCED STANDING CREDITS",
+           "advancedStandingLabels": {
+               "dateLabel": "DATE",
+               "typeLabel": "TYPE",
+               "degreeCreditsLabel": "DEG",
+               "courseCreditsLabel": "CRSE"
+           },
+           "advanceStandingCredits": [
+               {
+                   "dateValue": "05/20/02",
+                   "typeValue": "TRAN",
+                   "degreeCreditsValue": "28",
+                   "courseCreditsValue": "28"
+               },
+               {
+                   "dateValue": "08/26/02",
+                   "typeValue": "TRAN",
+                   "degreeCreditsValue": "3",
+                   "courseCreditsValue": "3"
+               },
+               {
+                   "dateValue": "05/19/03",
+                   "typeValue": "TRAN",
+                   "degreeCreditsValue": "3",
+                   "courseCreditsValue": "3"
+               }
+           ],
+           "totals": {
+               "totalsLabel": "**TOTALS**",
+               "degreeCreditsValue": "34",
+               "courseCreditsValue": "34"
-        ]
-     },
-     {
-        "requirementName":"TXTGCR15W",
-        "status":{
-           "status":"NONE",
-           "description":""
-        },
-        "requirementLinesGroupedByContentType":[
-           {
-              "contentType":"hText",
-              "lines":[
-                 "",
-                 "OR LATER (GCR)",
-                 "",
-                 "GCR applies to students entering a CoE major Fall 2015 or",
-                 "later. Outlined below are the requirements for progression or",
-                 "consideration for admission for CoE students into this degree",
-                 "granting program."
-              ]
-           }
-        ]
-     },
-     {
-        "requirementName":"GCR15GLEC",
-        "status":{
-           "status":"NO",
-           "description":"This requirement has NOT yet been completed"
-        },
-        "requirementLinesGroupedByContentType":[
-           {
-              "contentType":"noRequirementTitle",
-              "lines":[
-                 "     General College Requirements for engineering students",
-                 "GLE program specific criteria for progression requirements"
-              ]
-           },
-           {
-              "contentType":"noRequirementNeedsLine",
-              "lines":[
-                 "--> NEEDS:                            3 sub-groups"
-              ]
-           },
-           {
-              "contentType":"blankLine",
-              "lines":[
-                 ""
-              ]
-           },
-           {
-              "contentType":"okSubrequirementTLine",
-              "lines":[
-                 "IP+  1) Minimum core GPA required for GLE program progression"
-              ]
-           },
-           {
-              "contentType":"okSubrequirementEarnedLine",
-              "lines":[
-                 "3.0 GPA Cred. Earned       12.0 Points  4.000 GPA"
-              ]
-           },
-           {
-              "contentType":"okSubrequirementCourses",
-              "lines":[
-                 "FA18 COMP SCI301     3.0 A    Intro Data Programming",
-                 "SP19 COMP SCI200     3.0 INP  Programming I",
-                 "SP19 INFO SYS371     3.0 INP  Tech:Computer-Based Bus Sys"
-              ]
-           },
-           {
-              "contentType":"okSubrequirementNeedsSummaryLine",
-              "lines":[
-                 "NEEDS:                              2.800 GPA"
-              ]
-           },
-           {
-              "contentType":"blankLine",
-              "lines":[
-                 ""
-              ]
-           },
-           {
-              "contentType":"noSubrequirementTLine",
-              "lines":[
-                 "IP-  2) Complete at least four core courses at UW-Madison"
-              ]
-           },
-           {
-              "contentType":"noSubrequirementCourses",
-              "lines":[
-                 "FA18 COMP SCI301     3.0 A    Intro Data Programming",
-                 "SP19 COMP SCI200     3.0 INP  Programming I",
-                 "SP19 INFO SYS371     3.0 INP  Tech:Computer-Based Bus Sys"
-              ]
-           },
-           {
-              "contentType":"noSubrequirementNeedsSummaryLine",
-              "lines":[
-                 "NEEDS:                 1 course"
-              ]
-           },
-           {
-              "contentType":"noSubrequirementRejectCourses",
-              "lines":[
-                 "-> Not from: ******** *89,198,298,398,598,698,*99,601",
-                 "B M E 515,517,603  CBE 425,555,562  CHEM 260,261,425",
-                 "CIV ENGR 579,609,618,619,625,629,639,649,659,669,679,",
-                 "CIV ENGR 689  COMP SCI 304,368  E C E 350,379,491,600",
-                 "E M A 291,425,453  E P 468,469,568,569  G L E 401",
-                 "MATH 228,407,473,490,491,607  M E 291,425,491,492",
-                 "M S & E 401  N E 231,602  PHYSICS 206,301,406,472,505",
-                 "STAT 301,371"
-              ]
-           },
-           {
-              "contentType":"noSubrequirementAcceptCourses",
-              "lines":[
-                 "Select from: MATH 217 TO 699  STAT 224 TO 699  CHEM 103",
-                 "TO 699  COMP SCI 300 TO 699  E M A 201,202 OR M E 240",
-                 "E P 271  PHYSICS 201 TO 699"
-              ]
-           },
-           {
-              "contentType":"blankLine",
-              "lines":[
-                 ""
-              ]
-           },
-           {
-              "contentType":"noSubrequirementTLine",
-              "lines":[
-                 "-  3) Two math courses 217 and above at UW-Madison"
-              ]
-           },
-           {
-              "contentType":"noSubrequirementNeedsSummaryLine",
-              "lines":[
-                 "NEEDS:                 2 courses"
-              ]
-           },
-           {
-              "contentType":"noSubrequirementTLine",
-              "lines":[
-                 "- OR) Calculus sequence is complete; additional math",
-                 "courses 217 and above and science courses can be",
-                 "completed for minimum of four core courses"
-              ]
-           },
-           {
-              "contentType":"noSubrequirementCourses",
-              "lines":[
-                 "FA16 MATH    221     5.0 T    Calculus&Analytic Geometry 1",
-                 "FA16 MATH    222     4.0 T    Calculus&Analytic Geometry 2"
-              ]
-           },
-           {
-              "contentType":"noSubrequirementNeedsSummaryLine",
-              "lines":[
-                 "NEEDS:                 1 course"
-              ]
-           },
-           {
-              "contentType":"noSubrequirementTLine",
-              "lines":[
-                 "- OR) One math course 300 and above at UW-Madison"
-              ]
-           },
-           {
-              "contentType":"noSubrequirementNeedsSummaryLine",
-              "lines":[
-                 "NEEDS:                 1 course"
-              ]
-           },
-           {
-              "contentType":"blankLine",
-              "lines":[
-                 ""
-              ]
-           },
-           {
-              "contentType":"okSubrequirementTLine",
-              "lines":[
-                 "IP+  4) Two science courses at UW-Madison"
-              ]
-           },
-           {
-              "contentType":"okSubrequirementCourses",
-              "lines":[
-                 "FA18 COMP SCI301     3.0 A    Intro Data Programming",
-                 "SP19 COMP SCI200     3.0 INP  Programming I",
-                 "SP19 INFO SYS371     3.0 INP  Tech:Computer-Based Bus Sys"
-              ]
-           },
-           {
-              "contentType":"blankLine",
-              "lines":[
-                 ""
-              ]
-           },
-           {
-              "contentType":"noSubrequirementTLine",
-              "lines":[
-                 "-  5) One course must be either chemistry 104 or higher",
-                 "OR physics 201/EMA 201 or higher"
-              ]
-           },
-           {
-              "contentType":"noSubrequirementNeedsSummaryLine",
-              "lines":[
-                 "NEEDS:                 1 course"
-              ]
-           },
-           {
-              "contentType":"blankLine",
-              "lines":[
-                 ""
-              ]
-           },
-           {
-              "contentType":"okSubrequirementTLine",
-              "lines":[
-                 "IP+  6) Minimum overall GPA for GLE program progression"
-              ]
-           },
-           {
-              "contentType":"okSubrequirementEarnedLine",
-              "lines":[
-                 "77.0 GPA Cred. Earned      274.0 Points  3.558 GPA"
-              ]
-           },
-           {
-              "contentType":"okSubrequirementCourses",
-              "lines":[
-                 "FA16 ENGLISH X04     3.0 T    Electives",
-                 "FA16 GEN ELCTX12     3.0 T >R Electives",
-                 "FA16 GEN ELCTX12     3.0 T >R Electives",
-                 "FA16 GEOG    X22     3.0 T    Electives",
-                 "FA16 HISTORY X13     3.0 T    Electives",
-                 "FA16 MATH    221     5.0 T    Calculus&Analytic Geometry 1",
-                 "FA16 MATH    222     4.0 T    Calculus&Analytic Geometry 2",
-                 "FA16 PHYSICS X15     3.0 T    Electives",
-                 "FA16 POLI SCI104     4.0 T    Intro-Amer Politcs&Governmt",
-                 "FA16 POLI SCI106     4.0 T    Politics Around the World",
-                 "FA16 PSYCH   202     3.0 T    Introduction to Psychology",
-                 "FA16 STAT    X10     3.0 T    Electives",
-                 "FA16 ECON    101     4.0 AB   Principles-Microeconomics",
-                 "FA16 ENGL    140     4.0 A    Environmental Literature",
-                 "FA16 FRENCH  203     4.0 A    Third Semester French",
-                 "FA16 GEN BUS 365084  3.0 A >R Direct Admit - LEAD class",
-                 "SP17 FRENCH  101     4.0 T    First Semester French",
-                 "SP17 FRENCH  102     4.0 T    Second Semester French",
-                 "SP17 ASTRON  103     3.0 AB   The Evolving Universe",
-                 "SP17 ENGL    162     3.0 AB   Shakespeare: Stage and Screen",
-                 "SP17 FRENCH  204     4.0 AB   Fourth Semester French",
-                 "SP17 MARKETNG300     3.0 B    Marketing Management",
-                 "SP17 PHILOS  341095  4.0 A    Contemporary Moral Issues",
-                 "FA17 ECON    102     4.0 AB   Principles-Macroeconomics",
-                 "FA17 FRENCH  228     4.0 B    Intermed Language & Culture",
-                 "FA17 GEN BUS 306     3.0 B    Business Analytics I",
-                 "FA17 SOC     170     3.0 A    Population Problems",
-                 "SP18 ACCT I S100     3.0 BC   Intro Financial Accounting",
-                 "SP18 FRENCH  271002  4.0 A    Intro to Literary Analysis",
