This component is currently a work in progress, right now it does work as a stand alone component and in tandem with the myuw-app-bar component.
Right now all of the data is hardcoded in as a placeholder, this will be updated soon to use dynamic data pulled in from the MyUW session endpoint. I am also looking into ways for users to include custom link items using slots, but getting everything to style properly is proving difficult.
Right now all of the data is hardcoded in as a placeholder, this will be updated soon to use dynamic data pulled in from the MyUW session endpoint.
## Testing
@@ -11,4 +11,8 @@ You can view a test of this component being used with the myuw-app-bar by openin
-**Login URL (login-url):** The URL to redirect users to on login
-**Logout URL (logout-url):** The Logout URL to redirect users to on logout
-**Session Endpoint (session-endpoint):** The endpoint URL for session info
\ No newline at end of file
-**Session Endpoint (session-endpoint):** The endpoint URL for session info
#### Slots
-**Profile Navigation Item (nav-item):** Add a custom item to the profile button's navigation menu, this slot expects an `<a>` tag