from datasets import load_dataset # Import Hugging Face's datasets library from pathlib import Path # For handling file paths in a cross-platform way import tempfile # For creating temporary directories import random # For random sampling and shuffling import json # For reading/writing CSV files from collections import defaultdict # For grouping solutions by language from tqdm import tqdm # Get the directory where the script is located current_file = Path(__file__).parent # Check if the script is being run from the correct directory if not"p5"): print("Please run this script from the p5 directory!!") print(f"Current directory: {current_file.absolute()}") exit(1) # Check if the required 'nb' directory exists if not Path("nb").exists(): print("No 'nb' directory found. Refer to the and make it.") exit(1) # Check if the required 'nb/data' directory exists if not Path("nb/data").exists(): print("No 'nb/data' directory found. Refer to the and make it.") exit(1) print("Splitting the CodeContests dataset into 'problems.jsonl' and 'solutions.jsonl'") SEED = 42 # Set a random seed for reproducibility random.seed(SEED) # Define a mapping from numerical language IDs to human-readable language names LANGUAGE_MAP = { 0: "UNKNOWN_LANGUAGE", 1: "PYTHON2", 2: "CPP", 3: "PYTHON3", 4: "JAVA", } with open("nb/data/languages.csv", "w") as f: f.write("language,language_name\n") for k, v in LANGUAGE_MAP.items(): f.write(f"{k},{v}\n") SOURCE_MAP = { 0: "UNKNOWN_SOURCE", 1: "CODECHEF", 2: "CODEFORCES", 3: "HACKEREARTH", 4: "CODEJAM", 5: "ATCODER", 6: "AIZU", } with open("nb/data/sources.csv", "w") as f: f.write("source,source_name\n") for k, v in SOURCE_MAP.items(): f.write(f"{k},{v}\n") # Define the set of keys that will be extracted for problem data problem_keys = { "name", "source", "difficulty", "cf_contest_id", "cf_index", "cf_points", "cf_rating", "is_description_translated", "memory_limit_bytes", } TAG_MAPS = {} PROB_ID_MAP = {} # Define output file paths problems_path = Path("nb/data/problems.jsonl") solutions_path = Path("nb/data/solutions.jsonl") num_removed = 0 prob_id_counter = 0 # Create a temporary directory to download and cache the dataset with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tmpdirname: # Load the DeepMind Code Contests dataset dataset = load_dataset( "deepmind/code_contests", split="train", # Use the training split streaming=True, # Stream the dataset to handle its large size cache_dir=tmpdirname, # Store the cache in the temporary directory ) dataset = dataset.shuffle(SEED) with Path("nb/data/problem_tests.csv").open("w") as test_file: test_file.write( "problem_id,input_chars,output_chars,is_public,is_generated,is_private,output_is_number\n" ) # Open both output files for writing with"w") as problems_fd: with"w") as solutions_fd: problems_saved = 0 # Counter for saved problems # Process each problem in the dataset for task in tqdm(dataset, total=10_000, desc="Processing problems"): # Extract problem data for the relevant keys problem_id = prob_id_counter prob_id_counter += 1 prob_dict = { "problem_id": problem_id, **{k: task[k] for k in problem_keys}, } if prob_dict["difficulty"] == 0: num_removed += 1 continue total_tests = 0 # Check if test data is available for each test type for t_name in ["public", "private", "generated"]: num_save = 0 for ti, to in zip( task[f"{t_name}_tests"]["input"], task[f"{t_name}_tests"]["output"], ): test_file.write( ",".join( ( str(problem_id), f"{len(ti)}", f"{len(to)}", f"{t_name == 'public'}", f"{t_name == 'generated'}", f"{t_name == 'private'}", f"{to.isnumeric()}", ) ) + "\n" ) num_save += 1 if t_name in {"public", "private"}: total_tests += 1 if num_save >= 30: break prob_dict[f"{t_name}_tests"] = len( task.get(f"{t_name}_tests", {"input": []})["input"] ) if total_tests == 0: num_removed += 1 continue prob_dict["cf_tags"] = [] for t in task["cf_tags"]: if t not in TAG_MAPS: TAG_MAPS[t] = len(TAG_MAPS) prob_dict["cf_tags"].append(TAG_MAPS[t]) # Extract time limit (if available) prob_dict["time_limit"] = ( -1 if task["time_limit"] is None else task["time_limit"]["seconds"] ) sols = [] # Initialize solutions list (note: not used later) # Process both correct and incorrect solutions for p, sol_dict in [ (True, task["solutions"]), # Correct solutions (False, task["incorrect_solutions"]), # Incorrect solutions ]: # Group solutions by programming language language_sols = defaultdict(list) for i, sol in enumerate(sol_dict["solution"]): language_sols[sol_dict["language"][i]].append(sol) has_printed = False # For each language, randomly sample a small number of solutions # (to save space, we're not keeping all solutions) for lang, sols in language_sols.items(): # Take between 1-3 random solutions per language to_save = random.sample( sols, k=min(len(sols), random.randint(1, 3)) ) for sol in to_save: # Truncate solutions that are too long if len(sol) > 4096: sol = sol[:4096] + "...TRUNCATED" save_sol_dict = { "problem_id": problem_id, "language": LANGUAGE_MAP[ lang ], # Convert language ID to name "is_correct": p, # Whether this is a correct solution "solution": sol, # The code solution } # Write the solution to the CSV solutions_fd.write(json.dumps(save_sol_dict) + "\n") # Write the problem data to the CSV problems_fd.write(json.dumps(prob_dict) + "\n") problems_saved += 1 if problems_saved >= 10_000: break with Path("nb/data/tags.csv").open("w") as f: f.write("tag_id,tag\n") for k, v in TAG_MAPS.items(): if not k: continue f.write(f"{v},{k}\n") print(f"Removed {num_removed:,} problems")