-                 "SP18 GEN BUS 300     3.0 A    Professional Communication",
-                 "SP18 GEN BUS 301     3.0 BC   Business Law",
-                 "SP18 OTM     300     3.0 AB   Operations Management",
-                 "FA18 COMP SCI301     3.0 A    Intro Data Programming",
-                 "FA18 FRENCH  313     3.0 A    Prof Comm&Cultr in Franc Worl",
-                 "FA18 GEN BUS 307     3.0 B    Business Analytics II",
-                 "FA18 GEN BUS 365001  3.0 A >R Business Analytics Technology",
-                 "FA18 MARKETNG310     3.0 AB   Marketing Research",
-                 "SP19 COMP SCI200     3.0 INP  Programming I",
-                 "SP19 FINANCE 300     3.0 INP  Introduction to Finance",
-                 "SP19 FRENCH  322     3.0 INP  Intro to Lit of Modernity",
-                 "SP19 INFO SYS371     3.0 INP  Tech:Computer-Based Bus Sys",
-                 "SP19 M H R   300     3.0 INP  Managing Organizations",
-                 "SP19 OTM     442     3.0 INP  Database Mngmnt & Application"
-              ]
-           },
-           {
-              "contentType":"okSubrequirementNeedsSummaryLine",
-              "lines":[
-                 "NEEDS:                              2.500 GPA"
-              ]
-           }
-        ]
-     },
-     {
-        "requirementName":"GCR15PRO",
-        "status":{
-           "status":"NO",
-           "description":"This requirement has NOT yet been completed"
-        },
-        "requirementLinesGroupedByContentType":[
-           {
-              "contentType":"noRequirementTitle",
-              "lines":[
-                 "     General College Requirements for engineering students",
-                 "Basic criteria for progression in Engineering departments"
-              ]
-           },
-           {
-              "contentType":"noRequirementNeedsLine",
-              "lines":[
-                 "--> NEEDS:                            1 sub group"
-              ]
-           },
-           {
-              "contentType":"okSubrequirementTLine",
-              "lines":[
-                 "1) Communication A requirement is satisfied",
-                 "by placement score, transfer credit or test credit"
-              ]
-           },
-           {
-              "contentType":"okSubrequirementCourses",
-              "lines":[
-                 "GERCOMA         0.0 PS",
-                 "GERCOMA         0.0 PS",
-                 "FA16 ENGLISH X04     3.0 T    Electives"
-              ]
-           },
-           {
-              "contentType":"blankLine",
-              "lines":[
-                 ""
-              ]
-           },
-           {
-              "contentType":"okSubrequirementTLine",
-              "lines":[
-                 "IP+  2) Liberal elective required when Communications A",
-                 "is satisfied by placement or non-Madison course",
-                 "(or Comm A taken at UW-Madison)"
-              ]
-           },
-           {
-              "contentType":"okSubrequirementCourses",
-              "lines":[
-                 "FA16 ECON    101     4.0 AB   Principles-Microeconomics",
-                 "FA16 ENGL    140     4.0 A    Environmental Literature",
-                 "FA16 FRENCH  203     4.0 A    Third Semester French",
-                 "SP17 ENGL    162     3.0 AB   Shakespeare: Stage and Screen",
-                 "SP17 FRENCH  204     4.0 AB   Fourth Semester French",
-                 "SP17 PHILOS  341095  4.0 A    Contemporary Moral Issues",
-                 "FA17 ECON    102     4.0 AB   Principles-Macroeconomics",
-                 "FA17 FRENCH  228     4.0 B    Intermed Language & Culture",
-                 "FA17 SOC     170     3.0 A    Population Problems",
-                 "SP18 FRENCH  271002  4.0 A    Intro to Literary Analysis",
-                 "FA18 FRENCH  313     3.0 A    Prof Comm&Cultr in Franc Worl",
-                 "SP19 FINANCE 300     3.0 INP  Introduction to Finance",
-                 "SP19 FRENCH  322     3.0 INP  Intro to Lit of Modernity",
-                 "SP19 INFO SYS371     3.0 INP  Tech:Computer-Based Bus Sys"
-              ]
-           },
-           {
-              "contentType":"blankLine",
-              "lines":[
-                 ""
-              ]
-           },
-           {
-              "contentType":"noSubrequirementTLine",
-              "lines":[
-                 "-  3) Intro to Engineering",
-                 "(recommended but not required for transfer students)"
-              ]
-           },
-           {
-              "contentType":"noSubrequirementNeedsSummaryLine",
-              "lines":[
-                 "NEEDS:                 1 course"
-              ]
-           },
-           {
-              "contentType":"noSubrequirementAcceptCourses",
-              "lines":[
-                 "Select from: INTEREGR 110"
-              ]
-           },
-           {
-              "contentType":"blankLine",
-              "lines":[
-                 ""
-              ]
-           },
-           {
-              "contentType":"okSubrequirementTLine",
-              "lines":[
-                 "+  4) Calculus I"
-              ]
-           },
-           {
-              "contentType":"okSubrequirementCourses",
-              "lines":[
-                 "FA16 MATH    221     5.0 T    Calculus&Analytic Geometry 1"
-              ]
-           },
-           {
-              "contentType":"blankLine",
-              "lines":[
-                 ""
-              ]
-           },
-           {
-              "contentType":"okSubrequirementTLine",
-              "lines":[
-                 "+  5) Calculus II"
-              ]
-           },
-           {
-              "contentType":"okSubrequirementCourses",
-              "lines":[
-                 "FA16 MATH    222     4.0 T    Calculus&Analytic Geometry 2"
-              ]
-           },
-           {
-              "contentType":"blankLine",
-              "lines":[
-                 ""
-              ]
-           },
-           {
-              "contentType":"okSubrequirementTLine",
-              "lines":[
-                 "IP+  6) At least 24 Madison credits required"
-              ]
-           },
-           {
-              "contentType":"okSubrequirementEarnedLine",
-              "lines":[
-                 "95.0 credits added"
-              ]
-           },
-           {
-              "contentType":"okSubrequirementCourses",
-              "lines":[
-                 "FA16 ECON    101     4.0 AB   Principles-Microeconomics",
-                 "FA16 ENGL    140     4.0 A    Environmental Literature",
-                 "FA16 FRENCH  203     4.0 A    Third Semester French",
-                 "FA16 GEN BUS 365084  3.0 A >R Direct Admit - LEAD class",
-                 "SP17 ASTRON  103     3.0 AB   The Evolving Universe",
-                 "SP17 ENGL    162     3.0 AB   Shakespeare: Stage and Screen",
-                 "SP17 FRENCH  204     4.0 AB   Fourth Semester French",
-                 "SP17 MARKETNG300     3.0 B    Marketing Management",
-                 "SP17 PHILOS  341095  4.0 A    Contemporary Moral Issues",
-                 "FA17 ECON    102     4.0 AB   Principles-Macroeconomics",
-                 "FA17 FRENCH  228     4.0 B    Intermed Language & Culture",
-                 "FA17 GEN BUS 306     3.0 B    Business Analytics I",
-                 "FA17 SOC     170     3.0 A    Population Problems",
-                 "SP18 ACCT I S100     3.0 BC   Intro Financial Accounting",
-                 "SP18 FRENCH  271002  4.0 A    Intro to Literary Analysis",
-                 "SP18 GEN BUS 300     3.0 A    Professional Communication",
-                 "SP18 GEN BUS 301     3.0 BC   Business Law",
-                 "SP18 OTM     300     3.0 AB   Operations Management",
-                 "FA18 COMP SCI301     3.0 A    Intro Data Programming",
-                 "FA18 FRENCH  313     3.0 A    Prof Comm&Cultr in Franc Worl",
-                 "FA18 GEN BUS 307     3.0 B    Business Analytics II",
-                 "FA18 GEN BUS 365001  3.0 A >R Business Analytics Technology",
-                 "FA18 MARKETNG310     3.0 AB   Marketing Research",
-                 "SP19 COMP SCI200     3.0 INP  Programming I",
-                 "SP19 FINANCE 300     3.0 INP  Introduction to Finance",
-                 "SP19 FRENCH  322     3.0 INP  Intro to Lit of Modernity",
-                 "SP19 INFO SYS371     3.0 INP  Tech:Computer-Based Bus Sys",
-                 "SP19 M H R   300     3.0 INP  Managing Organizations",
-                 "SP19 OTM     442     3.0 INP  Database Mngmnt & Application"
-              ]
-           }
-        ]
-     },
-     {
-        "requirementName":"TXTGLE",
-        "status":{
-           "status":"NONE",
-           "description":""
-        },
-        "requirementLinesGroupedByContentType":[
-           {
-              "contentType":"hText",
-              "lines":[
-                 "",
-              ]
-           }
-        ]
-     },
-     {
-        "requirementName":"GLCOLLEGE",
-        "status":{
-           "status":"NO",
-           "description":"This requirement has NOT yet been completed"
-        },
-        "requirementLinesGroupedByContentType":[
-           {
-              "contentType":"noRequirementTitle",
-              "lines":[
-                 "     College Graduation Requirements"
-              ]
-           },
-           {
-              "contentType":"blankLine",
-              "lines":[
-                 ""
-              ]
-           },
-           {
-              "contentType":"okSubrequirementTLine",
-              "lines":[
-                 "IP+  1) 34A. 125 Degree Credits"
-              ]
-           },
-           {
-              "contentType":"okSubrequirementEarnedLine",
-              "lines":[
-                 "( 126.0 credits taken)                    3.558 GPA",
-                 "IN-P--->   18.0 credits"
-              ]
-           },
-           {
-              "contentType":"okSubrequirementNeedsSummaryLine",
-              "lines":[
-                 "NEEDS:                              2.000 GPA"
-              ]
-           },
-           {
-              "contentType":"blankLine",
-              "lines":[
-                 ""
-              ]
-           },
-           {
-              "contentType":"okSubrequirementTLine",
-              "lines":[
-                 "IP+  2) 34B. PCR For Sessions/Semesters of Last 60 Credits"
-              ]
-           },
-           {
-              "contentType":"okSubrequirementEarnedLine",
-              "lines":[
-                 "(  45.0 credits taken)                    3.467 GPA",
-                 "IN-P--->   18.0 credits"
-              ]
-           },
-           {
-              "contentType":"blankLine",
-              "lines":[
-                 ""
-              ]
-           },
-           {
-              "contentType":"noSubrequirementTLine",
-              "lines":[
-                 "-  4) 34D.  30 Credits in Residence in the College of Engr."
