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Created with Raphaël 2.2.04Dec1Nov31Oct2422211716930Sep0.1.1v0.1.1 masterv0.1.1 masterMerge branch 'text-button-hover' into 'master'Text buttons use opacity for hoverMerge branch 'rollup-config' into 'master'Configure Rollup to ignore external dependenciesMerge branch 'more-button-styles' into 'master'Continue adding IT Design System styles to buttons0.0.10Merge branch 'gray-hover-button' into 'master'Use grays for outlined button border/hover, use Rollup to bundleMerge branch 'form-label-color' into 'master'Make form labels blue when focusedAdd build step to publish jobUse npm set to configure NPM registry details0.0.8Include TypeScript definitions in dist/0.0.7Build theme with BabelExplicitly pass NPM_TOKEN to publish command0.0.6Export theme in TypeScript definition0.0.5Use CommonJS module exports0.0.4Fix main field in package.json0.0.3Used named export for theme again0.0.2Fix module definition, make theme default exportUpdate README with correct package nameUpdate README with installation instructionsFix mistyped Docker image in .gitlab-ci.ymlSet up GitLab CI package publishingDefine borderRadius, change colors to constsLinks and buttons are blue by defaultUpdate READMEOverhaul for use in other projectsInitial commit