- Oct 13, 2016
Nicholas Blair authored
Nicholas Blair authored
Nicholas Blair authored
deprecate: LocalUserDetailsAttributesMapper I'm preparing a 1.7.0 release, thought I'd stick this in there as well. See merge request !26
Nicholas Blair authored
Use LocalUserDetailsLoader instead.
Nicholas Blair authored
refactor: change injection strategy for UdsPersonUserDetailsServiceImpl `UdsPersonUserDetailsServiceImpl` is not initialized automatically by either of the primary 'local-users' or 'preauth' Profiles. It's typically constructed by downstream projects manually (not by component scanning). Registering more than 1 `UserDetailsService` - say one for the uw-spring-security stack, and a different one for `UdsPersonUserDetailsServiceImpl` - will result in ApplicationContext initialization errors as the Configuration classes provided in uw-spring-security-config expect 1 and only 1 UserDetailsService. The recommended use now for `UdsPersonUserDetailsServiceImpl` is to provide the needed `UserDetailsService` by hand, not by automatic autowiring. If the 1 UserDetailsService provided by uw-spring-security is appropriate, it's easy to retrieve from the ApplicationContext; if an alternate one is required it can be constructed without registering it as a @Bean. See merge request !25
Nicholas Blair authored
Change to UdsPersonUserDetailsServiceImpl construction necessitates.
Nicholas Blair authored
UdsPersonUserDetailsServiceImpl is not initialized automatically by either of the primary 'local-users' or 'preauth' Profiles. It's typically constructed by downstream projects manually (not by component scanning). Registering more than 1 UserDetailsService - say one for the uw-spring-security stack, and a different one for UdsPersonUserDetailsServiceImpl - will result in ApplicationContext initializationerrors as the Configuration classes provided in uw-spring-security-config expect 1 and only 1 UserDetailsService. The recommended use now for UdsPersonUserDetailsServiceImpl is to provide the needed UserDetailsService by hand, not by automatic autowiring. If the 1 UserDetailsService provided by uw-spring-security is appropriate, it's easy to retrieve from the ApplicationContext; if an alternate one is required it can be constructed without registering it as a @Bean.
- Sep 30, 2016
Benjamin Sousa authored
Benjamin Sousa authored
Benjamin Sousa authored
Benjamin Sousa authored
Benjamin Sousa authored
Consume isMemberOf attribute as single value with semi-colon delimited list of manifest groups In the List Library application, which is attempting to consume Manifest groups as UW Spring Security authorities, we discovered that multiple Manifest groups are not provided by the login server as multiple isMemberOf headers but as one string with the Manifest groups delimited by semi-colons. This PR revises the default Preauth mapper to split the isMemberOf string apart into a Java collection, which is the correct format for the authorities argument to the UWUserDetailsImpl constructor. Notify: @paul.erickson @ahoffmann @gutkowski @bkeen See merge request !24
Benjamin Sousa authored
- Sep 13, 2016
Nicholas Blair authored
Nicholas Blair authored
Nicholas Blair authored
fix: correct handling of HttpServletRequest#getHeaders and tests This pull request addresses issue #6. Properly handles cases where container may return blank String values in the returned list. Tests were previously adding List objects as headers - need to add just String values. See [the javadocs for HttpServletRequest#getHeaders](http://docs.oracle.com/javaee/6/api/javax/servlet/http/HttpServletRequest.html#getHeaders(java.lang.String)) for reference. I intend to release 1.6.1 when this is merged. Edit: this also corrects the case of the name of the Manifest `isMemberOf` header. cc: @paul.erickson @levett @bhill6 See merge request !23
Nicholas Blair authored
Nicholas Blair authored
Also refactored AttributesMapper test to remove duplicate code and include test for 'blank' values.
Nicholas Blair authored
Properly handles cases where container may return blank String values in the returned list. Tests were previously adding List objects as headers - need to add just String values.