-              ]
-           },
-           {
-              "contentType":"noSubrequirementNeedsSummaryLine",
-              "lines":[
-                 "NEEDS:   30.0 credits"
-              ]
-           },
-           {
-              "contentType":"blankLine",
-              "lines":[
-                 ""
-              ]
-           },
-           {
-              "contentType":"noSubrequirementTLine",
-              "lines":[
-                 "-  5) 34D.  15 Credits in  GLE  While in Residence"
-              ]
-           },
-           {
-              "contentType":"noSubrequirementNeedsSummaryLine",
-              "lines":[
-                 "NEEDS:   15.0 credits"
-              ]
-           },
-           {
-              "contentType":"blankLine",
-              "lines":[
-                 ""
-              ]
-           },
-           {
-              "contentType":"noSubrequirementTLine",
-              "lines":[
-                 "-  6) 34E.  Last Semester, Full-Time in Residence"
-              ]
-           },
-           {
-              "contentType":"noSubrequirementNeedsSummaryLine",
-              "lines":[
-                 "NEEDS:   12.0 credits"
-              ]
-           },
-           {
-              "contentType":"blankLine",
-              "lines":[
-                 ""
-              ]
-           },
-           {
-              "contentType":"noSubrequirementTLine",
-              "lines":[
-                 "-  7) 34E.  Second-Last Sem, Full-Time in Residence"
-              ]
-           },
-           {
-              "contentType":"noSubrequirementNeedsSummaryLine",
-              "lines":[
-                 "NEEDS:   12.0 credits"
-              ]
-           },
-           {
-              "contentType":"blankLine",
-              "lines":[
-                 ""
-              ]
-           },
-           {
-              "contentType":"okSubrequirementTLine",
-              "lines":[
-                 "IP+  8) 34F.  GPA in Last Two Semesters"
-              ]
-           },
-           {
-              "contentType":"okSubrequirementEarnedLine",
-              "lines":[
-                 "(  15.0 credits taken)                    3.700 GPA",
-                 "IN-P--->   18.0 credits"
-              ]
-           },
-           {
-              "contentType":"blankLine",
-              "lines":[
-                 ""
-              ]
-           },
-           {
-              "contentType":"okSubrequirementTLine",
-              "lines":[
-                 "IP+  9) 34F.  GPA in Last Semester"
-              ]
-           },
-           {
-              "contentType":"okSubrequirementEarnedLine",
-              "lines":[
-                 "(   0.0 credits taken)",
-                 "IN-P--->   18.0 credits"
-              ]
-           }
-        ]
-     },
-     {
-        "requirementName":"ECCURRENT",
-        "status":{
-           "status":"NONE",
-           "description":""
-        },
-        "requirementLinesGroupedByContentType":[
-           {
-              "contentType":"okRequirementTitle",
-              "lines":[
-                 "asses being taken in the current semester"
-              ]
-           },
-           {
-              "contentType":"okSubrequirementCourses",
-              "lines":[
-                 "SP19 COMP SCI200     3.0 INP  Programming I",
-                 "SP19 FINANCE 300     3.0 INP  Introduction to Finance",
-                 "SP19 FRENCH  322     3.0 INP  Intro to Lit of Modernity",
-                 "SP19 INFO SYS371     3.0 INP  Tech:Computer-Based Bus Sys",
-                 "SP19 M H R   300     3.0 INP  Managing Organizations",
-                 "SP19 OTM     442     3.0 INP  Database Mngmnt & Application"
-              ]
-           }
-        ]
-     },
-     {
-        "requirementName":"GLEGCR",
-        "status":{
-           "status":"NO",
-           "description":"This requirement has NOT yet been completed"
-        },
-        "requirementLinesGroupedByContentType":[
-           {
-              "contentType":"hText",
-              "lines":[
-                 "General College Requirements",
-                 ""
-              ]
-           },
-           {
-              "contentType":"noRequirementTitle",
-              "lines":[
-                 "     General College Requirements:",
-                 "Basic criteria for CoE"
-              ]
-           },
-           {
-              "contentType":"noRequirementNeedsLine",
-              "lines":[
-                 "--> NEEDS:                            2 sub-groups"
-              ]
-           },
-           {
-              "contentType":"blankLine",
-              "lines":[
-                 ""
-              ]
-           },
-           {
-              "contentType":"noSubrequirementTLine",
-              "lines":[
-                 "1) Intro to Engineering (optional: not required",
-                 "for transfer students)"
-              ]
-           },
-           {
-              "contentType":"noSubrequirementNeedsSummaryLine",
-              "lines":[
-                 "NEEDS:                 1 course"
-              ]
-           },
-           {
-              "contentType":"noSubrequirementAcceptCourses",
-              "lines":[
-                 "Select from: INTEREGR 101,160",
-                 "E P D 690 [Society's Eng Grand Challenge]",
-                 "INTEREGR 102  M S & E 250"
-              ]
-           },
-           {
-              "contentType":"blankLine",
-              "lines":[
-                 ""
-              ]
-           },
-           {
-              "contentType":"noSubrequirementTLine",
-              "lines":[
-                 "-  2) Physics"
-              ]
-           },
-           {
-              "contentType":"noSubrequirementNeedsSummaryLine",
-              "lines":[
-                 "NEEDS:                 1 course"
-              ]
-           },
-           {
-              "contentType":"noSubrequirementAcceptCourses",
-              "lines":[
-                 "Select from: E M A 201  PHYSICS 201,207,247,X01"
-              ]
-           },
-           {
-              "contentType":"blankLine",
-              "lines":[
-                 ""
-              ]
-           },
-           {
-              "contentType":"noSubrequirementTLine",
-              "lines":[
-                 "-  3) Chemistry"
-              ]
-           },
-           {
-              "contentType":"noSubrequirementNeedsSummaryLine",
-              "lines":[
-                 "NEEDS:                 1 Group"
-              ]
-           },
-           {
-              "contentType":"noSubrequirementAcceptCourses",
-              "lines":[
-                 "Select from: CHEM 103 & 104,109,115"
-              ]
-           },
-           {
-              "contentType":"blankLine",
-              "lines":[
-                 ""
-              ]
-           },
-           {
-              "contentType":"okSubrequirementTLine",
-              "lines":[
-                 "+  4) Math"
-              ]
-           },
-           {
-              "contentType":"okSubrequirementCourses",
-              "lines":[
-                 "FA16 MATH    221     5.0 T    Calculus&Analytic Geometry 1",
-                 "FA16 MATH    222     4.0 T    Calculus&Analytic Geometry 2"
-              ]
-           },
-           {
-              "contentType":"blankLine",
-              "lines":[
-                 ""
-              ]
-           },
-           {
-              "contentType":"okSubrequirementTLine",
-              "lines":[
-                 "+  5) COMM A"
-              ]
-           },
-           {
-              "contentType":"okSubrequirementCourses",
-              "lines":[
-                 "GERCOMA         0.0 PS",
-                 "GERCOMA         0.0 PS"
-              ]
-           }
-        ]
-     },
-     {
-        "requirementName":"GLMATH",
-        "status":{
-           "status":"NO",
-           "description":"This requirement has NOT yet been completed"
-        },
-        "requirementLinesGroupedByContentType":[
-           {
-              "contentType":"noRequirementTitle",
-              "lines":[
-                 "     Mathematics (beyond GCR)"
-              ]
-           },
-           {
-              "contentType":"blankLine",
-              "lines":[
-                 ""
-              ]
-           },
-           {
-              "contentType":"noSubrequirementTLine",
-              "lines":[
-                 "-  1) Multivariate calculus"
-              ]
-           },
-           {
-              "contentType":"noSubrequirementNeedsSummaryLine",
-              "lines":[
-                 "NEEDS:                 1 course"
-              ]
-           },
-           {
-              "contentType":"noSubrequirementAcceptCourses",
-              "lines":[
-                 "Select from: MATH 234"
-              ]
-           }
-        ]
-     },
-     {
-        "requirementName":"GLENGRSCI",
-        "status":{
-           "status":"NO",
-           "description":"This requirement has NOT yet been completed"
-        },
-        "requirementLinesGroupedByContentType":[
-           {
-              "contentType":"noRequirementTitle",
-              "lines":[
-                 "     Engineering Principles and Professional Issues"
-              ]
-           },
-           {
-              "contentType":"noRequirementNeedsLine",
-              "lines":[
-                 "--> NEEDS:                            4 sub-groups"
-              ]
-           },
-           {
-              "contentType":"blankLine",
-              "lines":[
-                 ""
-              ]
-           },
-           {
-              "contentType":"noSubrequirementTLine",
-              "lines":[
-                 "-  1) Statistics"
-              ]
-           },
-           {
-              "contentType":"noSubrequirementNeedsSummaryLine",
-              "lines":[
-                 "NEEDS:                 1 course"
-              ]
-           },
-           {
-              "contentType":"noSubrequirementAcceptCourses",
-              "lines":[
-                 "Select from: STAT 224,324,311"
-              ]
-           },
-           {
-              "contentType":"blankLine",
-              "lines":[
-                 ""
-              ]
-           },
-           {
-              "contentType":"noSubrequirementTLine",
-              "lines":[
-                 "-  2) Computer-based problem solving"
-              ]
-           },
-           {
-              "contentType":"noSubrequirementNeedsSummaryLine",
-              "lines":[
-                 "NEEDS:                 1 course"
-              ]
-           },
-           {
-              "contentType":"noSubrequirementAcceptCourses",
-              "lines":[
-                 "Select from: G L E 291"
-              ]
-           },
-           {
-              "contentType":"blankLine",
-              "lines":[
-                 ""
-              ]
-           },
-           {
-              "contentType":"noSubrequirementTLine",
-              "lines":[
-                 "-  3) Engineering Economics"
-              ]
-           },
-           {
-              "contentType":"noSubrequirementNeedsSummaryLine",
-              "lines":[
-                 "NEEDS:                 1 course"
-              ]
-           },
-           {
-              "contentType":"noSubrequirementAcceptCourses",
-              "lines":[
-                 "Select from: I SY E 313"
-              ]
-           },
-           {
-              "contentType":"blankLine",
-              "lines":[
-                 ""
-              ]
-           },
-           {
-              "contentType":"noSubrequirementTLine",
-              "lines":[
-                 "-  4) Professionalism, ethics and sustainability"
-              ]
-           },
-           {
-              "contentType":"noSubrequirementAcceptCourses",
-              "lines":[
-                 "Select from: INTEREGR 102,250,251",
-                 "E P D 690 [Core Competenc in Sustainblty]",
-                 "ENVIR ST 250,339,441",
-                 "G L E 401 [Ethics & Professionalism - GL]"
-              ]
-           }
-        ]
-     },
-     {
-        "requirementName":"GLSCIENCE",
-        "status":{
-           "status":"NO",
-           "description":"This requirement has NOT yet been completed"
-        },
-        "requirementLinesGroupedByContentType":[
-           {
-              "contentType":"noRequirementTitle",
-              "lines":[
-                 "     Physical Science, Engineering Science and Geoscience",
-                 "Physical and Engineering Science"
-              ]
-           },
-           {
-              "contentType":"noRequirementNeedsLine",
-              "lines":[
-                 "--> NEEDS:                            4 sub-groups"
-              ]
-           },
-           {
-              "contentType":"blankLine",
-              "lines":[
-                 ""
-              ]
-           },
-           {
-              "contentType":"noSubrequirementTLine",
-              "lines":[
-                 "-  1) Physics"
-              ]
-           },
-           {
-              "contentType":"noSubrequirementNeedsSummaryLine",
-              "lines":[
-                 "NEEDS:                 1 course"
-              ]
-           },
-           {
-              "contentType":"noSubrequirementAcceptCourses",
-              "lines":[
-                 "Select from: PHYSICS 202,208"
-              ]
-           },
-           {
-              "contentType":"blankLine",
-              "lines":[
-                 ""
-              ]
-           },
-           {
-              "contentType":"noSubrequirementTLine",
-              "lines":[
-                 "-  2) Engineering Mechanics"
-              ]
-           },
-           {
-              "contentType":"noSubrequirementNeedsSummaryLine",
-              "lines":[
-                 "NEEDS:                 3 courses"
-              ]
-           },
-           {
-              "contentType":"noSubrequirementAcceptCourses",
-              "lines":[
