And where `$GITLAB_ACCESS_TOKEN` is a user-level defined access token. To create a user-level access token (only need to do this once), follow these steps:
1. Go to GitLab's Access Token Settings:
- Log in to your GitLab account.
- Click on your profile picture in the top-left corner and go to Preferences.
- On the left-hand sidebar, click Access Tokens.
2. Create a New Access Token:
- Name: Give your token a descriptive name (e.g., "CS 544 Access Token").
- Expires at: Optionally, set an expiration date for the token (i.e. some time after the semester ends).
- Scopes: Choose the appropriate scopes based on your use case. Here are some common ones:
-`api`: Full access to the API, including project and repository management.
-`read_repository`: Allows read access to repositories (e.g., cloning).
-`write_repository`: Allows pushing to repositories.
3. After selecting the desired scopes, click Create personal access token.
4. Copy the Token:
5. After creating the token, GitLab will display it once. Copy it and store it on your machine as an `env` variable:
nano ~/.bashrc
Write contents to file:
Reload shell (if applicable):
source ~/.bashrc
You can double check that the `env` variable was saved with:
### Environment
If one does not already exist for your project, create a `venv`:
python3.10 -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
Note that if the above command fails, you may need run the following:
sudo apt install python3-venv
and use `python3` instead of `python3.10` when creating your `venv`.
### Autograder
We have developed a CLI to run the autograder for your projects. To use it, be sure to be in your `venv` in the terminal. Simply install using:
pip install-r requirements.txt
If the installation was successful, you will be able to run `autobadger` as a command in the terminal:
Note that we will be updating the `autobadger` CLI throughout the semester to handle new projects and bug fixes. Be sure to install the latest version with each new project. If we ever need to release changes during a project, we will make an announcement in Canvas and share the latest version.
To update the version, you can the following (again, inside your `venv`):
pip install-r requirements.txt --force-reinstall
### Read-Only Files
Do NOT touch or edit ``, `.gitlab-ci.yml` in your repository. These files are used to automate grading. Editing them could hinder your ability to submit properly.
## Submission
You'll submit by pushing to your GitLab project repo. Be
carefull not to push after the deadline unless your intention is to
submit late (see policy below).
Whenever you push to `main`, we determine that as a "submission" and run `autobadger` on your `main` branch. We then push our results to your repository under `Issues`. This issue will contain the contents of `autobadger` as well as some other metadata and notes. This *should* have the same output as if you were to run it locally. If anything seems terribly wrong, please reach send your [assigned TA]( with a link to your GitLab issue.
> **NOTE**: Be carefull not to push after the deadline unless your intention is to submit late (see policy below).
* projects have four parts; for notebooks, use big headers to divide your work into the four parts ("# Part 1: ...")
* for question based project work, (Q1, Q2, etc), include comments like ("# Q1: ...") before the answers
@@ -61,20 +153,19 @@ submit late (see policy below).
The general rule is no submissions >3 days late. Each day late suffers a 10% penalty (so a 90% submission that is 2 days late gets 70%).
Common exceptions, and who to ask:
- Illness: you can **ask your TA** to override the late penalty, but they cannot give more than 3 days. To qualify, you share a link to your repo; your commit history should show you made a substantial start on the project at least 3 days prior to the deadline
- Busyness: same policy as illness (you might be unusually busy due to travel, extracurriculars, other courses, etc). This shouldn't happen more than a couple times a semester
- McBurney accomodations: **email your instructor** a proposed policy for the semester (we can discuss again if your situation changes during the semester)
To qualify for a **waiver** of the late, you must have passed at least **2** tests in the `autobadger`. That means we should be able to see at least **2** tests pass when we look under `Issues` of your GitLab repository.
> **NOTE**: A waiver does NOT extend the 3-day hard deadline, but it would waive the 10%/day penalty.
We will be able to keep track of your submissions and to determine downstream if you qualify for the late policy. As a result, we ask that you *do not* reach out to TAs or Tyler directly to request for a waiver of the late penalty (unless absolute extreme circumstances demand it).
If you're working with a project partner who has the late penalty waived by a TA, that means it is waived for you as well, even if you don't have special circumstances yourself.
> **NOTE**: McBurney accomodations: **email your instructor** a proposed policy for the semester (we can discuss again if your situation changes during the semester)
For other cases (falling very far behind, family emergencies, etc), **reach out to your instructor** to discuss possible accomodations.
### Resubmission Policy
Resubmissions generally won't be allowed once projects have been
graded, except in unusual situations, or when we made a mistake on our
end (like a misleading specification).
Resubmissions generally won't be allowed once projects have been graded, except in unusual situations, or when we made a mistake on our end (like a misleading specification).