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  • cdis/cs/courses/cs544/s25/main
  • zzhang2478/main
  • spark667/main
  • vijayprabhak/main
  • vijayprabhak/544-main
  • wyang338/cs-544-s-25
  • jmin39/main
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Commits on Source (83)
with 5465 additions and 0 deletions
# Read-only Access
We've opened up the `autobadger` tool in attempt to make things more visible to you and less of a "black box". We've done this by making the repository *read-only*, meaning you should be able to `git clone` the repo but not `git push` to it.
To start, navigate to a directory outside of any class project. I'd recommend cloning to the same directory as your projects.
git clone
> **NOTE**: if you want to use this method throughout the semester, you'll need to `git pull` to get up-to-date code for each project.
Your folder structure should look something like
... # other projects
# Making Changes
You can change the code inside of `autobadger`. The only files that will be of interest to you are inside the `projects/` directory, i.e. `projects/*.py`). Your changes will be for debugging, i.e. `print()` or `breakpoint()` statements.
#### Using `pip`
For whatever project you're working on, you will need to *apply* any changes you make using `pip`
For example, assuming
- I'm working on `p2`
- in my `p2` directory
- and have my `venv` activated
I would do something like:
pip3 install ../autobadger/.
This would install and replace my local version of `autobadger` . Now when I run
autobadger --project=p2
I will see my changes in effect.
# Breakpoints
Since `breakpoint()` is less known and straightforward, I will teach about it here.
> **NOTE**: It is not required to use `breakpoint()`. You are also welcome to use `print()` instead. `breakpoint()` has a **steeper learning curve**, but may **help you iterate more quickly and save you time** once the basic concepts are well-understood.
### What is a breakpoint?
`breakpoint()` is a built-in function in Python and starts the **debugger** at the point where it is called. It allows developers to inspect variables, step through code, and debug interactively.
#### Simple Example:
# Inside of /path/to/
def calculate_sum(a, b):
breakpoint() # Debugger starts here
return a + b
calculate_sum(3, 5) # execute function
Adding a `breakpoint()` will pause execution, allowing you to inspect `a` and `b` before proceeding. I would see something like:
> /path/to/
-> return a + b
in the terminal, which displays
1. the next line to be executed `return a + b`
2. `(3)calculate_sum()` tells me the line number and the function name (if applicable)
3. `/path/to/` tells me the current file
### Navigating the debugger
While the Python debugger is active, you can use several commands to navigate through your program and investigate.
- `Variable name`: I can type any variable that is in scope and get it's value.
- Ex: Typing `a` in the previous example would return the *value* of `a`
- **NOTE**: if a variable name also coincides with a command keyword in the debugger, you may need to use `print(<variable_name>)` instead. `b` is one of those commands, so to print the value of `b` to the terminal, I would need to do `print(b)`:
- `Evaluation`: I can also evaluate statements (i.e. add two numbers)
In [3]: calculate_sum(3, 5)
> <ipython-input-2-443b6e8e0b0a>(3)calculate_sum()
-> return a + b
(Pdb) print(a)
(Pdb) print(b)
(Pdb) print(a + b)
- `n`: Steps to the next line of my program
- `c`: Continues execution of the program until the next breakpoint, or until the program ends.
- `s`: Steps *into* a function or method call
- `exit`: kills the debugger and ends the program
# An example
### Using breakpoints
Suppose I want to investigate `Q4` for `p2`. I can add `breakpoint()` statements to the Q4 test method for the `ProjectTwoTest` class.
Navigating to `projects/` inside of `autobadger`, I find:
@graded(Q=4, points=10)
def test_simple_http(self) -> int | TestError:
address = self._test_cache_server("-cache-1")
if isinstance(address, TestError):
return address
r = requests.get(f"{address}/lookup/53706")
result = r.json()
if "addrs" not in result or "source" not in result:
return TestError(
message=f"Result body should be JSON with 'addrs' and 'source' fields, but got {result}.",
return 10
> Note: This is Q4 since I have `Q=4` in the decorator.
