Matt Petro authored
Task-Url: https://jira.doit.wisc.edu/jira/browse/UWMOODLE-675
Matt Petro authoredTask-Url: https://jira.doit.wisc.edu/jira/browse/UWMOODLE-675
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getcourses.php 5.61 KiB
// This file is part of Moodle - http://moodle.org/
// Moodle is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// Moodle is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
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* Ajax callback for the course_overview_uwmoodle block
* Gets the user's courses and returns it to the javascript in the page
* @package block_course_overview_uwmoodle
* @author 2014 John Hoopes
* @copyright University of Wisconsin System - Board of Regents
* @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later
// define that this is an ajax script
define('AJAX_SCRIPT', 1);
$response = new stdClass();
$response->status = 'false';
$response->message = 'invalidrequest';
if(confirm_sesskey()) {
// now require the block lib files
define('TERM_OTHER', 0);
$blockconfig = optional_param('blockconfig', new stdClass(), PARAM_RAW);
if(empty($blockconfig->combineongoing)){ // set conbineongoing to something for code later
$blockconfig->combineongoing = false;
// Get user's courses and sort by term
list($courses, $errors) = block_course_overview_uwmoodle_get_sorted_courses();
if(debugging() && is_siteadmin()){
$response->errors = $errors;
$response->errors = get_string('general_warning_message', 'block_course_overview_uwmoodle');
$terms = block_course_overview_uwmoodle_group_courses_by_term($courses);
$currentterm = block_course_overview_uwmoodle_get_current_term();
$selectedterm = optional_param('term', $currentterm, PARAM_INT);
if (!isset($terms[$currentterm])) {
$terms[$currentterm] = array();
// If selectedterm is not valid, select currentterm
if (!isset($terms[$selectedterm])) {
$selectedterm = $currentterm;
// Get course overviews
//$overviews = block_course_overview_uwmoodle_get_overviews($courses);
$overviews = array(); // for now course overviews are disabled
// Sort the terms with newest first
$displayedterms = $terms;
$othercourses = false;
if (empty($blockconfig->combineongoing)) {
if (!empty($terms[block_course_overview_uwmoodle::TERM_OTHER])) {
$othercourses = $terms[block_course_overview_uwmoodle::TERM_OTHER];
$returntermcourses = array();
// build return course array
foreach($displayedterms as $termcode => $courses){
$term = new stdClass(); // store the term code, term name, and term courses in an object
$term->termcode = $termcode;
$term->termname = $termstr = block_course_overview_uwmoodle_get_term_name($termcode);
$term->courses = array();
foreach($courses as $course){
$returncourse = new stdClass();
$returncourse->name = $course->fullname;
if(get_class($course) == 'external_course'){ // external courses have their urls already defined
$courseurl = new moodle_url($course->courseurl);
$returncourse->lms = $course->LMS;
$returncourse->externalcourse = 1;
$courseurl = new moodle_url('/course/view.php', array('id' => $course->id));
$returncourse->lms = 'Moodle'; // local courses are always Moodle
$returncourse->externalcourse = 0;
$returncourse->url = $courseurl->out();
$returncourse->visible = $course->visible;
$term->courses[] = $returncourse;
$returntermcourses[] = $term;
$returnothercourses = array();
if($othercourses !== false){ // if there are other courses build the array of them
foreach($othercourses as $course){
$returncourse = new stdClass();
$returncourse->name = $course->fullname;
if(get_class($course) == 'external_course'){ // external courses have their urls already defined
$courseurl = new moodle_url($course->courseurl);
$returncourse->lms = $course->LMS;
$returncourse->externalcourse = 1;
$courseurl = new moodle_url('/course/view.php', array('id' => $course->id));
$returncourse->lms = 'Moodle'; // local courses are always Moodle
$returncourse->externalcourse = 0;
$returncourse->url = $courseurl->out();
$returncourse->visible = $course->visible;
$returnothercourses[] = $returncourse;
$response->status = 'true';
$response->message = 'success';
$response->selectedterm = $selectedterm;
$response->termcourses = $returntermcourses;
$response->othercourses = $returnothercourses;
$response->nocoursesmessage = get_string('nocourses','block_course_overview_uwmoodle');
echo json_encode($response);