@import '~@angular/material/theming'; $uw-accent: ( 50: #f8e1e2, 100: #eeb4b6, 200: #e28286, 300: #d65055, 400: #ce2b30, 500: #c5050c, 600: #bf040a, 700: #b80408, 800: #b00306, 900: #a30103, A100: #ffcece, A200: #ff9b9b, A400: #ff6868, A700: #ff4e4e, contrast: ( 50: #000000, 100: #000000, 200: #000000, 300: #ffffff, 400: #ffffff, 500: #ffffff, 600: #ffffff, 700: #ffffff, 800: #ffffff, 900: #ffffff, A100: #000000, A200: #000000, A400: #000000, A700: #000000, ), ); $uw-primary: ( 50: #e1eff5, 100: #b4d7e5, 200: #82bcd4, 300: #4fa1c2, 400: #2a8db5, 500: #0479a8, 600: #0371a0, 700: #036697, 800: #025c8d, 900: #01497d, A100: #aad6ff, A200: #77bdff, A400: #44a5ff, A700: #2a99ff, contrast: ( 50: #000000, 100: #000000, 200: #000000, 300: #000000, 400: #ffffff, 500: #ffffff, 600: #ffffff, 700: #ffffff, 800: #ffffff, 900: #ffffff, A100: #000000, A200: #000000, A400: #000000, A700: #000000, ), ); $uw-warn: ( 50: #fff0e0, 100: #ffd9b3, 200: #ffc080, 300: #ffa64d, 400: #ff9326, 500: #ff8000, 600: #ff7800, 700: #ff6d00, 800: #ff6300, 900: #ff5000, A100: #ffffff, A200: #fff5f2, A400: #ffcfbf, A700: #ffbca6, contrast: ( 50: #000000, 100: #000000, 200: #000000, 300: #000000, 400: #000000, 500: #000000, 600: #000000, 700: #000000, 800: #000000, 900: #ffffff, A100: #000000, A200: #000000, A400: #000000, A700: #000000, ), ); $custom-typography: mat-typography-config( $font-family: '"Helvetica Neue", Georgia, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif', ); @include mat-core($custom-typography); $my-app-primary: mat-palette($uw-primary); $my-app-accent: mat-palette($uw-accent); $my-app-warn: mat-palette($uw-warn); $my-app-theme: mat-light-theme($my-app-primary, $my-app-accent, $my-app-warn); @include angular-material-theme($my-app-theme); // Since we're not using uw-style for buttons we need to add a few styles to mirror its appearance. button { // text-transform: uppercase; }