**I can edit this method by adding *breakpoints*!**
@graded(Q=4, points=10)
def test_simple_http(self) -> int | TestError:
address = self._test_cache_server("-cache-1")
if isinstance(address, TestError):
return address
r = requests.get(f"{address}/lookup/53706")
result = r.json()
if "addrs" not in result or "source" not in result:
return TestError(
message=f"Result body should be JSON with 'addrs' and 'source' fields, but got {result}.",
return 10
Now, after I update with `pip` as mentioned above, I can run `autobadger --project=p2` and get:
> /Users/.../
-> address = self._test_cache_server("-cache-1")
Note that in this situation, typing `address` would give me an error cause it **not yet defined**:
(Pdb) address
*** NameError: name 'address' is not defined
###### Using `n` (next line)
`address` defined on the *next line*. So, I use the `n` command to step!
(Pdb) n
> /Users/.../
-> if isinstance(address, TestError):
(Pdb) address
###### Using `s` (step into)
I could have also used `s` to *step into* `self._test_cache_server(...)` if I had wanted to investigate further:
> /Users/.../
-> address = self._test_cache_server("-cache-1")
(Pdb) s
> /Users/.../
-> def _test_cache_server(self, server_suffix: str) -> str | TestError:
# Now in a new method — _test_cache_server
(Pdb) n
> /Users/.../
-> cache_server = [c for c in self.containers if c["Name"].endswith(server_suffix)]
###### Using `c` (continue)
I can also *continue* till the next breakpoint, which is quite convenient if you don't need to step over every line of code:
> /Users/.../
-> address = self._test_cache_server("-cache-1")
(Pdb) c
> /Users/.../
-> r.raise_for_status()
(Pdb) print(r.json())
{'addrs': [...], 'error': None, 'source': '...'}
Using `c` jumped from line `103` to line `108`, where I had my two breakpoints defined.
> **NOTE**: using `c` again would continue the Python program till the end of its execution since I have no other `breakpoint()` statements
\ No newline at end of file
File added
File added
File added
File added
File added
File added
File added
File added
%% Cell type:code id:3b8d1ed9-9568-473e-bfa2-3b08f9e4587f tags:
``` python
import threading
import time
def task():
print("hi from thread ID:", threading.get_native_id())
t = threading.Thread(target=task)
print("hi from main thread, ID:", threading.get_native_id())
%% Output
hi from thread ID:hi from main thread, ID: 65
%% Cell type:code id:651dc205-4fdc-4054-be28-b19e2e798017 tags:
``` python
total = 0
def task(count):
global total
for i in range(count):
total += 1
t = threading.Thread(target=task, args=[1_000_000])
t.join() # wait until it exits
%% Output
%% Cell type:code id:5eb4a3e1-decf-4352-b61c-b10e53aec763 tags:
``` python
%% Output
%% Cell type:code id:ceeb7904-ff2c-424c-bf7c-724d1b285e3b tags:
``` python
total = 0
def task(count):
global total
for i in range(count):
total += 1
t1 = threading.Thread(target=task, args=[1_000_000])
t2 = threading.Thread(target=task, args=[1_000_000])
%% Output
%% Cell type:code id:48a5226c-6d63-4062-a2be-f7dd890c4dc1 tags:
``` python
import dis
dis.dis("total += 1")
%% Output
1 LOAD_NAME 0 (total)
BINARY_OP 13 (+=)
STORE_NAME 0 (total)
%% Cell type:code id:3b8d1ed9-9568-473e-bfa2-3b08f9e4587f tags:
``` python
import threading
import time
