Options for using runajobcli INPLATFORM-383
Add a scripts directory with scripts that could be used to facilitate using runAJobCli https://knowledge.informatica.com/s/article/529320. I wanted to capture these somewhere. It may make sense to add these to the ODMAS_SECURE_AGENT repo and deploy them in the pipeline.
Merge request reports
@ERIC.SCHOVILLE are you still looking for a review of this, or can it be closed?
I wasn't sure if this script was being used as part of ODMAS's normally processes. I thought we went with an option that just copies the runajob cli from the docker SA container once so they don't have to run docker commands every time they want to use it. I'm not sure where that script is though, so I might be misremembering.
If we don't need the script in this MR, I'd suggest closing it.
mentioned in commit fcb52048