# Creating your First Integration (REF: ONBOARDING PAGE AND MANIFEST INSTRUCTIONS PAGE) [Onboarding](/docs/on-boarding-to-iics.md) [Manifest](/docs/manifest-users.md) Access to IICS requires admin intervention Access to IICS needs a manifest group created Folder is needed, old OR new Manifest group needs to be made users need to be added to the manifest group uw:org:ais:ais-admins NEEDS read & view priveleges on aformentioned group Once group is set up, admins will give you and IICS account admin gives IICS access you log in log into test press LOG OUT log into prod press LOG OUT admin gives permissions within iics (REF: PERSONAPI DOCS) [Person API Docs](https://developer.wisc.edu/get-started) [Postman](https://www.postman.com/) Provision Access to PersonAPI NOTE: requires access to developer.wisc.edu and THUS a netid. is this something everyone will have? Sign in Register Application Enable Mock Person API Acquire API Key (both access AND secret) Auth in Postman Set Auth to OAuth 2.0 Configure new token - Grant Type of Client Credentials Access Token URL of https://api.wisc.edu/oauth/token ID and Secret of Token equal to Key and Secret of API Key Click "Get Access Token" Test in Postman GET request to https://mock.api.wisc.edu/people should see several records