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Using Box Connector For Flat Files

Box is a secured storage service offered by UW-Madison that can be used to store documents securely.

This tutorial walks through setting up the Box connector for moving a file from a source folder to a destination folder in Box. The below diagram describes the scenario. In this scenario, employee.csv CSV file from the source folder is copied to a target CSV file called, employee.csv inside a target folder. Note that any other type of connection (such as S3, database etc.) can be used interchangeably with the Box connector.

Note that the Box connector only supports .CSV (comma-separated values) files.

Using Box connector to move a file.

The diagram source can be found here.

Box Set Up

  • Create two Box folders, one as source folder and the other as the target folder.
  • source folder contains the file employee.csv.

Source folder.

  • employee.csv file looks like below.
FN, LN, Address, City, State, Zip
John,Doe,120 jefferson st.,Riverside, NJ, 08075
Jack,McGinnis,220 hobo Av.,Phila, PA,09119
Stephen,Tyler,"7452 Terrace ""At the Plaza"" road",SomeTown,SD, 91234
  • target folder contains the file employee.csv. It just contains the header row. The Synchronization task will populate the employee.csv file from source folder.

!Target folder.

  • Content looks like below (only contains the header of the CSV).
FN, LN, Address, City, State, Zip
  • employee.csv in target folder contains only header so that IICS can map source file header to target file header.


Box Source Connector

  • Login to IICS.
  • Choose Administrator in the top menu dropdown.
  • Choose Connections in the left menu.
  • Click on the New Connection button towards the top right of the window. This connection will fetch the employee.csv file from source folder (see scenario diagram).

!Add new connection.

  • Select Box connector type for a Box connection. Fill Connection Details.
  • For OAuth Access Token: click the Get Token button, and a pop will be appeared for you to authenticate with Box.
  • For URI Request Parameters: provide query=employee.csv. This helps Box connector to narrow down the search for given file. See reference at the end for more details.
  • Inside Box select employee.csv file in each of source and target folder to get Box File ID value.
  • After configuring a connection, save it and then click on the Test Connection button to verify that your connection works.

!Add new Box source connection.

Box Target Connector

  • Repeat above steps and add a second Box connection. This connection will update the employee.csv file in target folder (see scenario diagram).
  • As noted before this also can be a replaced by any other type of connection (e.g. database, AWS S3 etc).

!Add new Box target connection.

Synchronization Task

  • Create a Synchronization Task in Data Integration. Provide a name and select insert as the task operation.

!Synchronization task name.

  • Provide source information. Select source connection that was defined previously. Select Single as the source type. Select employee as the Source Object.

!Synchronization task source.

  • Provide target information. Select target connection that was defined previously. Select employee as Target Object.

!Synchronization task target.

  • Keep the default values for Data Filters.

!Synchronization task filters.

  • Keep the default values for Field Mappings.

!Synchronization task mapping.

  • Keep the default values for Schedule.

!Synchronization task schedule.

  • Use the Run button to execute the Synchronization Task.

After successfully executing the task, employee.csv file inside target folder will contain the content from employee.csv file from source folder.


This tutorial walks through how to set up Box connector to copy content from Box source CSV file to a Box target CSV file.
