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+# DRAFT!  Don't start yet.
+# P1 (4% of grade): Counting Loans with Dockerized Shell Script
+## Overview
+In this project, you'll setup your programming environment for the
+first part of the semester (virtual machine, Docker).  You'll practice
+writing some shell commands to download a zipped file and search
+(grep) through its contents.  You'll automate these steps with a shell
+script.  The shell script may depend on other programs (like `unzip`),
+so you'll deploy it as a Docker image with the necessary installs.
+Learning objectives:
+* deploy a virtual machine in the cloud
+* follow a complicated series of steps to install Docker
+* write a shell script to automate several bash commands
+* bundle a shell script up as a Docker image/container
+Before starting, please review the [general project directions](../projects.md).
+## Corrections/Clarifications
+* none yet
+## Prepare: Virtual Machine Connection
+## Part 1: Download Script
+Write a `download.sh` bash script that downloads the following:
+* https://pages.cs.wisc.edu/~harter/cs544/data/wi2021.csv.gz
+* https://pages.cs.wisc.edu/~harter/cs544/data/wi2022.csv.gz
+* https://pages.cs.wisc.edu/~harter/cs544/data/wi2023.csv.gz
+Your script should then decompress each of these (you can use `man gzip` to
+learn more about how to do this).
+The `download.sh` file should then create a single `wi.txt` file
+containing the contents of all three files consecutively.
+Your `download.sh` should have a shebang line so it runs with bash.
+## Part 2: Multi Script
+Write a `multi.sh` script first uses `download.sh` to generate wi.txt, then
+counts the number of lines in wi.txt containing the text "Multifamily"
+(any case).  Your script should output/print the correct number; it is
+OK it generates additional output.
+Your `multi.sh` should have a shebang line so it runs with bash.  Make
+it executable.
+## Part 3: Docker Install
+Carefully follow the directions here to install Docker 27.2.0 and Compose 2.29.2 on your virtual machine: https://docs.docker.com/engine/install/ubuntu/
+* there are several different approaches described under "Installation methods".  Use the directions under "Install using the apt repository".  Make sure you don't keep going after you reach "Install from a package"
+* the first step under "Install Docker Engine" has two options: "Latest" or "Specific version".  Choose **"Specific version"**
+* here is the command to get the required versions: `sudo apt-get install docker-ce=5:27.5.1-1~ubuntu.24.04~noble docker-ce-cli=5:27.5.1-1~ubuntu.24.04~noble containerd.io docker-buildx-plugin docker-compose-plugin=2.32.4-1~ubuntu.24.04~noble`
+To avoid needing to run every Docker command with root, there are a
+few more steps you should do here:
+(don't go beyond the "Manage Docker as a non-root user" section).
+Create some more files so we can check your Docker install:
+docker version > docker.txt
+docker compose version > compose.txt
+## Part 4: Docker Image
+Create a `Dockerfile` that starts from a base image of your choosing
+and includes your `count.sh` file.  The Dockerfile should do any
+installs needed for your script to run.
+You should be able to create an image and container like this:
+docker build . -t p1
+docker run p1
+It's OK if there is extra output besides the actual count.
+## Submission
+Read the directions [here](../projects.md) about how to create the
+At a minimum, your submission repo should contain the following:
+`docker.txt`, `compose.txt`, `download.sh`, `multi.sh`, and
+## Tester
+Details coming soon...
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 # General Project Directions
-## Project Repository Creation
-At the start of each project, you must submit [this form](https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdbuI3DTPZoapJLmAQz-hlz5Ts5bddL2uu7neg5wa6EUmSIPg/viewform).  This will indicate whether or
-now you have a partner (and if so, who).  Upon a valid a submission,
-we'll create a repo for you and your partner (if any) on GitLab and
-email you a link.
-## Collaboration/Conduct Policy
+## Collaboration/Conduct Guidance
 Students may work alone or optionally work in groups of two.
@@ -37,48 +30,34 @@ not attended.**
 ## Compute Setup
-More details coming soon...
-We'll be using Google cloud (GCP) for our work this semester.  We'll be
-sharing $50 of credit per student.  Some notes about how to manage this credit:
-* some people have multiple GCP accounts, for example, one with @gmail.com and one with @wisc.edu.  You must redeem the credits with your @wisc.edu, but it's fine to then use them under any account
-* Google accounts have multiple "billing accounts" -- these might typically correspond to credit cards.  In your case, you'll have a billing account corresponding to $50 credit we'll provide
-* Virtual machines and other resources are created under "projects", which are assigned to a billing account (and can be reassigned).  When your first billing count is nearly exhausted, you'll need to move your VM over (or create a new one)
-Here is a plan/budget for what VM you should have at each point during the semester:
+For most projects, we'll use VMs provided by CSL.  See the directions
+[here](csl-vm.md) about how to access it.  The first project will
+involve some setup (like installing docker) on the VM.
+For later projects, we'll share details about how to do use cloud
-Please monitor your credits carefully.  If you're burning through credits faster than the schedule, it is your responsibility to conserve credits (for example, by shutting down your VM overnight).
-Your VMs should always run the TODO OS (be sure it is the "x86/64" option).  Here are versions for the software we'll use this semester:
-* Ubuntu 24.04
-* Docker 27.2.0
-* *more details soon*
-Be sure to backup your work regularly to a private GitLab repo, or with an `scp` to your personal computer.
+## Project Repository Creation
-For commands like `scp` and others you will use this semester, the
-cloud console's in-browser SSH client won't work.  You'll need to
-setup SSH keys with `ssh-keygen` and configure it on
-https://console.cloud.google.com/compute/metadata to get from your
-personal computer.
+At the start of each project, you must submit the [partner
+form](https://tyler.caraza-harter.com/cs544/s25/forms.html).  This
+will indicate whether or now you have a partner (and if so, who).
+Upon a valid a submission, we'll create a repo for you and your
+partner (if any) on GitLab and email you a link.
 ## Submission
-You'll be doing all your work on GitLab (in private repos we'll help
-you setup).  Watch for Canvas announcements for further details.
+You'll submit by pushing to your GitLab project repo.  Be
+carefull not to push after the deadline unless your intention is to
+submit late (see policy below).
-* if you worked with a partner, make one submission.  Requirement: commit history must show at least one commit from each partner.
 * projects have four parts; for notebooks, use big headers to divide your work into the four parts ("# Part 1: ...")
 * for question based project work, (Q1, Q2, etc), include comments like ("# Q1: ...") before the answers
 * each project will specify some specific files you need to commit (like a p1.ipynb or server.py); in addition to those, include whatever is needed (except data) for somebody to run your code
-## Late Policy
+## Policies
+### Late Policy
 The general rule is no submissions >3 days late.  Each day late suffers a 10% penalty (so a 90% submission that is 2 days late gets 70%).
@@ -91,13 +70,13 @@ If you're working with a project partner who has the late penalty waived by a TA
 For other cases (falling very far behind, family emergencies, etc), **reach out to your instructor** to discuss possible accomodations.
-## Resubmission Policy
+### Resubmission Policy
 Resubmissions generally won't be allowed once projects have been
 graded, except in unusual situations, or when we made a mistake on our
 end (like a misleading specification).
-## "Pre-grading" Policy
+### "Pre-grading" Policy
 We won't pre-grade work, so don't ask questions like "does this all
 look good?" during office hours.  When grading many assignments, it's