-                 "Select from: E M A 202,303  CIV ENGR 310"
-              ]
-           },
-           {
-              "contentType":"blankLine",
-              "lines":[
-                 ""
-              ]
-           },
-           {
-              "contentType":"noSubrequirementTLine",
-              "lines":[
-                 "-  3) Intro Geoscience"
-              ]
-           },
-           {
-              "contentType":"noSubrequirementNeedsSummaryLine",
-              "lines":[
-                 "NEEDS:                 1 course"
-              ]
-           },
-           {
-              "contentType":"noSubrequirementAcceptCourses",
-              "lines":[
-                 "Select from: GEOSCI 100,106,109"
-              ]
-           },
-           {
-              "contentType":"blankLine",
-              "lines":[
-                 ""
-              ]
-           },
-           {
-              "contentType":"noSubrequirementTLine",
-              "lines":[
-                 "-  4) Geoscience"
-              ]
-           },
-           {
-              "contentType":"noSubrequirementNeedsSummaryLine",
-              "lines":[
-                 "NEEDS:                 6 courses"
-              ]
-           },
-           {
-              "contentType":"noSubrequirementAcceptCourses",
-              "lines":[
-                 "Select from: GEOSCI 202,204,360,370,431,455"
-              ]
-           }
-        ]
-     },
-     {
-        "requirementName":"GLDESIGN",
-        "status":{
-           "status":"NO",
-           "description":"This requirement has NOT yet been completed"
-        },
-        "requirementLinesGroupedByContentType":[
-           {
-              "contentType":"noRequirementTitle",
-              "lines":[
-                 "     Geological Engineering Design"
-              ]
-           },
-           {
-              "contentType":"noSubrequirementTLine",
-              "lines":[
-                 "-  1) GLE design:  two classes from approved list. These",
-                 "classes appear under technical electives as well"
-              ]
-           },
-           {
-              "contentType":"noSubrequirementNeedsSummaryLine",
-              "lines":[
-                 "NEEDS:                 2 Groups"
-              ]
-           },
-           {
-              "contentType":"noSubrequirementAcceptCourses",
-              "lines":[
-                 "Select from: CIV ENGR 414,427,514,",
-                 "CIV ENGR 618 [Waterfront & Coastal Planning],",
-                 "CIV ENGR 618 [Lake & River Rehabilitation]  GEOSCI 629",
-                 "G L E 401 [Wind Energy Site Design-Const],530,531,532,",
-                 "G L E 633,635,735"
-              ]
-           }
-        ]
-     },
-     {
-        "requirementName":"GLMAJORRQ",
-        "status":{
-           "status":"NO",
-           "description":"This requirement has NOT yet been completed"
-        },
-        "requirementLinesGroupedByContentType":[
-           {
-              "contentType":"noRequirementTitle",
-              "lines":[
-                 "     Required GLE:  6 Courses Are Required"
-              ]
-           },
-           {
-              "contentType":"blankLine",
-              "lines":[
-                 ""
-              ]
-           },
-           {
-              "contentType":"noSubrequirementTLine",
-              "lines":[
-                 "-  1) Geophysics"
-              ]
-           },
-           {
-              "contentType":"noSubrequirementNeedsSummaryLine",
-              "lines":[
-                 "NEEDS:                 2 courses"
-              ]
-           },
-           {
-              "contentType":"noSubrequirementAcceptCourses",
-              "lines":[
-                 "Select from: G L E 594,595"
-              ]
-           },
-           {
-              "contentType":"blankLine",
-              "lines":[
-                 ""
-              ]
-           },
-           {
-              "contentType":"noSubrequirementTLine",
-              "lines":[
-                 "-  2) Soil, Rock, Groundwater"
-              ]
-           },
-           {
-              "contentType":"noSubrequirementNeedsSummaryLine",
-              "lines":[
-                 "NEEDS:                 3 courses"
-              ]
-           },
-           {
-              "contentType":"noSubrequirementAcceptCourses",
-              "lines":[
-                 "Select from: G L E 330,474,627"
-              ]
-           },
-           {
-              "contentType":"blankLine",
-              "lines":[
-                 ""
-              ]
-           },
-           {
-              "contentType":"noSubrequirementTLine",
-              "lines":[
-                 "-  3) Analysis & Design"
-              ]
-           },
-           {
-              "contentType":"noSubrequirementNeedsSummaryLine",
-              "lines":[
-                 "NEEDS:                 1 course"
-              ]
-           },
-           {
-              "contentType":"noSubrequirementAcceptCourses",
-              "lines":[
-                 "Select from: G L E 479"
-              ]
-           }
-        ]
-     },
-     {
-        "requirementName":"GLMAJOREL",
-        "status":{
-           "status":"NO",
-           "description":"This requirement has NOT yet been completed"
-        },
-        "requirementLinesGroupedByContentType":[
-           {
-              "contentType":"noRequirementTitle",
-              "lines":[
-                 "     Technical Electives: 15 Credits Are Required"
-              ]
-           },
-           {
-              "contentType":"noRequirementNeedsLine",
-              "lines":[
-                 "--> NEEDS:   15.0 credits"
-              ]
-           },
-           {
-              "contentType":"blankLine",
-              "lines":[
-                 ""
-              ]
-           },
-           {
-              "contentType":"noSubrequirementTLine",
-              "lines":[
-                 "-  1) Technical electives"
-              ]
-           },
-           {
-              "contentType":"noSubrequirementAcceptCourses",
-              "lines":[
-                 "Select from: BSE 356,367  CBE 511,",
-                 "CBE 562 [Energy & Sustainability]  CIV ENGR 311,315,",
-                 "CIV ENGR 320,377,412,414,427,500,514,",
-                 "CIV ENGR 618 [Waterfront & Coastal Planning],",
-                 "CIV ENGR 618 [Lake & River Rehabilitation],619,649,698",
-                 "E M A 405  GEOG 420  GEOSCI 320,326,350,410,411,420,",
-                 "GEOSCI 430,457,459,462,515,533,629",
-                 "G L E 401 [Wind Energy Site Design-Const],",
-                 "G L E 401 [Topics-Geological Engr],",
-                 "G L E 401 [Intro to Slope Stability],",
-                 "G L E 401 [Intro to Foundation Engr],",
-                 "G L E 401 [Intro to Undrgrnd Opening Eng],",
-                 "G L E 401 [Field Geology A],401 [Field Geology B],444,",
-                 "G L E 475,530,531,532,597,633,635,730,732,735",
-                 "SOIL SCI 321,324"
-              ]
-           },
-           {
-              "contentType":"okSubrequirementTLine",
-              "lines":[
-                 "2) One co-op credit can be used as technical elective"
-              ]
-           },
-           {
-              "contentType":"okSubrequirementAcceptCourses",
-              "lines":[
-                 "Select from: G L E 001"
-              ]
-           }
-        ]
-     },
-     {
-        "requirementName":"GLCOMM",
-        "status":{
-           "status":"NO",
-           "description":"This requirement has NOT yet been completed"
-        },
-        "requirementLinesGroupedByContentType":[
-           {
-              "contentType":"noRequirementTitle",
-              "lines":[
-                 "     Communication Skills: 5 Credits Are Required"
-              ]
-           },
-           {
-              "contentType":"blankLine",
-              "lines":[
-                 ""
-              ]
-           },
-           {
-              "contentType":"noSubrequirementTLine",
-              "lines":[
-                 "-  1) Technical Writing (com skills B)"
-              ]
-           },
-           {
-              "contentType":"noSubrequirementNeedsSummaryLine",
-              "lines":[
-                 "NEEDS:                 1 course"
-              ]
-           },
-           {
-              "contentType":"noSubrequirementAcceptCourses",
-              "lines":[
-                 "Select from: E P D 397"
-              ]
-           },
-           {
-              "contentType":"blankLine",
-              "lines":[
-                 ""
-              ]
-           },
-           {
-              "contentType":"noSubrequirementTLine",
-              "lines":[
-                 "-  2) Technical Presentations"
-              ]
-           },
-           {
-              "contentType":"noSubrequirementNeedsSummaryLine",
-              "lines":[
-                 "NEEDS:                 1 course"
-              ]
-           },
-           {
-              "contentType":"noSubrequirementAcceptCourses",
-              "lines":[
-                 "Select from: COM ARTS 105,181,262,266  E P D 275"
-              ]
-           }
-        ]
-     },
-     {
-        "requirementName":"LIBSTDY",
-        "status":{
-           "status":"OK",
-           "description":"This requirement has been completed"
-        },
-        "requirementLinesGroupedByContentType":[
-           {
-              "contentType":"okRequirementTitle",
-              "lines":[
-                 "     Liberal Studies and Ethnic Studies"
-              ]
-           },
-           {
-              "contentType":"blankLine",
-              "lines":[
-                 ""
-              ]
-           },
-           {
-              "contentType":"okSubrequirementTLine",
-              "lines":[
-                 "IP+  1) Two courses from one department"
-              ]
-           },
-           {
-              "contentType":"okSubrequirementCourses",
-              "lines":[
-                 "FA16 ECON    101     4.0 AB   Principles-Microeconomics",
-                 "FA16 FRENCH  203     4.0 A    Third Semester French",
-                 "SP17 FRENCH  101     4.0 T    First Semester French",
-                 "SP17 FRENCH  102     4.0 T    Second Semester French",
-                 "SP17 FRENCH  204     4.0 AB   Fourth Semester French",
-                 "FA17 ECON    102     4.0 AB   Principles-Macroeconomics",
-                 "FA17 FRENCH  228     4.0 B    Intermed Language & Culture",
-                 "SP18 FRENCH  271002  4.0 A    Intro to Literary Analysis",
-                 "FA18 FRENCH  313     3.0 A    Prof Comm&Cultr in Franc Worl",
-                 "SP19 FINANCE 300     3.0 INP  Introduction to Finance",
-                 "SP19 FRENCH  322     3.0 INP  Intro to Lit of Modernity"
-              ]
-           },
-           {
-              "contentType":"blankLine",
-              "lines":[
-                 ""
-              ]
-           },
-           {
-              "contentType":"okSubrequirementTLine",
-              "lines":[
-                 "+  2) One I/A-level Course"
-              ]
-           },
-           {
-              "contentType":"okSubrequirementCourses",
-              "lines":[
-                 "FA16 FRENCH  203     4.0 A    Third Semester French"
-              ]
-           },
-           {
-              "contentType":"blankLine",
-              "lines":[
-                 ""
-              ]
-           },
-           {
-              "contentType":"okSubrequirementTLine",
-              "lines":[
-                 "+  3) Ethnic Studies"
-              ]
-           },
-           {
-              "contentType":"okSubrequirementCourses",
-              "lines":[
-                 "FA17 SOC     170     3.0 A    Population Problems"
-              ]
-           },
-           {
-              "contentType":"blankLine",
-              "lines":[
-                 ""
-              ]
-           },
-           {
-              "contentType":"okSubrequirementTLine",
-              "lines":[
-                 "+  4) Humanities"
-              ]
-           },
-           {
-              "contentType":"okSubrequirementCourses",
-              "lines":[
-                 "FA16 ENGL    140     4.0 A    Environmental Literature",
-                 "FA16 FRENCH  203     2.0 A >S Third Semester French"
-              ]
-           },
-           {
-              "contentType":"blankLine",
-              "lines":[
-                 ""
-              ]
-           },
-           {
-              "contentType":"okSubrequirementTLine",
-              "lines":[
-                 "+  5) Social Science"
-              ]
-           },
-           {
-              "contentType":"okSubrequirementCourses",
-              "lines":[
-                 "FA16 GEOG    X22     3.0 T    Electives",
-                 "FA16 POLI SCI104     4.0 T    Intro-Amer Politcs&Governmt",
-                 "FA16 POLI SCI106     3.0 T >S Politics Around the World"
-              ]
-           }
-        ]
-     },
-     {
-        "requirementName":"GENED.COE",
-        "status":{
-           "status":"NO",
-           "description":"This requirement has NOT yet been completed"
-        },
-        "requirementLinesGroupedByContentType":[
-           {
-              "contentType":"noRequirementTitle",
-              "lines":[
-                 "     General Education Requirements",
-                 "The campus-wide General Education Requirements must be",
-                 "satisfied by all students who did their first college",
-                 "work in the summer of 1996, or later.",
-                 "",
-                 "The general education requirements are included in all",
-                 "engineering degree programs, and therefore satisfied by",
-                 "meeting your degree requirements.  No additional course",
-                 "work is required as long as degree requirements are",
-                 "satisfied as prescribed."
