@@ -54,6 +55,23 @@ The image is based on Ubuntu 18.04. It downloads and installs necessary depende
ODBC support has been added to this image, specifically support for SQLite3 and Snowflake. An odbc.ini file can be mounted into the container as /home/agent/.odbc.ini for setting up connections. Local files can be mounted or copied into the container as necessary.
### Image Scanning
The image is scanned by [Qualys](https://qualysguard.qg2.apps.qualys.com/cs/help/get_started/get_started.htm), a container image vulnerability
scanning system, through a Gitlab CI/CD job: `image_scan`. It will report any vulnerabilities occur when a pipeline is scheduled for master branch or created/updated in a merge request. The CI/CD job `image_scan` is built upon the `qualy_scan` job in the`check-qualys-job.yml` template in [checkQualys](https://git.doit.wisc.edu/interop/checkqualys) tool repository. The scan job is scheduled daily.
To enable container image scanning, you need first check following criteria:
* A Gitlab API Personal Access Token is valid and stored as `CI_TOKEN` in **Settings -> CI/CD -> Environemnt Variables**, if not, you need to generate one, following the instruction [here](https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/user/profile/personal_access_tokens.html);
* A Gitlab runner in **Settings -> CI/CD -> Runners** with **qualys** tag is enabled;
* A pipeline is scheduled for master branch or created/updated in a merge request.
* Using a Gitlab API personal Access Token is the only way to access the Gitlab API that allows the `checkQualys` tool to post issues back to the project that is being scanned.
* A default manual `qualys_scan` job at post stage will be created and cannot be removed when including a job template, but it can be ignored.
* This scan job will report all vulnerabilities occur, if there are a particular vulnerability that does not impact this image, an `.cveignore` file can be added at the root level to ignore it.
## Containers
The container executes a bash script called run_agent.sh upon start. It needs INFORMATICA_USER and INFORMATICA_PASSWORD environment variables set during runtime in order to communicate with the Informatica API to check and register the Secure Agent.
@@ -166,7 +184,6 @@ If volume mapping is not used use `docker exec` to attach to the running contain
docker exec-it <container_name> less agentcore.log