@@ -23,6 +23,10 @@ The container executes a bash script called run_agent.sh upon start. It needs I
### Environment variables
* INFORMATICA_USER (required) - User that can run the agent and access Informatica APIs
* INFORMATICA_PASSWORD (required) - Password for above credential. Used for API access only.
* JSON_LOG (optional) - If this is set, then the log output will be in JSON format.
### Volumes
* Log files - tomcat log files are in the WORKDIR/logs directory. agentcore.log and infaagent.log are in the WORKDIR directory
@@ -53,3 +57,7 @@ Minimum Hardware Specs
* 2 GB RAM recommended dedicated for the Agent (Recent customers have used 8GB)
* 1 GB Hard disk space
* 1 GB Network connectivity (faster the better as this will most likely the bottleneck)
## Known Issues
* Doesn't seem to be able to run in host network mode because it won't be able to talk to internal ports. It would probably work if you expose those ports.