- Sep 09, 2016
Benjamin Sousa authored
Benjamin Sousa authored
Nicholas Blair authored
Propagate 1.6.x down through the sub-modules.
Benjamin Sousa authored
Add ability to consume Manifest groups as Authorities Notify: @bhill6 @ahoffmann @paul.erickson See merge request !22
Benjamin Sousa authored
Benjamin Sousa authored
- Aug 24, 2016
Nicholas Blair authored
Nicholas Blair authored
Nicholas Blair authored
fix: provide factory method for jackson to deserialize authorities `@JsonProperty` won't work with the abstract `? extends GrantedAuthority` type, as Jackson doesn't have a constructor or factory to convert a string into a concrete implementation. This change adds a factory method which takes a Collection<String> (which Jackson can understand) and uses Spring Security's utility method to convert the Collection of Strings to a Collection of GrantedAuthority instances. Note: the 'Amy Administrator' user provided by the 'local-users.json|yaml' file is no longer strictly equivalent to those provided in 'local-users.properties'. See adi-ia/uw-spring-security#5; correcting that seems to be outside of the scope of a bugfix, as it will result in something that likely requires a new feature release. cc: @bjsousa @paul.erickson @lyle @apatwary @SPYANG4 @bhill6 See merge request !21
Nicholas Blair authored
@JsonProperty won't work with the abstract '? extends GrantedAuthority' type, as Jackson doesn't have a constructor or factory to convert a string into a concrete implementation. This change adds a factory method which takes a Collection<String> (which Jackson can understand) and uses Spring Security's utility method to convert the Collection of Strings to a Collection of GrantedAuthority instances. Note: the 'Amy Administrator' user provided by the 'local-users.json|yaml' file is no longer strictly equivalent to those provided in 'local-users.properties'. See adi-ia/uw-spring-security#5; correcting that seems to be outside of the scope of a bugfix, as it will result in something that likely requires a new feature release.
Nicholas Blair authored
Nicholas Blair authored
- Aug 22, 2016
Nicholas Blair authored
feat: namespace all Spring Profiles with 'edu.wisc.uwss' prefix This pull request addresses issue #3, and thus begins the deprecation path for the profiles 'local-users' and 'preauth'. There are no behavior changes with this PR, only the acceptance of the new namespaced profiles. Votes on whether we should version bump to 1.5.0? Or will 1.4.x be satisfactory? See: * http://docs.spring.io/spring-framework/docs/current/javadoc-api/org/springframework/context/annotation/Profile.html * http://docs.spring.io/spring/docs/current/javadoc-api/org/springframework/core/env/Environment.html#acceptsProfiles-java.lang.String...- cc: @ahoffmann @paul.erickson @bhill6 @lyle @andrew-summers @apatwary @cknuth See merge request !20
Nicholas Blair authored
Nicholas Blair authored
Nicholas Blair authored
Thus begins the deprecation path for the profiles 'local-users' and 'preauth'.
Nicholas Blair authored
Nicholas Blair authored
Nicholas Blair authored
feat: new LocalUserDetailsLoader for populating local-users store New optional user interface for populating the LocalUserDetailsManagerImpl instance provided in the `local-users` profile. The default configuration will still use the existing `LocalUserDetailsAttributesMapper.Default` implementation. To switch to the new loader, set the `edu.wisc.uwss.local.userDetailsLoader.enabled` Environment property to true. The default resource loaded is edu/wisc/uwss/local/local-users.json (classpath), to change that location set the `edu.wisc.uwss.local.userDetailsLoader.resource` Environment property to a valid Spring Resource expression ('classpath:', 'file:', etc). cc: @ahoffmann @paul.erickson @bhill6 @lyle @andrew-summers @apatwary @cknuth See merge request !19
Nicholas Blair authored
Clean up stale javadocs.
Nicholas Blair authored
The same ObjectMapper instance with a YAMLFactory can load both YAML and JSON.