-              ]
-           },
-           {
-              "contentType":"blankLine",
-              "lines":[
-                 ""
-              ]
-           },
-           {
-              "contentType":"noSubrequirementTLine",
-              "lines":[
-                 "-  2) Communication skills B"
-              ]
-           },
-           {
-              "contentType":"noSubrequirementNeedsSummaryLine",
-              "lines":[
-                 "NEEDS:                 1 course"
-              ]
-           },
-           {
-              "contentType":"blankLine",
-              "lines":[
-                 ""
-              ]
-           },
-           {
-              "contentType":"noSubrequirementTLine",
-              "lines":[
-                 "-  4) Lab science class"
-              ]
-           },
-           {
-              "contentType":"noSubrequirementNeedsSummaryLine",
-              "lines":[
-                 "NEEDS:                 1 course"
-              ]
-           },
-           {
-              "contentType":"noSubrequirementAcceptCourses",
-              "lines":[
-                 "Select from: CHEM 103,108,109,115  PHYSICS 201,202,207,",
-                 "PHYSICS 208,247"
-              ]
-           }
-        ]
-     },
-     {
-        "requirementName":"EXTRA",
-        "status":{
-           "status":"NONE",
-           "description":""
-        },
-        "requirementLinesGroupedByContentType":[
-           {
-              "contentType":"noRequirementTitle",
-              "lines":[
-                 "tra Course Work"
-              ]
-           },
-           {
-              "contentType":"blankLine",
-              "lines":[
-                 ""
-              ]
-           },
-           {
-              "contentType":"okSubrequirementCourses",
-              "lines":[
-                 "FA16 ENGLISH X04     3.0 T    Electives",
-                 "FA16 GEN ELCTX12     3.0 T >R Electives",
-                 "FA16 GEN ELCTX12     3.0 T >R Electives",
-                 "FA16 HISTORY X13     3.0 T    Electives",
-                 "FA16 PHYSICS X15     3.0 T    Electives",
-                 "FA16 POLI SCI106     1.0 T >S Politics Around the World",
-                 "FA16 PSYCH   202     3.0 T    Introduction to Psychology",
-                 "FA16 STAT    X10     3.0 T    Electives",
-                 "FA16 ECON    101     4.0 AB   Principles-Microeconomics",
-                 "FA16 FRENCH  203     2.0 A >S Third Semester French",
-                 "FA16 GEN BUS 365084  3.0 A >R Direct Admit - LEAD class",
-                 "SP17 FRENCH  101     4.0 T    First Semester French",
-                 "SP17 FRENCH  102     4.0 T    Second Semester French",
-                 "SP17 ASTRON  103     3.0 AB   The Evolving Universe",
-                 "SP17 ENGL    162     3.0 AB   Shakespeare: Stage and Screen",
-                 "SP17 FRENCH  204     4.0 AB   Fourth Semester French",
-                 "SP17 MARKETNG300     3.0 B    Marketing Management",
-                 "SP17 PHILOS  341095  4.0 A    Contemporary Moral Issues",
-                 "FA17 ECON    102     4.0 AB   Principles-Macroeconomics",
-                 "FA17 FRENCH  228     4.0 B    Intermed Language & Culture",
-                 "FA17 GEN BUS 306     3.0 B    Business Analytics I",
-                 "FA17 SOC     170     3.0 A    Population Problems",
-                 "SP18 ACCT I S100     3.0 BC   Intro Financial Accounting",
-                 "SP18 FRENCH  271002  4.0 A    Intro to Literary Analysis",
-                 "SP18 GEN BUS 300     3.0 A    Professional Communication",
-                 "SP18 GEN BUS 301     3.0 BC   Business Law",
-                 "SP18 OTM     300     3.0 AB   Operations Management",
-                 "FA18 COMP SCI301     3.0 A    Intro Data Programming",
-                 "FA18 FRENCH  313     3.0 A    Prof Comm&Cultr in Franc Worl",
-                 "FA18 GEN BUS 307     3.0 B    Business Analytics II",
-                 "FA18 GEN BUS 365001  3.0 A >R Business Analytics Technology",
-                 "FA18 MARKETNG310     3.0 AB   Marketing Research",
-                 "SP19 COMP SCI200     3.0 INP  Programming I",
-                 "SP19 FINANCE 300     3.0 INP  Introduction to Finance",
-                 "SP19 FRENCH  322     3.0 INP  Intro to Lit of Modernity",
-                 "SP19 INFO SYS371     3.0 INP  Tech:Computer-Based Bus Sys",
-                 "SP19 M H R   300     3.0 INP  Managing Organizations",
-                 "SP19 OTM     442     3.0 INP  Database Mngmnt & Application"
-              ]
-           },
-           {
-              "contentType":"blankLine",
-              "lines":[
-                 ""
-              ]
-           }
-        ]
-     },
-     {
-        "requirementName":"LEGEND",
-        "status":{
-           "status":"NONE",
-           "description":""
-        },
-        "requirementLinesGroupedByContentType":[
-           {
-              "contentType":"okRequirementTitle",
-              "lines":[
-                 "gend"
-              ]
-           },
-           {
-              "contentType":"okSubrequirementTLine",
-              "lines":[
-                 "** COURSE SYMBOLS **",
-                 "",
-                 ">D = duplicate course - retains GPA effect",
-                 ">R = repeatable course",
-                 ">S = credit split between requirements",
-                 ">X = repeated course - no course credit or GPA effect",
-                 "(R) = required course",
-                 "(X) = original course value",
-                 "",
-                 "",
-                 "** GRADE SYMBOLS **",
-                 "",
-                 "EIP = extended incomplete",
-                 "CR = credit (credit/no credit courses)",
-                 "HS = high school unit",
-                 "IN = incomplete (credit/no credit courses)",
-                 "INP = in-progress course (current term)",
-                 "IP = incomplete",
-                 "N = no credit (credit/no credit courses)",
-                 "NR = not reported",
-                 "NW = no work",
-                 "PL = planned course",
-                 "PP = progress",
-                 "PS = mock/pseudo course",
-                 "Q = question on credits or honors",
-                 "S = satisfactory (pass/fail and audit courses)",
-                 "T = transfer/test/advanced standing course",
-                 "U = unsatisfactory (pass/fail courses)",
-                 "",
-                 "",
-                 "",
-                 "OK = requirement complete",
-                 "NO = requirement not complete",
-                 "IP = requirement uses in-progress credit/courses",
-                 "IN-P = sub-requirement uses in progress credit/courses",
-                 "PL = requirement/sub-requirement uses planned course",
-                 "R = required sub-requirement (mandatory)",
-                 "<> = optional/other requirement in OR'd set complete",
-                 "+ = sub-requirement complete",
-                 "- = sub-requirement not complete",
-                 "* = optional sub-requirement, courses assigned",
-                 "= optional sub-requirement, no courses assigned",
-                 "",
-                 "",
-                 "** EXCEPTION SYMBOLS **",
-                 "",
-                 "AC = course added to requirement/sub-requirement",
-                 "CM = course modified",
-                 "CY = catalog year modified",
-                 "DC = course deleted from requirement/sub-requirement",
-                 "EC = course exchanged in for another",
-                 "RM = requirement modified",
-                 "WC = waive course",
-                 "WP = waive mock/pseudo course"
-              ]
-           }
-        ]
-     },
-     {
-        "requirementName":"TXTINCBOT",
-        "status":{
-           "status":"NONE",
-           "description":""
-        },
-        "requirementLinesGroupedByContentType":[
-           {
-              "contentType":"hText",
-              "lines":[
-                 "----------------------------------------------------------------",
-                 "*****      S T U D E N T  -  P L E A S E    N O T E      *****",
-                 "",
-                 "This DARS audit has been prepared to assist you in completing",
-                 "your degree program. While efforts have been made to ensure its",
-                 "accuracy, it is your responsibility to satisfy all degree",
-                 "requirements. This audit assumes successful completion of",
-                 "IN-PROGRESS courses. If these courses are not completed with an",
-                 "appropriate grade, any requirement currently marked OK might not",
-                 "be satisfied.  Contact your advisor and/or dean's office if you",
-                 "have any questions.",
-                 "",
-                 "*****         University of Wisconsin - Madison         *****",
-                 "-----------------------------------------------------------------"
-              ]
-           }
-        ]
-     }
-  ],
-  "requirementEndnote":null,
-  "bottomText":[
-     "                            MEMORANDA",
-     "08/29/16 Admitted as Letters & Science Candidate",
-     "         for Honors in the Liberal Arts",
-     "10/18/16 --GER Communication Part A satisfied.",
-     "10/18/16 --GER Quantitative Reasoning Part A satisfied.",
-     "03/09/17 Withdrawn as Letters and Science Candidate",
-     "         for  Honors in the Liberal Arts",
-     ""
-  ],
-  "errorText":[
-  ]
+       },
+       "degreesSection": {
+           "label": "DEGREES",
+           "degrees": [
+               {
+                   "awardedDate": "05 20 2007",
+                   "degreeCode": "BS",
+                   "major": "Human Development & Family St"
+               },
+               {
+                   "awardedDate": "05 20 2007",
+                   "degreeCode": "BS",
+                   "major": "Family, Cons and Comm Ed"
+               }
+           ]
+       },
+       "intentToGraduate": null,
+       "admitTypeLabel": "Admit Type",
+       "admitType": "TRF",
+       "academicActions": null
+   },
+   "completeText": "------> AT LEAST ONE REQUIREMENT HAS NOT BEEN SATISFIED <------",
+   "requirements": [
+       {
+           "requirementName": "FREDGRRQ",
+           "status": {
+               "status": "OK",
+               "description": "This requirement has been completed"
+           },
+           "requirementContents": [
+               {
+                   "contentType": "okRequirementTitle",
+                   "lines": [
+                   ]
+               },
+               {
+                   "contentType": "blankLine",
+                   "lines": [
+                       ""
+                   ]
+               },
+               {
+                   "contentType": "okSubrequirementTLine",
+                   "lines": [
+                       "  +     2.5 CUMULATIVE GPA REQUIRED IN ALL COURSES ATTEMPTED",
+                       "          FOR GRADE WHETHER OR NOT USED TOWARD MEETING",
+                       "          REQUIREMENTS"
+                   ]
+               },
+               {
+                   "contentType": "okSubrequirementEarnedLine",
+                   "lines": [
+                       "                                                  3.604 GPA"
+                   ]
+               }
+           ]
+       },
+       {
+           "requirementName": "COMM A",
+           "status": {
+               "status": "OK",
+               "description": "This requirement has been completed"
+           },
+           "requirementContents": [
+               {
+                   "contentType": "okRequirementTitle",
+                   "lines": [
+                       "      COMMUNICATION PART A"
+                   ]
+               },
+               {
+                   "contentType": "blankLine",
+                   "lines": [
+                       ""
+                   ]
+               },
+               {
+                   "contentType": "okSubrequirementTLine",
+                   "lines": [
+                       "  +  1) COMMUNICATION PART A:"
+                   ]
+               },
+               {
+                   "contentType": "okSubrequirementCourses",
+                   "subRequirementCourses": [
+                       {
+                           "term": "FA02",
+                           "course": "COM ARTS100",
+                           "credits": "3.0",
+                           "grade": "T",
+                           "courseNote": null,
+                           "courseTitle": "Intro to Speech Composition"
+                       }
+                   ]
+               }
+           ]
+       },
+       {
+           "requirementName": "COMM B",
+           "status": {
+               "status": "OK",
+               "description": "This requirement has been completed"
+           },
+           "requirementContents": [
+               {
+                   "contentType": "okRequirementTitle",
+                   "lines": [
+                       "     COMMUNICATION PART B"
+                   ]
+               },
+               {
+                   "contentType": "blankLine",
+                   "lines": [
+                       ""
+                   ]
+               },
+               {
+                   "contentType": "okSubrequirementTLine",
+                   "lines": [
+                       "  +  1)  COMMUNICATION PART B."
