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DoIT’s Enterprise Collaboration & Communication (ECC) Services deliver a variety of cloud/hybrid enterprise services. This ECC Advisory project is for transparent collaboration around issues and features with campus stakeholders.
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A Java library useful for simplifying authentication and authorization for UW-Madison web applications using Spring Security.
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Operate the BRB from LabView to MDSplus. Also access data from probes on the BRB remotely. Each computer has the scripts it needs in it's own directory.
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ChemistryITHelpdesk / System_Info_ChemHelpdesk
Apache License 2.0This project contains the files for the UW-Madison Chemistry Department IT Helpdesk to easily get relevant system information from a device.
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Java Client library to make calls to the campus Person API. This requires application credentials and access to the Person API on https://developer.wisc.edu/
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A PHP client to access SOAP endpoints exposed by CBS for use by the Techstore.
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A guide and examples to implement Shibboleth login within an AWS Elastic Beanstalk environment.
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This is the DoIT fork for https://github.com/uw-it-aca/scout-manager. Fork is due to migrate to Python 3.6.x and Djnago 2.x.
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External documentation for Integration Service Proxy and AmazonMQ.