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P5 (4% of grade): Spark And Hive


In P5, you'll use Spark to analyze competitive programming problems and their solutions. You'll load your data into Hive tables and views for easy querying. The main table contains numerous IDs in columns; you'll need to join these with other tables or views to determine what these IDs mean.

Important: You'll answer 10 questions in P5. Write each question number and text (e.g., "#q1: ...") as a comment in your notebook before each answer so we can easily find and grade your work.

Learning objectives:

  • Use Spark's RDD, DataFrame, and SQL interfaces to answer questions about data
  • Load data into Hive for querying with Spark
  • grouping and optimizing queries
  • Use PySpark's machine learning API to train a decision tree

Before starting, please review the general project directions.


  • 3/15/2025: Fixed p5-base dockerfile and added in note to not include the datasets in your submission.
  • 3/17/2025: Added hint for boss and worker


Copy these files from the project into your repository:

  • p5-base.Dockerfile
  • namenode.Dockerfile
  • notebook.Dockerfile
  • datanode.Dockerfile
  • docker-compose.yml
  • .gitignore

Create a Python virtual environment and install the datasets library:

pip3 install datasets==3.3.2

Create the directory structure with:

mkdir -p nb/data

Run the provided script to download the DeepMind CodeContests dataset and split it into problems.jsonl and solutions.jsonl.

NOTE: Do NOT include the generated data in your submission. The .gitignore will do this for you.

Docker Containers

docker build . -f p5-base.Dockerfile -t p5-base
docker build . -f notebook.Dockerfile -t p5-nb
docker build . -f namenode.Dockerfile -t p5-nn
docker build . -f datanode.Dockerfile -t p5-dn
docker build . -f boss.Dockerfile -t p5-boss
docker build . -f worker.Dockerfile -t p5-worker

Note that you need to write a boss.Dockerfile and worker.Dockerfile. A script is included for your convenience.

You can bring up your cluster like this:

export PROJECT=p5
docker compose up -d

Hint: For the boss and worker dockerfile, look at the lecture code for spark.

Jupyter Container

Connect to JupyterLab inside your container. Within the nb directory, create a notebook called p5.ipynb.

Run the following shell commands in a cell to upload the data:

hdfs dfs -D dfs.replication=1 -cp -f data/*.jsonl hdfs://nn:9000/
hdfs dfs -D dfs.replication=1 -cp -f data/*.csv hdfs://nn:9000/

VS Code users

If you are using VS Code and remote SSH to work on your project, then the ports will already be forwarded for you. And you only need to go to: in your terminal.

Part 1: Filtering: RDDs, DataFrames, and Spark

Inside your p5.ipynb notebook, create a Spark session (note we're enabling Hive on HDFS):

from pyspark.sql import SparkSession
spark = (SparkSession.builder.appName("cs544")
         .config("spark.executor.memory", "1G")
         .config("spark.sql.warehouse.dir", "hdfs://nn:9000/user/hive/warehouse")

Load hdfs://nn:9000/problems.jsonl into a DataFrame. To verify success, run:


If loaded properly, you should see: image.png

Q1: How many problems are there with a cf_rating of at least 1600, having private_tests, and a name containing "_A." (Case Sensitive)? Answer by directly using the RDD API.

Remember that if you have a Spark DataFrame df, you can get the underlying RDD using df.rdd.


Q2: How many problems are there with a cf_rating of at least 1600, having private_tests, and a name containing "_A." (Case Sensitive)? Answer by using the DataFrame API.

This is the same question as Q1, and you should get the same answer. This is to give you to interact with Spark different ways.

Q3: How many problems are there with a cf_rating of at least 1600, having private_tests, and a name containing "_A." (Case Sensitive)? Answer by using Spark SQL.

Before you can use spark.sql, write the problem data to a Hive table so that you can refer to it by name.

Again, the result after calling count should match your answers for Q1 and Q2.

Part 2: Hive Data Warehouse

Q4: Does the query plan for a GROUP BY on solutions data need to shuffle/exchange rows if the data is pre-bucketed?

Write the data from solutions.jsonl to a Hive table named solutions, like you did for problems. This time, though, bucket the data by "language" and use 4 buckets when writing to the table.