+                   ]
+               },
+               {
+                   "contentType": "okSubrequirementCourses",
+                   "subRequirementCourses": [
+                       {
+                           "term": "FA03",
+                           "course": "COM ARTS266",
+                           "credits": "3.0",
+                           "grade": "AB",
+                           "courseNote": null,
+                           "courseTitle": "Thry&Pract-Group Discussion"
+                       }
+                   ]
+               }
+           ]
+       },
+       {
+           "requirementName": "QUANT A",
+           "status": {
+               "status": "OK",
+               "description": "This requirement has been completed"
+           },
+           "requirementContents": [
+               {
+                   "contentType": "okRequirementTitle",
+                   "lines": [
+                       "     QUANTITATIVE REASONING PART A"
+                   ]
+               },
+               {
+                   "contentType": "blankLine",
+                   "lines": [
+                       ""
+                   ]
+               },
+               {
+                   "contentType": "okSubrequirementTLine",
+                   "lines": [
+                       "  +  1) QUANTITATIVE REASONING - PART A:"
+                   ]
+               },
+               {
+                   "contentType": "okSubrequirementCourses",
+                   "subRequirementCourses": [
+                       {
+                           "term": "SP04",
+                           "course": "PHILOS  210",
+                           "credits": "4.0",
+                           "grade": "B",
+                           "courseNote": null,
+                           "courseTitle": "Reason in Communication"
+                       }
+                   ]
+               }
+           ]
+       },
+       {
+           "requirementName": "QUANT B",
+           "status": {
+               "status": "OK",
+               "description": "This requirement has been completed"
+           },
+           "requirementContents": [
+               {
+                   "contentType": "okRequirementTitle",
+                   "lines": [
+                       "     QUANTITATIVE REASONING PART B"
+                   ]
+               },
+               {
+                   "contentType": "blankLine",
+                   "lines": [
+                       ""
+                   ]
+               },
+               {
+                   "contentType": "okSubrequirementTLine",
+                   "lines": [
+                       "  +  1) QUANTITATIVE REASONING PART B."
+                   ]
+               },
+               {
+                   "contentType": "okSubrequirementCourses",
+                   "subRequirementCourses": [
+                       {
+                           "term": "FA04",
+                           "course": "SOC     359",
+                           "credits": "4.0",
+                           "grade": "BC",
+                           "courseNote": null,
+                           "courseTitle": "Statis Analysis-Social Rsch"
+                       }
+                   ]
+               }
+           ]
+       },
+       {
+           "requirementName": "ETHNIC",
+           "status": {
+               "status": "OK",
+               "description": "This requirement has been completed"
+           },
+           "requirementContents": [
+               {
+                   "contentType": "okRequirementTitle",
+                   "lines": [
+                       "     ETHNIC STUDIES REQUIREMENT."
+                   ]
+               },
+               {
+                   "contentType": "blankLine",
+                   "lines": [
+                       ""
+                   ]
+               },
+               {
+                   "contentType": "okSubrequirementTLine",
+                   "lines": [
+                       "  +     ETHNIC STUDIES"
+                   ]
+               },
+               {
+                   "contentType": "okSubrequirementCourses",
+                   "subRequirementCourses": [
+                       {
+                           "term": "FA02",
+                           "course": "AFRICAN 210",
+                           "credits": "3.0",
+                           "grade": "B",
+                           "courseNote": null,
+                           "courseTitle": "The African Storyteller"
+                       }
+                   ]
+               }
+           ]
+       },
+       {
+           "requirementName": "FREDMTH",
+           "status": {
+               "status": "OK",
+               "description": "This requirement has been completed"
+           },
+           "requirementContents": [
+               {
+                   "contentType": "okRequirementTitle",
+                   "lines": [
+                   ]
+               },
+               {
+                   "contentType": "blankLine",
+                   "lines": [
+                       ""
+                   ]
+               },
+               {
+                   "contentType": "okSubrequirementCourses",
+                   "subRequirementCourses": [
+                       {
+                           "term": "FA01",
+                           "course": "MATH    101",
+                           "credits": "4.0",
+                           "grade": "T",
+                           "courseNote": null,
+                           "courseTitle": "Intermediate Algebra"
+                       }
+                   ]
+               }
+           ]
+       },
+       {
+           "requirementName": "FREDCMA",
+           "status": {
+               "status": "OK",
+               "description": "This requirement has been completed"
+           },
+           "requirementContents": [
+               {
+                   "contentType": "okRequirementTitle",
+                   "lines": [
+                   ]
+               },
+               {
+                   "contentType": "okRequirementEarnedLine",
+                   "lines": [
+                       "    EARNED:   3.0 CREDITS"
+                   ]
+               },
+               {
+                   "contentType": "blankLine",
+                   "lines": [
+                       ""
+                   ]
+               },
+               {
+                   "contentType": "okSubrequirementCourses",
+                   "subRequirementCourses": [
+                       {
+                           "term": "FA02",
+                           "course": "COM ARTS100",
+                           "credits": "3.0",
+                           "grade": "T",
+                           "courseNote": null,
+                           "courseTitle": "Intro to Speech Composition"
+                       }
+                   ]
+               }
+           ]
+       },
+       {
+           "requirementName": "FREDSCI",
+           "status": {
+               "status": "OK",
+               "description": "This requirement has been completed"
+           },
+           "requirementContents": [
+               {
+                   "contentType": "okRequirementTitle",
+                   "lines": [
+                   ]
+               },
+               {
+                   "contentType": "okRequirementEarnedLine",
+                   "lines": [
+                       "    EARNED:  12.0 CREDITS                             2.000 GPA"
+                   ]
+               },
+               {
+                   "contentType": "blankLine",
+                   "lines": [
+                       ""
+                   ]
+               },
+               {
+                   "contentType": "okSubrequirementTLine",
+                   "lines": [
+                       "  +R 1) CHEMISTRY"
+                   ]
+               },
+               {
+                   "contentType": "okSubrequirementCourses",
+                   "subRequirementCourses": [
+                       {
+                           "term": null,
+                           "course": "EDCHEM",
+                           "credits": "0.0",
+                           "grade": null,
+                           "courseNote": null,
+                           "courseTitle": null
+                       },
+                       {
+                           "term": null,
+                           "course": "EDCHEM",
+                           "credits": "5.0",
+                           "grade": null,
+                           "courseNote": null,
+                           "courseTitle": null
+                       }
+                   ]
+               },
+               {
+                   "contentType": "blankLine",
+                   "lines": [
+                       ""
+                   ]
+               },
+               {
+                   "contentType": "okSubrequirementCourses",
+                   "subRequirementCourses": [
+                       {
+                           "term": null,
+                           "course": "EDBIO",
+                           "credits": "0.0",
+                           "grade": null,
+                           "courseNote": null,
+                           "courseTitle": null
+                       },
+                       {
+                           "term": null,
+                           "course": "EDBIO",
+                           "credits": "3.0",
+                           "grade": null,
+                           "courseNote": null,
+                           "courseTitle": null
+                       }
+                   ]
+               },
+               {
+                   "contentType": "blankLine",
+                   "lines": [
+                       ""
+                   ]
+               },
+               {
+                   "contentType": "okSubrequirementCourses",
+                   "subRequirementCourses": [
+                       {
+                           "term": "FA05",
+                           "course": "ATM OCN 101",
+                           "credits": "4.0",
+                           "grade": "C",
+                           "courseNote": null,
+                           "courseTitle": "Weather and Climate"
+                       }
+                   ]
+               }
+           ]
+       },
+       {
+           "requirementName": "FREDHUM",
+           "status": {
+               "status": "OK",
+               "description": "This requirement has been completed"
+           },
+           "requirementContents": [
+               {
+                   "contentType": "okRequirementTitle",
+                   "lines": [
+                   ]
+               },
+               {
+                   "contentType": "okRequirementEarnedLine",
+                   "lines": [
+                       "    EARNED:   9.0 CREDITS                             3.000 GPA"
+                   ]
+               },
+               {
+                   "contentType": "blankLine",
+                   "lines": [
+                       ""
+                   ]
+               },
+               {
+                   "contentType": "okSubrequirementTLine",
+                   "lines": [
+                       "  +R 1) LITERATURE"
+                   ]
+               },
+               {
+                   "contentType": "okSubrequirementCourses",
+                   "subRequirementCourses": [
+                       {
+                           "term": "FA02",
+                           "course": "AFRICAN 210",
+                           "credits": "3.0",
+                           "grade": "B",
+                           "courseNote": null,
+                           "courseTitle": "The African Storyteller"
+                       }
+                   ]
+               },
+               {
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+                       "  +R 2) FINE ARTS"
+                   ]
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+                   "lines": [
+                       "            2.0 CREDITS ADDED"
+                   ]
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+                           "term": null,
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+                   "contentType": "okSubrequirementCourses",
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+                           "term": "SP04",
+                           "course": "PHILOS  210",
+                           "credits": "4.0",
+                           "grade": "B",
+                           "courseNote": null,
+                           "courseTitle": "Reason in Communication"
+                       }
+                   ]
+               }
+           ]
+       },
+       {
+           "requirementName": "FREDSOCS6",
+           "status": {
+               "status": "OK",
+               "description": "This requirement has been completed"
+           },
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+               {
+                   "contentType": "okRequirementTitle",
+                   "lines": [
+                   ]
+               },
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+                   "contentType": "okRequirementEarnedLine",
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+                       "    EARNED:  18.0 CREDITS                             3.833 GPA"
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+                           "grade": null,
+                           "courseNote": null,
+                           "courseTitle": null
+                       },
+                       {
+                           "term": null,
+                           "course": "FACEECON",
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+                           "term": "SU02",
+                           "course": "PSYCH   202",
+                           "credits": "3.0",
+                           "grade": "A",
+                           "courseNote": null,
+                           "courseTitle": "Introduction to Psychology"
+                       }
+                   ]
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+                       ""
+                   ]
+               },
+               {
+                   "contentType": "okSubrequirementCourses",
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+                       {
+                           "term": "SU01",
+                           "course": "PSYCH   160",
+                           "credits": "3.0",
+                           "grade": "T",
+                           "courseNote": null,
+                           "courseTitle": "Hum Sexuality-Soc,Psych Iss"
+                       }
+                   ]
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+               },
+               {
+                   "contentType": "okSubrequirementCourses",
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+                           "term": "FA04",
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+                           "grade": "A",
+                           "courseNote": null,
+                           "courseTitle": "Family Perspctv-Policymakng"
+                       }
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+                   ]
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+                           "term": null,
+                           "course": "WSTHIST",
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+                           "grade": null,
+                           "courseNote": null,
+                           "courseTitle": null
+                       },
+                       {
+                           "term": null,
+                           "course": "WSTHIST",
+                           "credits": "3.0",
+                           "grade": null,
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+                       }
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+               {
+                   "contentType": "okSubrequirementCourses",
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+                       {
+                           "term": "FA03",
+                           "course": "ANTHRO  104",
+                           "credits": "3.0",
+                           "grade": "AB",
+                           "courseNote": null,
+                           "courseTitle": "Cult Anthro&Human Diversity"
+                       }
+                   ]
+               }
+           ]
+       },
+       {
+           "requirementName": "FRFCEGPA",
+           "status": {
+               "status": "OK",
+               "description": "This requirement has been completed"
+           },
+           "requirementContents": [
+               {
+                   "contentType": "okRequirementTitle",
+                   "lines": [
+                       "     A 2.75 GRADE POINT AVERAGE MUST BE MAINTAINED IN",
+                       "       MAJOR AND EDUCATION COURSES."