%% Cell type:code id:da885575-cedf-4bb4-8bbd-44400974d3f8 tags:
``` python
import dis
dis.dis("total += 1")
%% Output
1 LOAD_NAME 0 (total)
BINARY_OP 13 (+=)
STORE_NAME 0 (total)
%% Cell type:code id:ceeb7904-ff2c-424c-bf7c-724d1b285e3b tags:
``` python
# 133 ms with no locks
# 348 ms with locks (fine grained)
# 124 ms with locks (coarse grained)
lock = threading.Lock() # this protects the "total" variable
total = 0
def task(count):
global total
for i in range(count):
total += 1
t1 = threading.Thread(target=task, args=[1_000_000])
t2 = threading.Thread(target=task, args=[1_000_000])
%% Output
CPU times: user 133 ms, sys: 144 μs, total: 133 ms
Wall time: 129 ms
%% Cell type:code id:042356c8-7d34-4fa5-bef1-0c43e829fc13 tags:
``` python
import threading
bank_accounts = {"x": 25, "y": 100, "z": 200} # in dollars
lock = threading.Lock() # protects bank_accounts
def transfer(src, dst, amount):
with lock: # automatically acquire now, and release after the with statement
success = False
if bank_accounts[src] >= amount:
bank_accounts[src] -= amount
bank_accounts[dst] += amount
success = True
print("transferred" if success else "denied")
print("locked inside with?", lock.locked())
print("locked after with?", lock.locked())
%% Cell type:code id:1878620a-553b-4f25-9606-1e2605b318ac tags:
``` python
transfer("x", "y", 20)
%% Output
locked inside with? True
locked after with? False
%% Cell type:code id:8901ec24-7471-40e1-8182-585d3cc760c7 tags:
``` python
%% Output
{'x': 5, 'y': 120, 'z': 200}
%% Cell type:code id:9cee2370-0f3d-4ac0-930a-c59f9f0d7f1b tags:
``` python
transfer("x", "z", 10)
%% Output
locked inside with? True
locked after with? False
%% Cell type:code id:3a583c7c-57a3-4f42-8301-8ce601a2249e tags:
``` python
%% Output
{'x': 5, 'y': 120, 'z': 200}
%% Cell type:code id:3346b86d-5f80-4007-8879-b452c4826c50 tags:
``` python
transfer("w", "z", 10)
%% Output
KeyError Traceback (most recent call last)
Cell In[8], line 1
----> 1 transfer("w", "z", 10)
Cell In[3], line 9, in transfer(src, dst, amount)
7 with lock:
8 success = False
----> 9 if bank_accounts[src] >= amount:
10 bank_accounts[src] -= amount
11 bank_accounts[dst] += amount
KeyError: 'w'
%% Cell type:code id:02262baa-6f4f-455e-b913-accfa894cc18 tags:
``` python
transfer("z", "x", 3)
%% Output
locked inside with? True
locked after with? False
%% Cell type:code id:1b338a2c-1274-41e8-9179-89b797e4ec2f tags:
``` python
%% Output
{'x': 8, 'y': 120, 'z': 197}
%% Cell type:code id:de014d74-4685-4f16-85fd-f571fd5a91db tags:
``` python
import threading
%% Cell type:code id:af3da760-5f6e-40c7-94cd-b505abe59012 tags:
``` python
def task():
print("hello from thread ID:", threading.get_native_id())
t = threading.Thread(target=task)
print("hello from main thread, with ID:", threading.get_native_id())
%% Output
hello from thread ID:hello from main thread, with ID: 589
%% Cell type:code id:3dd19fcb-2c4a-4b26-b72f-3b87bd8e5bb5 tags:
``` python
total = 0
def task(count):
global total
for i in range(count):
total += 1
t = threading.Thread(target=task, args=[1_000_000])
t.join() # wait until the thread is done before we continue
%% Output
%% Cell type:code id:de6ce736-5bdf-42b9-b98c-afee738b8f94 tags:
``` python
%% Output
%% Cell type:code id:b735264e-f27a-4d27-ba5f-4d6a1f53543e tags:
``` python