Use Spark SQL to explain the query plan for this query:

SELECT language, COUNT(*)
FROM solutions
GROUP BY language

The explain output suffices for your answer. Take note (for your own sake) whether any Exchange appears in the output. Think about why an exchange/shuffle is or is not needed between the partial_count and count aggregates.

Q5: What tables/views are in our warehouse?

You'll notice additional CSV files in nb/data that we haven't used yet. Create a Hive view for each using createOrReplaceTempView. Use these files:

    "languages", "problem_tests", "sources", "tags"

Answer with a Python dict like this:

{'problems': False,
 'solutions': False,
 'languages': True,
 'problem_tests': True,
 'sources': True,
 'tags': True}

The boolean indicates whether it is a temporary view (True) or table (False).

Part 3: Caching and Transforming Data

Q6: How many correct PYTHON3 solutions are from CODEFORCES?

You may use any method for this question. Join the solutions table with the problems table using an inner join on the problem_id column. Note that the source column in problems is an integer. Join this column with the source_id column from the sources CSV. Find the number of correct PYTHON3 solutions from CODEFORCES.

Answer Q6 with code and a single integer. DO NOT HARDCODE THE CODEFORCES ID.

Q7: How many problems are of easy/medium/hard difficulty?

The problems_df has a numeric difficulty column. For the purpose of categorizing the problems, interpret this number as follows:

  • <= 5 is Easy
  • <= 10 is Medium
  • Otherwise Hard

Your answer should return this dictionary:

{'Easy': 409, 'Medium': 5768, 'Hard': 2396}

Note (in case you use this dataset for something beyond the course): the actual meaning of the difficulty column depends on the problem source.


Q8: Does caching make it faster to compute averages over a subset of a bigger dataset?

To test the impact of caching, we are going to do the same calculations with and without caching. Implement a query that first filters rows of problem_tests to get rows where is_generated is False -- use a variable to refer to the resulting DataFrame.

Write some code to compute the average input_chars and output_chars over this DataFrame. Then, write code to do an experiment as follows:

  1. compute the averages
  2. make a call to cache the data
  3. compute the averages
  4. compute the averages
  5. uncache the data

Measure the number of seconds it takes each of the three times we do the average calculations.s_generated` filtering only. Answer with list of the three times, in order, as follows:

[0.9092552661895752, 1.412867546081543, 0.1958458423614502]

Your numbers may vary significantly, but the final run should usually be the fastest.

Part 4: Machine Learning with Spark

The dataset documentation for the difficulty field says: "For Codeforces problems, cf_rating is a more reliable measure of difficulty when available".

For this part, you will attempt to estimate the cf_rating for Codeforces problems for which it is unknown. To prepare, filter the problems to CODEFORCES problems, then further divide into three DataFrames:

  • train dataset: cf_rating is >0, and problem_id in an EVEN number
  • test dataset: cf_rating is >0, and problem_id in an ODD number
  • missing dataset: cf_rating is 0

Q9: How well can a decision tree predict cf_rating based on difficulty, time_limit, and memory_limit_bytes?

Create a Spark Pipeline model with VectorAssembler and DecisionTreeRegression stages. The max tree depth should be 5. Train it on the training data, then compute an R^2 score (r2_score) for predictions on the test data. The R^2 score should be your answer for this question.

Q10: Do the problems with a missing cf_score appear more or less challenging that other problems?

Use your model to predict the cf_score in the dataset where it is missing.

Answer with a tuple with 3 numbers:

  • average cf_rating in the training dataset
  • average cf_rating in the test dataset
  • average prediction of `cf_rating in the missing dataset

For example:

(1887.9377431906614, 1893.1106471816283, 1950.4728638818783)


We should be able to run the following on your submission to directly create the mini cluster:

docker build . -f p5-base.Dockerfile -t p5-base
docker build . -f notebook.Dockerfile -t p5-nb
docker build . -f namenode.Dockerfile -t p5-nn
docker build . -f datanode.Dockerfile -t p5-dn
docker build . -f boss.Dockerfile -t p5-boss
docker build . -f worker.Dockerfile -t p5-worker

export PROJECT=p5
docker compose up -d

We should then be able to open http://localhost:5000/lab, find your notebook, and run it.


Coming soon...