
message Empty{}

message BlockLocationsReq {
  string path = 1;

message BlockLocationsResp {
  map <string, int32> block_entries = 1;  // list of block locations
  string error = 2;

message CalcAvgLoanReq {
  int32 county_code = 1;

message CalcAvgLoanResp {
  int32 avg_loan = 1;
  string source = 2; // create, reuse, or recreate
  string error = 3;

message StatusString{
  string status= 1;

service Lender {
  //Load from SQL server and upload it to HDFS
  rpc DbToHdfs (Empty) returns (StatusString);

  //Get the block locations of the Parquet file in HDFS
  rpc BlockLocations (BlockLocationsReq) returns (BlockLocationsResp);

  //Calculate the average loan amount for a given county_code
  rpc CalcAvgLoan (CalcAvgLoanReq) returns (CalcAvgLoanResp);