@@ -141,35 +141,38 @@ This method facilitates testing and subsequent benchmarking. The method should:
1. Remove all local file previously uploaded by method `Upload()`
2. Reset all associated server state (e.g., counters, paths, etc)
## Part 3: Multi-threading Client
## Part 3: Multi-threading Server/Client
With the Global Interpreter Lock (GIL), commonly-used CPython does not support parallel multi-threading execution. However, multi-threading can still boost the performance of our small system (why?). In Part 3, you are required to add threading support to `client.py`, then `server.py`.
### Client
More specifically, you will need to manually create *N* threads for `client.py` (with thread management primitives come with the `threading` module) to concurrently process the provided `workload`. For example, each worker thread may repeatedly fetch one command line from `workload` and process it. You can load all command strings to a list, then provide thread-safe access to all launched threads (how?).
## Part 4: Benchmarking the System
You don't need to explicitly create threads using Python calls because
gRPC will do it for you. Set `max_workers` to 8 so that gRPC will
create 8 threads:
**HINT:** Before moving to work on the `server`, test your multi-threading client by running it with a single thread:
python3 client.py workload 1
### Server
Now with concurrent requests sent from `client.py`, you must correspondingly protect your server from data race with `threading.Lock()`. Make sure only one thread can modify the server state (e.g., names, paths, counters...). Note that you don't need to explicitly create threads for `server.py` as gRPC can do that for you. The following example code creates a thread pool with 8 threads:
options=[("grpc.so_reuseport", 0)]
Now that your server has multiple threads, your code should hold a
whenever accessing any shared data structures, including the list(s)
of files (or whatever data structure you used). Use a single global
lock for everything. Ensure the lock is released properly, even when
there is an exception. Even if your chosen data structures provide any
guarantees related to thread-safe access, you must still hold the lock
when accessing them to gain practice protecting shared data.
**Requirement:** reading and writing files is a slow operation, so
your code must NOT hold the lock when doing file I/O.
**Requirement 1:** The server should properly acquire then release the lock. A single global lock is sufficient. Lock release should also work with any potential exceptions.
**Requirement 2:** The server *MUST NOT* hold the lock when reading or writing files. A thread should release the lock right after it has done accessing the shared data structure. How could this behavior affect the performance?