# Run Informatica Agent in Docker Container <!-- MarkdownTOC --> - [Description](#description) - [1. Prepare Org for Agent installation](#1-prepare-org-for-agent-installation) - [1.1 Create User](#11-create-user) - [2. Build a Docker Image](#2-build-a-docker-image) - [3. Create and run a Container using your Docker Image](#3-create-and-run-a-container-using-your-docker-image) - [. Connect and Initialize Agent](#-connect-and-initialize-agent) <!-- /MarkdownTOC --> ## Description This package contains example docker file and supporting scripts to run Informatica CLoud Secure Agent on a Docker Container. Note that this is not an official or supported method how to run Informatica Secure Agent. It is useful though to leearning how to setup secure agent, create agent clusters or test integrations Full containerization of Secure agent is non trivial as it requires custom configuration of agent if deem to use this method as your runtime ## 1. Prepare Org for Agent installation ### 1.1 Create User 1. Create IICS Native user account which will be used to connect secure agent and assign user to Admin Group Follow naming convention that includes company domain and environment such as `sa_login@acme.com.dev` 2. Login to informatica Cloud to activate the user and retrive the Secure Agent Token on the Administration/Runtime Environments page  ## 2. Build a Docker Image 1. Make sure you have docker installed, go to (https://docs.docker.com/engine/installation/) 2. Make sure you have a git client installed 3. Clone repository with contents of this project ```shell git clone git@github.com:jbrazda/ic-sagent-docker.git ``` 4. Update the [Dockerfile](Dockerfile) if necessary (Location of the SA agent installer might be different for your Informatica CLoud org) You can override the default location by specifying `--build-arg <name>=<value>` in next step 5. Run command to build a docker Image ```shell docker build -t ic-secure-agent:1.0 . ``` The Agent installation location will be dependend on specific Informatica Pod where your org is provisioned To override the download file location use AGENT_URL argument. typical format for download url is `https://<pod>.<region>.informaticacloud.com/saas/download/linux64/installer/agent64_install_ng_ext.bin` ```shell docker build --build-arg AGENT_URL=https://na1.dm-us.informaticacloud.com/saas/download/linux64/installer/agent64_install_ng_ext.bin -t ic-secure-agent:1.0 . ``` ## 3. Create and run a Container using your Docker Image Execute following command `run -d -h <hostname> --name <agent_name> <image_name:image_tag>` ```shell docker run -d -h agent1 --name ic-agent1 ic-secure-agent:1.0 ``` If you want to make certain ports available on your host like ability to call Secure agent processes or access oProcess engine Database from your host machine map the available exposed ports using th -p option of the docker run command Stop the container using a `docker stop <container_name` i.e. docker stop ### . Connect and Initialize Agent We need to configure the agent to connect it to your Informatica Cloud Org When you running agent for the first time, run following command in the host machine to connect to running agent ```shell docker exec -it ic-agent1 bash ``` Then run following command to configure agent Prefer using the new method of using username/token instead of password Using Token ```shell ./consoleAgentManager.sh configureToken '<username>' '<token>' ``` Using Password ```shell ./consoleAgentManager.sh configure '<username>' '<password>' ``` You can monitor agent logs running by ```shell docker exec -it ic-agent1 less agentCore.log ``` From https://network.informatica.com/servlet/JiveServlet/download/189174-25674/Informatica%20Cloud%20Secure%20Agent%20Minimum%20Requirements.pdf Minimum Hardware Specs Use one of the following operating systems: Windows version 7 (32-bit or 64-bit) or Windows XP Pro SP2/SP3 (32-bit). Linux (32-bit or 64-bit) with the following configuration: Red Hat Enterprise Linux version 5.3 or above. SUSE Linux Enterprise version 10 and above. 2-4 CPU recommended 2 GB RAM recommended dedicated for the Agent (Recent customers have used 8GB) 1 GB Hard disk space 1 GB Network connectivity (faster the better as this will most likely the bottleneck)