# Accessibility Change Log

## Version 1.0.19

### Fixed

* Review "Skip to main content" button functionality
    * Add missing id to h1, to fix "Skip to main content" link
    * Create additional link to "Skip to utility menu"
    * Change Delete Note from h2 to h3 for semantic markup
    * Change labels for Edit note and Add note to include term's name
    * Update the text on note dialog to - This action cannot be undone (!303)

* Remove redundant tooltips and adjust position of remaining ones to match mobile view
    * Remove tooltips from course keys icons on sidenav
    * Remove tooltips from menu buttons on sidenav
    * Adjust positions of remaining tooltips to match how they are displayed on mobile (!277)

* Fix color text for hint and label for invalid subject on search form
    * Change color (from #0479a8 blue to #ff4e4e red) of the hint and label of invalid Subject field on Search form, as well as change position of Subject hint to be left aligned (!273)

* Drag and drop accessibility improvement
    * Use the cdkDragStarted property to check for the click and drag event
    * Set an assistive text to be read by the screen reader (text is invisible on UI)
    * Not applied to Saved for Later or courses in search yet (!247)

* Implement "Skip to main content" functionality
    * Add "Skip to main content" button - keyboard and screen reader users will see a button on the top-left corner which offers skipping the header and main navigation entirely and takes users to the main Degree Planner content
    * Change icon for 'Course is not offered' to strikethrough
    * Increase the width of Degree Plans dropdown to 300px (!245)

* Give all course-items a role of button, and appropriate label (!242)

* Include unique h1 on DP view visible for screen readers only
    * Add Degree Planner h1 right after main navigation - consistent location with Course Search app
    * Add sr-only class and assign to it styles recommended by WebAIM (https://webaim.org/techniques/css/invisiblecontent/) to visually hide content but still be read by a screen reader
    * Screen readers will still highlight the h1 and it will be slightly visible when tabbing through the content (!241)

* Aria implementation
    * Change academic year panel title to h2 for headings hierarchy
    * Change term description title within term container from h2 to h3
    * Add missing aria-labels
    * Change the size of hint messages to 14px
    * Add aria-describedby to saved for later, planned, and enrolled courses containers
    * Replace #ff8000 orange warning color on inputs with #0479a8 blue (!234)

* Cross browser accessibility fix for outline style. Continue implementing aria and roles
    * Apply outline style to elements that were missing focus across the browsers
    * Add missing roles to applicable elements (main, navigation)
    * Improve/add missing aria-labels (!232)

* Add focus state and style to tabbable elements (!216)

* Alt-text revisions and aria-labels revision on icons, buttons, links
    * Add role="img" to svgs
    * Refactor icon’s alt texts to not include the word 'icon'
    * Add aria-label to buttons and links containing only icons (!212)

* Adjust icons font size and yellow color used on the app to a darker shade to fix low color contrast (!209)
    * Changed all icon font size to 24px
    * Changed yellow color used on the map to a darker shade

* Font size adjustments:
    * Increase academic year title font to 18px (!184)

* Initial accessibility fixes
    * Change "Add degree plan" input field placeholder from "i.e. Psychology" to "Plan Name"
    * Add tooltips and alt text to all icons used within the app
    * Add A11y module to the project
    * Add cdkFocusInitial where needed to specify which element to focus on first in the region ex: after opening a dialog, the focus lands on the first input field
    * Include word 'year' in academic years titles ex: Past year: 2017-2018; Current year: 2019 - 2020 etc. Instead of just 2019 - 2020 (!166)