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Snippets Groups Projects


Repository Contents

This repository houses the environment to work in, the necessary data for the project, the final project notebook, and a small handful of other jupyter notebooks that I used to test code in. The notebook titled "finalproject.ipynb" is the notebook being submitted for grading.


The data from the project came from two separate sources. I utilized an excel spreadsheet created by Professor Jonathan Martin. It contains calculated cold pool area values in m^2. He calculated these values using NCEP Reanalysis data. Within the excel file, the columns are the years spanning from 1948-2024. The rows are days spanning from September 1st to November 30th. Each cell represents the average cold pool area value for that specific date. The remainder of the data was pulled from the NCEP Reanalysis database. For my final project and test notebooks, I selected geopotential height at 500 mb, mean sea level pressure, and surface temperatures for the specific days of interest. The specific dates of interest were determined from the results of my analysis on the excel sheet.


The goal of this final project was to do an analysis of the 850 mb -5 degC cold pool area over the North Pole. I analyzed the years 1948-2024 during the months of September-November. By looking through the time series, we wanted to look for any underlying trends and visualize the data over type. The hope for this process is that it could potentially lead to a correlation between the cold pool area and other synoptic-scale features present at the time.


I just wanted to give many thanks to Hannah Zanowski and Taydra Low for teaching me the skills and techniques that were used to create this project. I would also like to give thanks to Jonathan Martin for providing me with the dataset, and for giving me the necessary guidance to help get this project moving.