@@ -38,7 +38,8 @@ This project was forked from [jbrazda/ic-sagent-docker](https://github.com/jbraz
## Requirements
* Docker.
* An IICS user account and password for your organization that has appropriate rights to create and manage secure agents. This user will be used to login to the Informatica APIs to register the agent.
* An IICS user account and password for your organization that has appropriate rights to create and manage secure agents. This user will be used to login to the Informatica APIs to register the agent.
At a minimum, the user should be assigned a role that has Create, Read, and Update privileges for the "Secure Agent" and "Secure Agent Group" asset types.
* Your Informatica POD and REGION, which can be inferred from https://${POD}.${REGION}.informaticacloud.com/. Defaults are set to POD=usw3 and REGION=dm-us, but can be overriden with Docker environment variables.