@@ -158,7 +158,7 @@ Whenever you push to `main`, we determine that as a "submission" and run `autoba
The general rule is no submissions >3 days late. Each day late suffers a 10% penalty (so a 90% submission that is 2 days late gets 70%).
To qualify for a **waiver** of the late, you must have passed at least **2** tests in the `autobadger`. That means we should be able to see at least **2** tests pass when we look under `Issues` of your GitLab repository.
To qualify for a **waiver** of the late penalty, you must have passed at least **2** tests in the `autobadger`. That means we should be able to see at least **2** tests pass when we look under `Issues` of your GitLab repository.
> **NOTE**: A waiver does NOT extend the 3-day hard deadline, but it would waive the 10%/day penalty.