total = 0
def task(count):
global total
for i in range(count):
total += 1
t1 = threading.Thread(target=task, args=[1_000_000])
t2 = threading.Thread(target=task, args=[1_000_000])
%% Output
%% Cell type:code id:c3d4a396-1793-4504-b2ff-fb8b81ae48d5 tags:
``` python
import dis
dis.dis("total += 1")
%% Output
1 LOAD_NAME 0 (total)
BINARY_OP 13 (+=)
STORE_NAME 0 (total)
%% Cell type:code id:de014d74-4685-4f16-85fd-f571fd5a91db tags:
``` python
import threading
%% Cell type:code id:82b2f08c-1a13-4a0f-9546-e5d624dbee5b tags:
``` python
import dis
dis.dis("total += 1")
%% Output
1 LOAD_NAME 0 (total)
BINARY_OP 13 (+=)
STORE_NAME 0 (total)
%% Cell type:code id:ae617ed8-dd51-4154-ad83-308df527d1f1 tags:
``` python
import threading
%% Cell type:code id:b735264e-f27a-4d27-ba5f-4d6a1f53543e tags:
``` python
# 141 ms (no locks)
# 340 ms (fine-grained locking)
# 122 ms (coarse-grained locking)
lock = threading.Lock() # this protects total
total = 0
def task(count):
global total
for i in range(count):
total += 1
t1 = threading.Thread(target=task, args=[1_000_000])
t2 = threading.Thread(target=task, args=[1_000_000])
%% Output
CPU times: user 151 ms, sys: 0 ns, total: 151 ms
Wall time: 148 ms
%% Cell type:code id:7cf83d46-b7db-4ab6-b0bb-4b35fecba5b2 tags:
``` python
bank_accounts = {"x": 25, "y": 100, "z": 200} # in dollars
lock = threading.Lock() # protects bank_accounts
def transfer(src, dst, amount):
with lock: # automatically acquire now, automatically release after the with
success = False
if bank_accounts[src] >= amount:
bank_accounts[src] -= amount
bank_accounts[dst] += amount
success = True
print("transferred" if success else "denied")
print("is it locked inside the with?", lock.locked())
print("is it locked after the with?", lock.locked())
%% Cell type:code id:c9f19a3d-172f-4103-b631-11b42a8dc94c tags:
``` python
transfer("x", "y", 20)
%% Output
is it locked inside the with? True
is it locked after the with? False
{'x': 5, 'y': 120, 'z': 200}
%% Cell type:code id:bdd94c73-dd01-4b9e-aecc-70faff00685d tags:
``` python
transfer("x", "z", 10)
%% Output
is it locked inside the with? True
is it locked after the with? False
{'x': 5, 'y': 120, 'z': 200}
%% Cell type:code id:41f9d7d2-86f8-433c-bf56-724a7f445753 tags:
``` python
transfer("w", "z", 10) # there is no "w" bank account
%% Output
KeyError Traceback (most recent call last)
Cell In[8], line 1
----> 1 transfer("w", "z", 10) # there is no "w" bank account
2 bank_accounts
Cell In[5], line 7, in transfer(src, dst, amount)
5 with lock: # automatically acquire now, automatically release after the with
6 success = False
----> 7 if bank_accounts[src] >= amount:
8 bank_accounts[src] -= amount
9 bank_accounts[dst] += amount
KeyError: 'w'
%% Cell type:code id:f193975b-6f75-4c3c-b789-c494ad1130a6 tags:
``` python
transfer("z", "y", 50)
%% Output
is it locked inside the with? True
is it locked after the with? False
{'x': 5, 'y': 170, 'z': 150}
%% Cell type:code id:cd9dd92a-3d2c-47c7-85f1-4bec952d1a67 tags:
``` python
%% Cell type:code id:2dbe2890-3b90-4978-9648-625dc8d7a949 tags:
``` python
# !wget
# !unzip
%% Cell type:code id:3a4cfa35-6b4e-48bc-acc6-09d426cd6c3e tags:
``` python
import pyarrow as pa
import pyarrow.csv
import pyarrow.parquet
%% Cell type:code id:e5acbdd4-a266-477a-b720-a68e16e6c8f6 tags:
``` python
t = pa.csv.read_csv("hdma-wi-2021.csv")
%% Output
CPU times: user 1.18 s, sys: 996 ms, total: 2.18 s
Wall time: 575 ms
%% Cell type:code id:dd5941ac-fc66-4037-81f8-4f32b5b9e4bc tags:
``` python
pa.parquet.write_table(t, "hdma-wi-2021.parquet")
%% Cell type:code id:ed698328-e057-41a5-89d9-351166331a6e tags:
``` python
# point 1: Parquet lets us skip slow schema inference
%% Cell type:code id:3c3b8e74-d1d6-412e-9dc9-f6f1cc252ce7 tags:
``` python
t = pa.parquet.read_table("hdma-wi-2021.parquet")
%% Output
CPU times: user 396 ms, sys: 102 ms, total: 498 ms
Wall time: 147 ms
%% Cell type:code id:d582cd7a-27ed-4c09-a22e-8663bd24e231 tags:
``` python
# point 2: Parquet is byte encoded
%% Cell type:code id:9e2d33ce-3a07-405a-b379-ef86e6e0e076 tags:
``` python
with open("hdma-wi-2021.csv", "rb") as f:
%% Output
%% Cell type:code id:76debfbf-a7ca-48f6-8ca0-c9a00fbd3dd9 tags:
``` python
with open("hdma-wi-2021.parquet", "rb") as f:
%% Output
%% Cell type:code id:d891d58c-8d8b-4dc9-bb2f-d12a03db465e tags:
``` python
# point 3: Parquet files are column oriented
%% Cell type:code id:3159c561-122d-46af-96fb-0093368f6086 tags:
``` python
t2 = pa.parquet.read_table("hdma-wi-2021.parquet", columns=["lei", "census_tract"])
%% Output
CPU times: user 26.3 ms, sys: 2.61 ms, total: 29 ms
Wall time: 20.8 ms
%% Cell type:code id:51ad1ba1-9ea7-4188-b96d-aaa1847f3e95 tags:
``` python
%% Output
activity_year: int64
lei: string
derived_msa-md: int64
state_code: string
county_code: int64
census_tract: int64
conforming_loan_limit: string
derived_loan_product_type: string
derived_dwelling_category: string
derived_ethnicity: string
derived_race: string
derived_sex: string
action_taken: int64
purchaser_type: int64
preapproval: int64
loan_type: int64
loan_purpose: int64
lien_status: int64
reverse_mortgage: int64
open-end_line_of_credit: int64
business_or_commercial_purpose: int64
loan_amount: double
loan_to_value_ratio: string
interest_rate: string
rate_spread: string
hoepa_status: int64
total_loan_costs: string
total_points_and_fees: string
origination_charges: string
discount_points: string
lender_credits: string
loan_term: string
prepayment_penalty_term: string
intro_rate_period: string
negative_amortization: int64
interest_only_payment: int64
balloon_payment: int64
other_nonamortizing_features: int64
property_value: string
construction_method: int64
occupancy_type: int64
manufactured_home_secured_property_type: int64
manufactured_home_land_property_interest: int64
total_units: string
multifamily_affordable_units: string
income: int64
debt_to_income_ratio: string
applicant_credit_score_type: int64
co-applicant_credit_score_type: int64
applicant_ethnicity-1: int64
applicant_ethnicity-2: int64
applicant_ethnicity-3: int64
applicant_ethnicity-4: int64
applicant_ethnicity-5: int64
co-applicant_ethnicity-1: int64
co-applicant_ethnicity-2: int64
co-applicant_ethnicity-3: int64
co-applicant_ethnicity-4: int64
co-applicant_ethnicity-5: null
applicant_ethnicity_observed: int64
co-applicant_ethnicity_observed: int64
applicant_race-1: int64
applicant_race-2: int64
applicant_race-3: int64
applicant_race-4: int64
applicant_race-5: int64
co-applicant_race-1: int64
co-applicant_race-2: int64
co-applicant_race-3: int64