+                   ]
+               },
+               {
+                   "contentType": "okRequirementEarnedLine",
+                   "lines": [
+                       "    EARNED:  67.0 CREDITS                             3.783 GPA"
+                   ]
+               }
+           ]
+       },
+       {
+           "requirementName": "FREDFR6",
+           "status": {
+               "status": "OK",
+               "description": "This requirement has been completed"
+           },
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+               {
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+                   "lines": [
+                   ]
+               },
+               {
+                   "contentType": "okRequirementEarnedLine",
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+                       "    EARNED:  31.0 CREDITS             1 SUB GROUP     3.536 GPA"
+                   ]
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+                       ""
+                   ]
+               },
+               {
+                   "contentType": "okSubrequirementCourses",
+                   "subRequirementCourses": [
+                       {
+                           "term": "FA02",
+                           "course": "HDFS    362",
+                           "credits": "3.0",
+                           "grade": "A",
+                           "courseNote": null,
+                           "courseTitle": "Development of Young Child"
+                       },
+                       {
+                           "term": "SU03",
+                           "course": "HDFS    471",
+                           "credits": "3.0",
+                           "grade": "A",
+                           "courseNote": null,
+                           "courseTitle": "Parent-Child Relations"
+                       },
+                       {
+                           "term": "FA03",
+                           "course": "CNSR SCI275",
+                           "credits": "3.0",
+                           "grade": "AB",
+                           "courseNote": null,
+                           "courseTitle": "Consumer Finance"
+                       },
+                       {
+                           "term": "FA03",
+                           "course": "HDFS    517",
+                           "credits": "3.0",
+                           "grade": "A",
+                           "courseNote": null,
+                           "courseTitle": "Couple Relationships"
+                       },
+                       {
+                           "term": "SP04",
+                           "course": "SOC     130",
+                           "credits": "3.0",
+                           "grade": "A",
+                           "courseNote": null,
+                           "courseTitle": "Social Problems"
+                       },
+                       {
+                           "term": "SP06",
+                           "course": "E T D   221",
+                           "credits": "3.0",
+                           "grade": "B",
+                           "courseNote": null,
+                           "courseTitle": "Person & Environ Interactions"
+                       },
+                       {
+                           "term": "SP07",
+                           "course": "ACCT I S300",
+                           "credits": "3.0",
+                           "grade": "AB",
+                           "courseNote": null,
+                           "courseTitle": "Accounting Principles"
+                       },
+                       {
+                           "term": "SP07",
+                           "course": "E T D   355",
+                           "credits": "3.0",
+                           "grade": "B",
+                           "courseNote": null,
+                           "courseTitle": "Hist of Fashion,1400-Presnt"
+                       },
+                       {
+                           "term": "SP07",
+                           "course": "FOOD SCI235",
+                           "credits": "3.0",
+                           "grade": "B",
+                           "courseNote": null,
+                           "courseTitle": "Nature of Food"
+                       },
+                       {
+                           "term": "SP07",
+                           "course": "FOOD SCI236",
+                           "credits": "1.0",
+                           "grade": "B",
+                           "courseNote": null,
+                           "courseTitle": "Nature of Food - Laboratory"
+                       },
+                       {
+                           "term": null,
+                           "course": "FREDFR",
+                           "credits": "0.0",
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+                           "courseTitle": null
+                       },
+                       {
+                           "term": null,
+                           "course": "FREDFR",
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+                           "grade": null,
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+                           "courseTitle": null
+                       }
+                   ]
+               }
+           ]
+       },
+       {
+           "requirementName": "FREDED2",
+           "status": {
+               "status": "NO",
+               "description": "This requirement has NOT yet been completed"
+           },
+           "requirementContents": [
+               {
+                   "contentType": "noRequirementTitle",
+                   "lines": [
+                       "     FAMILY, CONSUMER AND COMMUNITY EDUCATION -",
+                       "       PROFESSIONAL EDUCATION COURSES"
+                   ]
+               },
+               {
+                   "contentType": "noRequirementEarnedLine",
+                   "lines": [
+                       "    EARNED:  36.0 CREDITS             3 SUB-GROUPS    4.000 GPA"
+                   ]
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+                       ""
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+                       "  +  1) CURRICULUM AND INSTRUCTION"
+                   ]
+               },
+               {
+                   "contentType": "okSubrequirementCourses",
+                   "subRequirementCourses": [
+                       {
+                           "term": "FA01",
+                           "course": "COMP SCI132",
+                           "credits": "4.0",
+                           "grade": "T",
+                           "courseNote": null,
+                           "courseTitle": "Using Computers"
+                       },
+                       {
+                           "term": "SU06",
+                           "course": "CURRIC  305001",
+                           "credits": "3.0",
+                           "grade": "A",
+                           "courseNote": null,
+                           "courseTitle": "Tchg Rdg & Other Lang Arts"
+                       },
+                       {
+                           "term": "SU06",
+                           "course": "CURRIC  506001",
+                           "credits": "3.0",
+                           "grade": "A",
+                           "courseNote": null,
+                           "courseTitle": "Strategy-Inclusive Schoolng"
+                       }
+                   ]
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+               {
+                   "contentType": "noSubrequirementTLine",
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+                       "  -  2) INTERDISCIPLINARY STUDIES - COMPLETE ALL"
+                   ]
+               },
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+                   "lines": [
+                       "                                                  4.000 GPA"
+                   ]
+               },
+               {
+                   "contentType": "noSubrequirementCourses",
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+                       {
+                           "term": "SP06",
+                           "course": "INTER-HE330",
+                           "credits": "2.0",
+                           "grade": "A",
+                           "courseNote": null,
+                           "courseTitle": "Practicum-Fam & Consumer Educ"
+                       },
+                       {
+                           "term": "FA06",
+                           "course": "INTER-HE430",
+                           "credits": "12.0",
+                           "grade": "A",
+                           "courseNote": null,
+                           "courseTitle": "Stdt Teach-Fam & Consumer Edu"
+                       },
+                       {
+                           "term": "FA06",
+                           "course": "INTER-HE660",
+                           "credits": "3.0",
+                           "grade": "A",
+                           "courseNote": null,
+                           "courseTitle": "Foundations of Educ for Work"
+                       },
+                       {
+                           "term": "SP07",
+                           "course": "INTER-HE661",
+                           "credits": "3.0",
+                           "grade": "A",
+                           "courseNote": null,
+                           "courseTitle": "Org&Oper-Educ for Work Progrm"
+                       }
+                   ]
+               },
+               {
+                   "contentType": "noSubrequirementNeedsSummaryLine",
+                   "lines": [
+                       "         NEEDS:                 2 COURSES"
+                   ]
+               },
+               {
+                   "contentType": "noSubrequirementAcceptCourses",
+                   "lines": [
+                       "        SELECT FROM: INTER-HE 427,428"
+                   ]
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+                       ""
+                   ]
+               },
+               {
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+                       "  +  3) LEARNING"
+                   ]
+               },
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+                       "                                                  4.000 GPA"
+                   ]
+               },
+               {
+                   "contentType": "okSubrequirementCourses",
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+                       {
+                           "term": "SP05",
+                           "course": "ED PSYCH321",
+                           "credits": "3.0",
+                           "grade": "A",
+                           "courseNote": null,
+                           "courseTitle": "Human Develop-Adolescence"
+                       }
+                   ]
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+                       ""
+                   ]
+               },
+               {
+                   "contentType": "okSubrequirementTLine",
+                   "lines": [
+                       "  +  4) EDUCATIONAL POLICY"
+                   ]
+               },
+               {
+                   "contentType": "okSubrequirementEarnedLine",
+                   "lines": [
+                       "                                                  4.000 GPA"
+                   ]
+               },
+               {
+                   "contentType": "okSubrequirementCourses",
+                   "subRequirementCourses": [
+                       {
+                           "term": "SP06",
+                           "course": "ED POL  300002",
+                           "credits": "3.0",
+                           "grade": "A",
+                           "courseNote": null,
+                           "courseTitle": "School and Society"
+                       }
+                   ]
+               }
+           ]
+       },
+       {
+           "requirementName": "HUMREL",
+           "status": {
+               "status": "NONE",
+               "description": ""
+           },
+           "requirementContents": [
+               {
+                   "contentType": "hText",
+                   "lines": [
+                       "",
+                       "***********MULTICULTURAL EDUCATION & HUMAN RELATIONS*************",
+                       "",
+                       "The Multicultural Education and Human Relations requirement",
+                       "is built into the courework for the Family, Consumer, and",
+                       "Community Education program. This course content broadens",
+                       "understanding of diversity as it relates to the practices of",
+                       "teaching and the field of education."
+                   ]
+               }
+           ]
+       },
+       {
+           "requirementName": "ATHCSHUNG",
+           "status": {
+               "status": "NONE",
+               "description": ""
+           },
+           "requirementContents": [
+               {
+                   "contentType": "hText",
+                   "lines": [
+                       "ELECTIVES"
+                   ]
+               },
+               {
+                   "contentType": "noRequirementTitle",
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+                       ""
+                   ]
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+                       "           71.0 CREDITS ADDED"
+                   ]
+               },
+               {
+                   "contentType": "okSubrequirementCourses",
+                   "subRequirementCourses": [
+                       {
+                           "term": "FA00",
+                           "course": "ENGLISH X02",
+                           "credits": "3.0",
+                           "grade": "T",
+                           "courseNote": null,
+                           "courseTitle": "English Composition I"
+                       },
+                       {
+                           "term": "FA00",
+                           "course": "SOC     120",
+                           "credits": "3.0",
+                           "grade": "T",
+                           "courseNote": null,
+                           "courseTitle": "Marriage and Family"
+                       },
+                       {
+                           "term": "FA01",
+                           "course": "SOC     441",
+                           "credits": "3.0",
+                           "grade": "T",
+                           "courseNote": null,
+                           "courseTitle": "Criminology"
+                       },
+                       {
+                           "term": "SU02",
+                           "course": "PE ACTIV100",
+                           "credits": "2.0",
+                           "grade": "B",
+                           "courseNote": null,
+                           "courseTitle": "Exercise,Nutrition,&Health"
+                       },
+                       {
+                           "term": "SP03",
+                           "course": "HDFS    363",
+                           "credits": "3.0",
+                           "grade": "B",
+                           "courseNote": null,
+                           "courseTitle": "Develp: Adolescence-Old Age"
+                       },
+                       {
+                           "term": "SP03",
+                           "course": "HDFS    501003",
+                           "credits": "3.0",
+                           "grade": "AB",
+                           "courseNote": ">R",
+                           "courseTitle": "Dev & Family Assessment"
+                       },
+                       {
+                           "term": "SP03",
+                           "course": "PE ACTIV132",
+                           "credits": "1.0",
+                           "grade": "S",
+                           "courseNote": null,
+                           "courseTitle": "Weight Training"
+                       },
+                       {
+                           "term": "SP03",
+                           "course": "PE ACTIV133",
+                           "credits": "1.0",
+                           "grade": "B",
+                           "courseNote": null,
+                           "courseTitle": "Rhythmic/Step Aerobics"
+                       },
+                       {
+                           "term": "SP03",
+                           "course": "SOC     131",
+                           "credits": "4.0",
+                           "grade": "AB",
+                           "courseNote": null,
+                           "courseTitle": "Criminal Justice in America"
+                       },
+                       {
+                           "term": "SU03",
+                           "course": "PSYCH   X20",
+                           "credits": "3.0",
