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NETID-238 Dockerize PHP NetID RPC

Matt Trefilek requested to merge TREFILEK/rpc-netid-php:NETID-238 into master

Added in a DOCKERFILE and a docker-compose.yml which create environments to run unit and integration tests without any prerequisites (aside from docker) installed. Added a release script to release to the remote repository and an environment file to keep track of version locally.

To run the tests:

  1. Have Docker installed
  2. cd into the rpc-netid-php directory
  3. run docker-compose run --rm test or docker-compose run --rm integration-test

The test and integration test are separated into two different profiles, so that way if keys or passwords need to be copied into the integration testing profile, it does not effect anything else.

docker-compose run --rm is used to create a one-off container. Since there is no front-facing web application, this prevents lingering inaccessible containers from hanging on.

To release:

  1. Have git installed
  2. Version number in .env file (normally branch should be master, but can be modified)
  3. Run chmod +x
  4. Run ./

Notify: @bjsousa @NUWAN.KUMARASIRI

Merge request reports