co-applicant_race-4: int64
co-applicant_race-5: int64
applicant_race_observed: int64
co-applicant_race_observed: int64
applicant_sex: int64
co-applicant_sex: int64
applicant_sex_observed: int64
co-applicant_sex_observed: int64
applicant_age: string
co-applicant_age: string
applicant_age_above_62: string
co-applicant_age_above_62: string
submission_of_application: int64
initially_payable_to_institution: int64
aus-1: int64
aus-2: int64
aus-3: int64
aus-4: int64
aus-5: int64
denial_reason-1: int64
denial_reason-2: int64
denial_reason-3: int64
denial_reason-4: int64
tract_population: int64
tract_minority_population_percent: double
ffiec_msa_md_median_family_income: int64
tract_to_msa_income_percentage: int64
tract_owner_occupied_units: int64
tract_one_to_four_family_homes: int64
tract_median_age_of_housing_units: int64
activity_year: [[2021,2021,2021,2021,2021,...,2021,2021,2021,2021,2021],[2021,2021,2021,2021,2021,...,2021,2021,2021,2021,2021],[2021,2021,2021,2021,2021,...,2021,2021,2021,2021,2021],[2021,2021,2021,2021,2021,...,2021,2021,2021,2021,2021]]
lei: [["54930034MNPILHP25H80","54930034MNPILHP25H80","54930034MNPILHP25H80","54930034MNPILHP25H80","54930034MNPILHP25H80",...,"254900X6OAHFW6BUT219","254900X6OAHFW6BUT219","254900X6OAHFW6BUT219","254900X6OAHFW6BUT219","254900X6OAHFW6BUT219"],["254900X6OAHFW6BUT219","254900X6OAHFW6BUT219","254900X6OAHFW6BUT219","254900X6OAHFW6BUT219","254900X6OAHFW6BUT219",...,"549300KY533JFETOYG46","549300KY533JFETOYG46","549300KY533JFETOYG46","549300KY533JFETOYG46","549300KY533JFETOYG46"],["549300KY533JFETOYG46","549300KY533JFETOYG46","549300KY533JFETOYG46","549300KY533JFETOYG46","549300KY533JFETOYG46",...,"ZF85QS7OXKPBG52R7N18","ZF85QS7OXKPBG52R7N18","ZF85QS7OXKPBG52R7N18","ZF85QS7OXKPBG52R7N18","ZF85QS7OXKPBG52R7N18"],["ZF85QS7OXKPBG52R7N18","ZF85QS7OXKPBG52R7N18","ZF85QS7OXKPBG52R7N18","ZF85QS7OXKPBG52R7N18","ZF85QS7OXKPBG52R7N18",...,"54930034MNPILHP25H80","54930034MNPILHP25H80","54930034MNPILHP25H80","54930034MNPILHP25H80","54930034MNPILHP25H80"]]
derived_msa-md: [[99999,99999,99999,29404,11540,...,33460,20740,33460,33460,99999],[99999,33460,33460,33460,20740,...,99999,33340,33340,33340,33340],[99999,33340,39540,33340,39540,...,36780,36780,11540,33340,33340],[29100,31540,99999,22540,99999,...,31540,99999,31540,99999,31540]]
state_code: [["WI","WI","WI","WI","WI",...,"WI","WI","WI","WI","WI"],["WI","WI","WI","WI","WI",...,"WI","WI","WI","WI","WI"],["WI","WI","WI","WI","WI",...,"WI","WI","WI","WI","WI"],["WI","WI","WI","WI","WI",...,"WI","WI","WI","WI","WI"]]
county_code: [[55027,55001,55013,55059,55087,...,55109,55017,55093,55109,55033],[55095,55109,55109,55109,55017,...,55027,55079,55133,55133,55079],[55027,55133,55101,55079,55101,...,55139,55139,55087,55131,55079],[55063,55021,55011,55039,55097,...,55025,55029,55025,55051,55021]]
census_tract: [[55027961800,55001950501,55013970400,55059002000,55087013300,...,55109121000,55017011100,55093960700,55109120904,55033970400],[55095960500,55109120700,55109121000,55109120904,55017010700,...,55027961500,55079090300,55133203305,55133203406,55079000303],[55027960800,55133201600,55101000901,55079016100,55101002402,...,55139001100,55139001803,55087012100,55131450104,55079150301],[55063010201,55021970100,55011960400,55039041300,55097960600,...,55025011301,55029100800,55025012300,55051180300,55021970300]]
