- Incorporate LiveAnnouncer into Collapse/Expand all sections buttons
- Add LiveAnnouncer functionality to announce the UI change followed by closing/opening all accordion panels
- Changed the text on buttons to be consistent across the app, since they provide the same functionality functionality (!446)
- DARS form elements - accessibility fixes
- Credits step: add aria-labelledby to select dropdown with credits
- Credits step: Fix aria-label to say credits instead of cr
- Increase the font-size of form labels to 14px
- Add attr.aria-label to the next/prev buttons on table pagination so that the screen reader will announce the change. It will now say 'Switched to page ' + pageEvent.pageIndex + ' of ' + title + ' table.'
- Add aria-live="polite" to containers with cdkDropList attribute - this provides a slightly better experience as screen reader announces the container (List of courses in {{ termCode | getTermDescription }} term) below the dragged course
- Increase the font of the caption text above audit tables to 16px (!444)
- Main DARS view- accessibility fixes
- Fix heading levels to include h1, and h2 on main DARS view
- Apply initially specified design to the Degree AUdit and What-if audit tables
- Change table headings <th>s from 12px to 14px
- Move School/College column to the first column in tables
- Move View button to the left side of the Download button, and give this column a heading of Actions. This change solved the issue of having an empty <th> cell, which should never be without a data
- Add scope="col attribute to each <th>
- Add tooltip to Download icon
- Increased font-size of form field labels to 16px (!440)
- Audit details view - accessibility fixes
- Fix mixed heading levels, and include h1, h2,and h3 on Audit details view
- Edit headings on the first table to be more descriptive ex. Degree instead of Deg, and increase the font-size from 12px to 14px