From 0fede8297122be1a6794e9ad1cf5cef4ba383441 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
Date: Fri, 21 Feb 2025 21:32:40 -0600
Subject: [PATCH] update README

 p3/ | 49 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++------------
 1 file changed, 37 insertions(+), 12 deletions(-)

diff --git a/p3/ b/p3/
index 14b1757..245f670 100644
--- a/p3/
+++ b/p3/
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ Before starting, please review the [general project directions](../
 * none yet
-## Part 1: Communication
+## Part 1: Communication (gRPC)
 In this project, three client programs (,, and will communicate with a server,, via gRPC.
@@ -46,19 +46,22 @@ servicer code for your server.  All field types will be strings,
 except `total` and `csv_data`, which should be `int64` and 
 `bytes` respectively.
+### Local Testing (Recommended)
 Now build the .proto on your VM.  Install the tools like this:
 python3 -m venv venv
 source venv/bin/activate
-pip3 install grpcio==1.66.1 grpcio-tools==1.66.1 numpy==2.1.1 protobuf==5.27.2 pyarrow==17.0.0 setuptools==75.1.0
+pip install grpcio-tools==1.70.0 grpcio==1.70.0 protobuf==5.29.3
 Then use `grpc_tools.protoc` to build your .proto file.
-In your server, override the two RPC methods for the generated
-servicer.  For now, you can just return messages with the error field
-set to "TODO", leaving any other field unspecified.
+Create a program that uses the generated gRPC code.  Your
+server should override the two RPC methods for the servicer.
+For now, you can just return messages with the error field set to
+"TODO", leaving any other field unspecified.
 If communication is working correctly so far, you should be able to
 start a server and used a client to get back a "TODO" error message
@@ -70,7 +73,9 @@ python3 simple.csv
 # should see "TODO"
-Create a Dockerfile to build an image that will also let you run your
+### Docker Deployment (Required)
+Create a Dockerfile to build an image that will let you run your
 server in a container.  It should be possible to build and run your
 server like this:
@@ -81,12 +86,32 @@ docker run -d -m 512m -p p3
 The client programs should then be able to communicate with the
 Dockerized programs the same way they communicated with the server
-outside of a container.
+outside of a container (in the "Local Testing" example above).
+Note that we won't install any Python packages (such as the gRPC
+tools) on our test VM (like we asked you to do for manual testing), so
+it is important that compiling your .proto file is one of the steps
+that happens during Docker build.
+Your Dockerfile should also copy in the client programs we provide
+into your Docker image, and your image should include whatever these
+clients need to run.  When we test your code, we will run the clients
+in the same container as the server, like this:
+docker run --name=server -d -m 512m -p -v ./inputs:/inputs p3   # server
+docker exec server python3 /inputs/test1.csv                              # client
+Note that we are using a volume mount to share make input data visible
+inside your container so that we can `exec` clients inside your
+container with that data.
-If you want to make code changes without rebuilding the image each
-time, consider using a volume mount to make the latest version of on your VM replace the in the file (if the server
-is not at / inside the container, modify accordingly):
+You may also wish to use volume mounts to speed up your development
+process.  For example, if you volume mount your server code (on your
+VM) over your file inside your container, you will be able
+to re-run your container with newer code without rebuilding
+first.  Here's an example:
 docker run --rm -m 512m -p -v ./ p3
@@ -190,4 +215,4 @@ your code must NOT hold the lock when doing file I/O.
 ## Tester
-Not released yet.  Details coming soon!
\ No newline at end of file
+Not released yet.  Details coming soon!