John Hoopes authored
[UWMOODLE-532] Updating block to include a jQuery plugin to make the animate function use css transitions. (note that the non min js file is required because moodle strips out .min for jQuery plugins when using debugging mode)
John Hoopes authored[UWMOODLE-532] Updating block to include a jQuery plugin to make the animate function use css transitions. (note that the non min js file is required because moodle strips out .min for jQuery plugins when using debugging mode)
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block_course_overview_uwmoodle.php 7.02 KiB
// This file is part of Moodle - http://moodle.org/
// Moodle is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// Moodle is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with Moodle. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
* Course overview block for UW Moodle
* This block improves on the default course_summary block by filtering courses by term.
* The block is dependent on the UW enrollment plugins and is largely coped from the existing course_overview block.
* I've left copyright statements for the original authors on most files.
* @author 2013 Matt Petro
defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL') || die;
class block_course_overview_uwmoodle extends block_base {
* block initializations
public function init() {
$this->title = get_string('pluginname', 'block_course_overview_uwmoodle');
* Require jQuery and jQuery ui plugins for rendering the block
public function get_required_javascript() {
$this->page->requires->jquery_plugin('block_course_overview_uwmoodle-animate-enhanced' , 'block_course_overview_uwmoodle');
const TERM_OTHER = 0; // our "term_code" for non-timetable classes
* block contents
* @return object
public function get_content() {
global $USER, $CFG, $DB;
if($this->content !== NULL) {
return $this->content;
$config = get_config('block_course_overview_uwmoodle');
$this->content = new stdClass();
$this->content->text = '';
// Get user's courses and sort by term
$courses = block_course_overview_uwmoodle_get_sorted_courses();
$terms = block_course_overview_uwmoodle_group_courses_by_term($courses);
$currentterm = block_course_overview_uwmoodle_get_current_term();
$selectedterm = optional_param('term', $currentterm, PARAM_INT);
if (!isset($terms[$currentterm])) {
$terms[$currentterm] = array();
// If selectedterm is not valid, select currentterm
if (!isset($terms[$selectedterm])) {
$selectedterm = $currentterm;
// Get course overviews
$overviews = block_course_overview_uwmoodle_get_overviews($courses);
$renderer = $this->page->get_renderer('block_course_overview_uwmoodle');
if (!empty($config->showwelcomearea)) {
$msgcount = message_count_unread_messages();
$this->content->text = $renderer->welcome_area($msgcount);
// Sort the terms with newest first
$displayedterms = $terms;
$othercourses = false;
if (empty($this->config->combineongoing)) {
if (!empty($terms[self::TERM_OTHER])) {
$othercourses = $terms[self::TERM_OTHER];
// Render the block
$this->content->text .= $renderer->course_block($displayedterms, $overviews, $selectedterm);
if (!empty($othercourses)) {
$this->content->text .= $renderer->other_course_block($othercourses, $overviews);
$this->content->footer = $renderer->footer();
return $this->content;
* Get the current term from the datastore, and update user show/hide preferences when it changes.
* @return boolean true on success
public function update_current_term() {
global $CFG, $DB;
$oldcurrentterm = get_config('block_course_overview_uwmoodle', 'currentterm');
try {
$currentterm = $this->get_current_term();
} catch (Exception $e) {
mtrace("Error fetching current term: ".$e->getMessage());
return false;
if ($currentterm === false) {
mtrace("No current term found");
return false;
if ($currentterm && $currentterm != $oldcurrentterm) {
// store new term
mtrace('new current term: '.$currentterm);
set_config('currentterm', $currentterm, 'block_course_overview_uwmoodle');
return true;
* Fetch current term from CHUB. Throw exception on CHUB error.
* @return string|false term_code or false if none found.
public function get_current_term() {
global $CFG;
$datastore = wisc_timetable_datastore::get_timetable_datastore();
$terms = $datastore->getAvailableTerms();
$now = time();
$futureterms = array();
foreach ($terms as $term) {
// check that term hasn't ended and doesn't have an odd termCode
// odd term codes (e.g. Winter) are never considered the current term
if ($term->endDate > $now && ($term->termCode % 2 != 1)) {
$futureterms[] = $term->termCode;
if (!empty($futureterms)) {
$currentterm = min($futureterms);
} else {
$currentterm = false;
return $currentterm;
* allow the block to have a configuration page
* @return boolean
public function has_config() {
return true;
* locations where block can be displayed
* @return array
public function applicable_formats() {
return array('my-index'=>true);
* Block cron to update currentterm
* @return boolean true on success
public function cron() {
return $this->update_current_term();
* Sets block header to be hidden or visible
* @return bool if true then header will be visible.
public function hide_header() {
// Hide header if welcome area is show.
$config = get_config('block_course_overview_uwmoodle');
return !empty($config->showwelcomearea);