diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index abb9cd823c5b5d4857fba4528572bcab5e11304c..88924fc43ad81816820c936ef9b9904ee4f3d996 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -39,4 +39,53 @@ Have a look at the `package.json` for more a more detailed view.
 ## Developing
 ### [Visual Studio Code](https://code.visualstudio.com/)
-Works great with typescript ecosystem.
\ No newline at end of file
+Works great with typescript ecosystem.
+## Basic project structure
+<pre> app
+|   |-- app.component.html
+|   |-- app.component.scss
+|   |-- app.component.spec.ts					# All tests end with .spec.ts
+|   |-- app.component.ts
+|   |-- app.module.ts  							# Parent app module
+|   |-- app.routing.module.ts				    # Primary place to add new routes
+|   |-- core
+|   |   |-- config.service.ts 					# Used for config vars
+|   |   |-- core.module.ts
+|   |   |-- data.service.spec.ts				# Designed to mock data
+|   |   |-- data.service.ts						# One catch all service for data transmission
+|   |   |-- models 								# Placeholder for user created models/interfaces
+|   |   |-- module-import-check.ts 				# Prevents the core module from loading twice.
+|   |   `-- navigation						    # Shared navigation component
+|   |       |-- navigation.component.html
+|   |       |-- navigation.component.scss
+|   |       |-- navigation.component.spec.ts
+|   |       `-- navigation.component.ts
+|   |-- home 									# Starter component using the router
+|   |   |-- home.component.html
+|   |   |-- home.component.scss
+|   |   |-- home.component.spec.ts
+|   |   `-- home.component.ts 	
+|   `-- shared									# App wide shared directory. All modules could have a shared Directory too
+|       `-- shared.module.ts  					# Only add Material components here!
+|-- assets
+|   |-- material-theme.scss  					# Custom Material theme
+|   `-- uwstyle				  					# Copy of UWStyle
+|       |-- dist
+|       |-- fonts
+|       `-- images
+|-- index.html									# html entry point gets app.component
+|-- main.ts
+|-- polyfills.ts								# Enables compatibility for older browsers
+|-- styles.css									# Could be used for global styles/imports
+|-- test.ts										# Required by karma
+|-- tsconfig.app.json
+|-- tsconfig.spec.json
+`-- typings.d.ts
+../.angular-cli.json 							# All project config for the angular cli
+../tslint.json 									# All project lint settings ex: "ng lint"
+../e2e/											# All project end to end tests ex: "ng e2e"
+../tsconfig.json 								# Primary typescript config
diff --git a/src/favicon.ico b/src/favicon.ico
old mode 100644
new mode 100755
index 8081c7ceaf2be08bf59010158c586170d9d2d517..ee4bf259f972975488b6ad2c5d4232a7fa54a844
Binary files a/src/favicon.ico and b/src/favicon.ico differ