+                           "grade": "T",
+                           "courseNote": null,
+                           "courseTitle": "Developmental Psych"
+                       },
+                       {
+                           "term": "FA03",
+                           "course": "PSYCH   509",
+                           "credits": "3.0",
+                           "grade": "B",
+                           "courseNote": null,
+                           "courseTitle": "Abnormal Psychology"
+                       },
+                       {
+                           "term": "SP04",
+                           "course": "SOC WORK453",
+                           "credits": "3.0",
+                           "grade": "A",
+                           "courseNote": null,
+                           "courseTitle": "Alcohol & Other Drug Abuse"
+                       },
+                       {
+                           "term": "SP04",
+                           "course": "WOMEN ST103",
+                           "credits": "3.0",
+                           "grade": "A",
+                           "courseNote": null,
+                           "courseTitle": "Womens Bodies-Hlth&Disease"
+                       },
+                       {
+                           "term": "SU04",
+                           "course": "HDFS    474",
+                           "credits": "3.0",
+                           "grade": "B",
+                           "courseNote": null,
+                           "courseTitle": "Racial Ethnic Families in U.S"
+                       },
+                       {
+                           "term": "SU04",
+                           "course": "PHILOS  341001",
+                           "credits": "3.0",
+                           "grade": "B",
+                           "courseNote": null,
+                           "courseTitle": "Contemporary Moral Issues"
+                       },
+                       {
+                           "term": "FA04",
+                           "course": "HDFS    516",
+                           "credits": "3.0",
+                           "grade": "A",
+                           "courseNote": null,
+                           "courseTitle": "Family Stress and Coping"
+                       },
+                       {
+                           "term": "FA04",
+                           "course": "SOC     358",
+                           "credits": "3.0",
+                           "grade": "A",
+                           "courseNote": null,
+                           "courseTitle": "Dsgn&Analysis-Social Rsch"
+                       },
+                       {
+                           "term": "SP05",
+                           "course": "HDFS    469",
+                           "credits": "3.0",
+                           "grade": "AB",
+                           "courseNote": null,
+                           "courseTitle": "Family&Com Influences-Child"
+                       },
+                       {
+                           "term": "SP05",
+                           "course": "HDFS    501004",
+                           "credits": "3.0",
+                           "grade": "A",
+                           "courseNote": ">R",
+                           "courseTitle": "Parent Educ & Support Progs"
+                       },
+                       {
+                           "term": "SP05",
+                           "course": "HDFS    601",
+                           "credits": "3.0",
+                           "grade": "A",
+                           "courseNote": null,
+                           "courseTitle": "Internship"
+                       },
+                       {
+                           "term": "FA05",
+                           "course": "HDFS    299",
+                           "credits": "2.0",
+                           "grade": "A",
+                           "courseNote": null,
+                           "courseTitle": "Independent Study"
+                       },
+                       {
+                           "term": "FA05",
+                           "course": "HDFS    766",
+                           "credits": "3.0",
+                           "grade": "A",
+                           "courseNote": null,
+                           "courseTitle": "Children, Soc Sci & Law"
+                       },
+                       {
+                           "term": "FA05",
+                           "course": "INTER-HE428",
+                           "credits": "3.0",
+                           "grade": "A",
+                           "courseNote": null,
+                           "courseTitle": "Prgm Planning-Fam&Consmr Ed"
+                       },
+                       {
+                           "term": "FA05",
+                           "course": "LAW     822",
+                           "credits": "3.0",
+                           "grade": "A",
+                           "courseNote": null,
+                           "courseTitle": "Family Law I"
+                       },
+                       {
+                           "term": "SP06",
+                           "course": "INTER-HE427",
+                           "credits": "3.0",
+                           "grade": "A",
+                           "courseNote": null,
+                           "courseTitle": "Meths-Teachng Fam & Consumr E"
+                       },
+                       {
+                           "term": "SP06",
+                           "course": "PE ACTIV138",
+                           "credits": "1.0",
+                           "grade": "S",
+                           "courseNote": null,
+                           "courseTitle": "Golf I"
+                       },
+                       {
+                           "term": null,
+                           "course": "HDFS    566",
+                           "credits": "0.0",
+                           "grade": null,
+                           "courseNote": null,
+                           "courseTitle": null
+                       }
+                   ]
+               }
+           ]
+       },
+       {
+           "requirementName": "LEGEND",
+           "status": {
+               "status": "NONE",
+               "description": ""
+           },
+           "requirementContents": [
+               {
+                   "contentType": "okRequirementTitle",
+                   "lines": [
+                       "     Legend"
+                   ]
+               },
+               {
+                   "contentType": "okSubrequirementTLine",
+                   "lines": [
+                       "          ** COURSE SYMBOLS **",
+                       "",
+                       "        >D = duplicate course - retains GPA effect",
+                       "        >R = repeatable course",
+                       "        >S = credit split between requirements",
+                       "        >X = repeated course - no course credit or GPA effect",
+                       "        (R) = required course",
+                       "        (X) = original course value",
+                       "",
+                       "",
+                       "          ** GRADE SYMBOLS **",
+                       "",
+                       "        EIP = extended incomplete",
+                       "        CR = credit (credit/no credit courses)",
+                       "        HS = high school unit",
+                       "        IN = incomplete (credit/no credit courses)",
+                       "        INP = in-progress course (current term)",
+                       "        IP = incomplete",
+                       "        N = no credit (credit/no credit courses)",
+                       "        NR = not reported",
+                       "        NW = no work",
+                       "        PL = planned course",
+                       "        PP = progress",
+                       "        PS = mock/pseudo course",
+                       "        Q = question on credits or honors",
+                       "        S = satisfactory (pass/fail and audit courses)",
+                       "        T = transfer/test/advanced standing course",
+                       "        U = unsatisfactory (pass/fail courses)",
+                       "",
+                       "",
+                       "          ** REQUIREMENT/SUB-REQUIREMENT INFORMATION **",
+                       "",
+                       "        OK = requirement complete",
+                       "        NO = requirement not complete",
+                       "        IP = requirement uses in-progress credit/courses",
+                       "        IN-P = sub-requirement uses in progress credit/courses",
+                       "        PL = requirement/sub-requirement uses planned course",
+                       "        R = required sub-requirement (mandatory)",
+                       "        <> = optional/other requirement in OR'd set complete",
+                       "        + = sub-requirement complete",
+                       "        - = sub-requirement not complete",
+                       "        * = optional sub-requirement, courses assigned",
+                       "          = optional sub-requirement, no courses assigned",
+                       "",
+                       "",
+                       "          ** EXCEPTION SYMBOLS **",
+                       "",
+                       "        AC = course added to requirement/sub-requirement",
+                       "        CM = course modified",
+                       "        CY = catalog year modified",
+                       "        DC = course deleted from requirement/sub-requirement",
+                       "        EC = course exchanged in for another",
+                       "        RM = requirement modified",
+                       "        WC = waive course",
+                       "        WP = waive mock/pseudo course"
+                   ]
+               }
+           ]
+       }
+   ],
+   "requirementEndnote": " ******                STUDENT - PLEASE NOTE                ******\n\n DARS is the Document of Record to confirm graduation and completion of requirements for degrees in the School of Human Ecology. The DARS must report ALL REQUIREMENTS COMPLETE for you to receive your degree and additional awards. Please consult your academic advisor to understand your status towards the completion of your requirements for each declared program and how they are reflected in DARS. Your academic advisors are listed at the top of this report.\n\n DARS assumes successful completion of IN-PROGRESS courses. Dropping courses or earning sub-standard grades may cause some requirements currently reporting SATISFIED to become UNSATISFIED. It is your responsibility to ensure that all requirements are satisfied and to work with your advisors to ensure that DARS confirms your eligibility to graduate.\n\n",
+   "bottomSection": {
+       "memorandaSection": {
+           "label": "MEMORANDA",
+           "memorandaLines": [
+               "08/28/02 May carry Spanish 3 (802-213) at MATC",
+               "         concurrently with 9 credit residence",
+               "         program, 1032.",
+               "12/16/02 In action dated 8/28/02. Substitute Spanish",
+               "         3 (802-213) for Fund of Spch Comp (810-201)."
+           ]
+       },
+       "exceptionsSection": {
+           "label": "EXCEPTIONS",
+           "exceptions": [
+               {
+                   "date": "02/07/05",
+                   "exceptionTypeCode": "WC",
+                   "memo": "HDFS 566 waived - course discontinued"
+               },
+               {
+                   "date": "02/07/05",
+                   "exceptionTypeCode": "AC",
+                   "memo": "May use SOC 130 and SOC 441 for Content Area: Lifespan Req"
+               },
+               {
+                   "date": "02/07/05",
+                   "exceptionTypeCode": "DC",
+                   "memo": "Internal Adjustment"
+               },
+               {
+                   "date": "02/07/05",
+                   "exceptionTypeCode": "AC",
+                   "memo": "May use PSYCH X20 for Content Area: Life span Req"
+               },
+               {
+                   "date": "04/14/05",
+                   "exceptionTypeCode": "EC",
+                   "memo": "May sub Soc 120 for 125."
+               },
+               {
+                   "date": "09/16/05",
+                   "exceptionTypeCode": "DC",
+                   "memo": "Internal adjustment"
+               },
+               {
+                   "date": "09/16/05",
+                   "exceptionTypeCode": "RM",
+                   "memo": "Internal adjustment."
+               },
+               {
+                   "date": "09/16/05",
+                   "exceptionTypeCode": "DC",
+                   "memo": "Internal adjustment."
+               },
+               {
+                   "date": "09/16/05",
+                   "exceptionTypeCode": "DC",
+                   "memo": "Internal adjustment."
+               },
+               {
+                   "date": "01/26/06",
+                   "exceptionTypeCode": "EC",
+                   "memo": "May sub PE Activ 100, 132, 133 for Nutr Sci 132"
+               },
+               {
+                   "date": "01/26/06",
+                   "exceptionTypeCode": "EC",
+                   "memo": "May sub HDFS 535 for Poli Sci 104"
+               },
+               {
+                   "date": "01/26/06",
+                   "exceptionTypeCode": "CY",
+                   "memo": "Use 2005-06 catalog for FCCE Cert"
+               },
+               {
+                   "date": "01/26/06",
+                   "exceptionTypeCode": "EC",
+                   "memo": "May sub Soc 130 for Soc 222"
+               },
+               {
+                   "date": "01/26/06",
+                   "exceptionTypeCode": "CM",
+                   "memo": "Internal Adj"
+               },
+               {
+                   "date": "01/26/06",
+                   "exceptionTypeCode": "EC",
+                   "memo": "May sub Ed Psych 321 for Ed Psych 301"
+               },
+               {
+                   "date": "01/26/06",
+                   "exceptionTypeCode": "EC",
+                   "memo": "May sub Comp Sci 132 for Curric 514"
+               },
+               {
+                   "date": "03/01/07",
+                   "exceptionTypeCode": "AC",
+                   "memo": "May use Account 300 to sub for CS 477 fo r Major Req."
+               },
+               {
+                   "date": "03/09/07",
+                   "exceptionTypeCode": "WR",
+                   "memo": "May waive Fine Arts Req."
+               },
+               {
+                   "date": "03/09/07",
+                   "exceptionTypeCode": "WR",
+                   "memo": "May waive Chem 108 Req."
+               },
+               {
+                   "date": "03/09/07",
+                   "exceptionTypeCode": "WR",
+                   "memo": "May waive Biology Req."
+               },
+               {
+                   "date": "03/09/07",
+                   "exceptionTypeCode": "WR",
+                   "memo": "May waive Econ 101 Req."
+               },
+               {
+                   "date": "03/09/07",
+                   "exceptionTypeCode": "WR",
+                   "memo": "May waive Western History Req."
+               },
+               {
+                   "date": "03/09/07",
+                   "exceptionTypeCode": "WH",
+                   "memo": null
+               },
+               {
+                   "date": "03/09/07",
+                   "exceptionTypeCode": "WH",
+                   "memo": null
+               },
+               {
+                   "date": "03/09/07",
+                   "exceptionTypeCode": "WH",
+                   "memo": null
+               },
+               {
+                   "date": "03/09/07",
+                   "exceptionTypeCode": "WH",
+                   "memo": null
+               },
+               {
+                   "date": "03/09/07",
+                   "exceptionTypeCode": "AC",
+                   "memo": null
+               },
+               {
+                   "date": "03/09/07",
+                   "exceptionTypeCode": "WR",
+                   "memo": null
+               },
+               {
+                   "date": "03/09/07",
+                   "exceptionTypeCode": "WH",
+                   "memo": null
+               }
+           ]
+       }
+   },
+   "errorText": []
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/environments/ b/src/environments/
index 163416b..4236d3a 100644
--- a/src/environments/
+++ b/src/environments/
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 export const environment = {
   production: true,
-  version: '1.0.34',
+  version: '1.0.35',
   apiPlannerUrl: '/api/planner/v1',
   apiSearchUrl: '/api/search/v1',
   apiEnrollUrl: '/api/enroll/v1',