Glenn Vorhes authoredGlenn Vorhes authored
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mapMoveCls.ts 9.45 KiB
import LayerBaseVector from "../layers/LayerBaseVector";
import MapInteractionBase from './mapInteractionBase';
import * as checkDefined from '../util/checkDefined';
import provide from '../util/provide';
import makeGuid from '../util/makeGuid';
import {ol} from 'custom-ol'
import {extentObject} from '../_internalnterfaces'
import Timer = NodeJS.Timer;
const $ = require('jquery');
const nm = provide('olHelpers');
export interface mapMoveCallbackFunction{
* @param extent extent as predefined object minX, minX, maxX, maxY
* @param zoomLevel current zoom level
* @param evtType the event type 'change:center', 'change:resolution'
(extent: extentObject, zoomLevel: number, evtType?: string): any
* assists with map move interactions, trigger callback functions
* @augments MapInteractionBase
export class MapMoveCls extends MapInteractionBase {
_mapExtent: extentObject;
_zoomLevel: number;
_lookupLayer: Object;
_arrLayer: Array<LayerBaseVector>;
_arrLyrTimeout: Array<Timer>;
_mapMoveCallbackTimeout: Array<Timer>;
_mapMoveCallbackDelays: Array<number>;
_mapMoveCallbacksLookup: Object;
_mapMoveCallbackContext: Array<Object>;
_mapMoveCallbacks: Array<mapMoveCallbackFunction>;
_arrLyrRequest: Array<any>;
* constructor called implicitly
constructor() {
super('map move');
this._arrLyrRequest = [];
this._arrLyrTimeout = [];
this._arrLayer = [];
this._lookupLayer = {};
this._mapMoveCallbacks = [];
this._mapMoveCallbacksLookup = {};
this._mapMoveCallbackDelays = [];
this._mapMoveCallbackContext = [];
this._mapMoveCallbackTimeout = [];
this._mapExtent = undefined;
this._zoomLevel = undefined;
* initialize the map move object
* @param theMap - the ol map
init(theMap: ol.Map){
this.map.getView().on(['change:center', 'change:resolution'], (e) =>{
// trigger the layer updates
for (let i = 0; i < this._arrLayer.length; i++) {
this.triggerLyrLoad(this._arrLayer[i], i, e.type);
// trigger the map callbacks
for (let i = 0; i < this._mapMoveCallbacks.length; i++) {
this.triggerMoveCallback(i, e.type);
_updateMapExtent() {
let theView = this.map.getView();
this._zoomLevel = theView.getZoom();
let extentArray = theView.calculateExtent(this.map.getSize());
this._mapExtent = {
minX: extentArray[0],
minY: extentArray[1],
maxX: extentArray[2],
maxY: extentArray[3]
* return the map extent
get mapExtent() {
if (!this._mapExtent) {
return this._mapExtent;
* Trigger the layer load
* @param lyr the layer being acted on
* @param index index of the layer
* @param eventType the event triggering the load, as 'change:center' or 'change:resolution'
triggerLyrLoad(lyr: LayerBaseVector, index?: number, eventType?: string) {
if (checkDefined.undefinedOrNull(lyr) && checkDefined.undefinedOrNull(index)) {
throw 'need to define lyr or index';
} else if (checkDefined.definedAndNotNull(lyr) && checkDefined.undefinedOrNull(index)) {
index = this._arrLayer.indexOf(lyr);
} else if (checkDefined.undefinedOrNull(lyr) && checkDefined.definedAndNotNull(index)) {
lyr = this._arrLayer[index];
// clear the timeout
if (this._arrLyrTimeout[index] != null) {
this._arrLyrTimeout[index] = null;
// abort if necessary and clear the request
if (this._arrLyrRequest[index] != null && this._arrLyrRequest[index] != 4) {
this._arrLyrRequest[index] = null;
// dummy callback used if before load returns false
let callbackFunc = function () {};
if (lyr.mapMoveBefore(this._zoomLevel, eventType)) {
lyr.mapMoveMakeGetParams(this._mapExtent, this._zoomLevel);
let _this = this;
callbackFunc = function () {
function innerFunction(theLayer, theIndex) {
let _innerThis = this;
this._arrLyrRequest[theIndex] = $.get(
function (d) {
* @type {LayerBaseVector}
}, 'json').fail(
function (jqXHR) {
if (jqXHR.statusText != 'abort') {
function () {
_innerThis._arrLyrTimeout[theIndex] = null;
_innerThis._arrLyrRequest[theIndex] = null;
innerFunction.call(_this, lyr, index);
} else {
this._arrLyrTimeout[index] = setTimeout(callbackFunc, lyr.onDemandDelay);
* trigger the map move call back at the given index
* @param ind - the index of the layer
* @param eventType=undefined the event triggering the load as 'change:center' or 'change:resolution'
* @param functionId=undefined the function id used to reference the added callback function
triggerMoveCallback(ind: number, eventType?: string, functionId?: string) {
if (typeof ind == 'undefined' && typeof functionId == 'undefined'){
throw 'either the function index or the id must be defined';
if (typeof ind !== 'number'){
ind = this._mapMoveCallbacks.indexOf(this._mapMoveCallbacksLookup[functionId]);
if (ind < 0){
console.log('function not found');
// clear the timeout
if (this._mapMoveCallbackTimeout[ind] != null) {
this._mapMoveCallbackTimeout[ind] = null;
let ctx = this._mapMoveCallbackContext[ind];
let theFunc = this._mapMoveCallbacks[ind];
let _this = this;
let f = function () {
if (ctx !== null) {
theFunc.call(ctx, _this._mapExtent, _this._zoomLevel, eventType);
} else {
theFunc(_this._mapExtent, _this._zoomLevel, eventType);
this._mapMoveCallbackTimeout[ind] = setTimeout(f, this._mapMoveCallbackDelays[ind]);
* Add a layer to the interaction
* @param lyr - layer to add
* @param triggerOnAdd - if the layer should be loaded on add
addVectorLayer(lyr: LayerBaseVector, triggerOnAdd: boolean = true) {
if (this._arrLayer.indexOf(lyr) > -1) {
console.log('already added ' + lyr.name + ' to map move');
this._lookupLayer[lyr.id] = lyr;
triggerOnAdd = typeof triggerOnAdd == 'boolean' ? triggerOnAdd : true;
if (triggerOnAdd) {
if (this._mapExtent === undefined) {
this.triggerLyrLoad(lyr, this._arrLayer.length - 1);
* add a callback to the map move event
* @param func - callback function
* @param context - the context to use for this function
* @param delay=50 the delay before call load
* @param triggerOnAdd if the layer should be loaded on add to mapMove
* @param functionId optional id to reference the function later for outside triggering
addCallback(func: mapMoveCallbackFunction, context: any, delay?: number, triggerOnAdd? : boolean, functionId?: string) {
if (this._mapMoveCallbacks.indexOf(func) > -1) {
console.log('this function already added to map move');
if (!functionId){
functionId = makeGuid();
this._mapMoveCallbacksLookup[functionId] = functionId;
this._mapMoveCallbackDelays.push(typeof delay == 'number' ? delay : 50);
this._mapMoveCallbackContext.push(checkDefined.definedAndNotNull(context) ? context : null);
triggerOnAdd = typeof triggerOnAdd == 'boolean' ? triggerOnAdd : true;
if (triggerOnAdd) {
if (this._mapExtent === undefined) {
this.triggerMoveCallback(this._mapMoveCallbacks.length - 1);
nm.MapMoveCls = MapMoveCls;
export default MapMoveCls;