conforming_loan_limit: [["C","C","C","C","C",...,"C","C","C","C","C"],["C","C","C","C","C",...,"C","C","C","C","C"],["C","C","C","C","C",...,"C","C","C","C","C"],["C","C","C","C","C",...,"C","C","C","C","C"]]
derived_loan_product_type: [["Conventional:First Lien","Conventional:First Lien","Conventional:First Lien","Conventional:First Lien","Conventional:First Lien",...,"Conventional:First Lien","Conventional:First Lien","FSA/RHS:First Lien","Conventional:Subordinate Lien","Conventional:First Lien"],["Conventional:First Lien","Conventional:Subordinate Lien","Conventional:Subordinate Lien","Conventional:Subordinate Lien","Conventional:Subordinate Lien",...,"Conventional:Subordinate Lien","Conventional:Subordinate Lien","Conventional:Subordinate Lien","Conventional:Subordinate Lien","Conventional:First Lien"],["Conventional:First Lien","Conventional:First Lien","Conventional:First Lien","Conventional:Subordinate Lien","Conventional:Subordinate Lien",...,"Conventional:Subordinate Lien","Conventional:Subordinate Lien","Conventional:Subordinate Lien","Conventional:Subordinate Lien","Conventional:Subordinate Lien"],["Conventional:Subordinate Lien","Conventional:Subordinate Lien","Conventional:Subordinate Lien","Conventional:Subordinate Lien","Conventional:First Lien",...,"Conventional:First Lien","Conventional:First Lien","Conventional:First Lien","Conventional:First Lien","Conventional:First Lien"]]
derived_dwelling_category: [["Single Family (1-4 Units):Site-Built","Single Family (1-4 Units):Site-Built","Single Family (1-4 Units):Site-Built","Single Family (1-4 Units):Site-Built","Single Family (1-4 Units):Site-Built",...,"Single Family (1-4 Units):Site-Built","Single Family (1-4 Units):Site-Built","Single Family (1-4 Units):Site-Built","Single Family (1-4 Units):Site-Built","Single Family (1-4 Units):Site-Built"],["Single Family (1-4 Units):Site-Built","Single Family (1-4 Units):Site-Built","Single Family (1-4 Units):Site-Built","Single Family (1-4 Units):Site-Built","Single Family (1-4 Units):Site-Built",...,"Single Family (1-4 Units):Site-Built","Single Family (1-4 Units):Site-Built","Single Family (1-4 Units):Site-Built","Single Family (1-4 Units):Site-Built","Single Family (1-4 Units):Site-Built"],["Single Family (1-4 Units):Site-Built","Single Family (1-4 Units):Site-Built","Single Family (1-4 Units):Site-Built","Single Family (1-4 Units):Site-Built","Single Family (1-4 Units):Site-Built",...,"Single Family (1-4 Units):Site-Built","Single Family (1-4 Units):Site-Built","Single Family (1-4 Units):Site-Built","Single Family (1-4 Units):Site-Built","Single Family (1-4 Units):Site-Built"],["Single Family (1-4 Units):Site-Built","Single Family (1-4 Units):Site-Built","Single Family (1-4 Units):Site-Built","Single Family (1-4 Units):Site-Built","Single Family (1-4 Units):Site-Built",...,"Single Family (1-4 Units):Site-Built","Single Family (1-4 Units):Site-Built","Single Family (1-4 Units):Site-Built","Single Family (1-4 Units):Site-Built","Single Family (1-4 Units):Site-Built"]]
derived_ethnicity: [["Not Hispanic or Latino","Not Hispanic or Latino","Not Hispanic or Latino","Not Hispanic or Latino","Joint",...,"Not Hispanic or Latino","Not Hispanic or Latino","Not Hispanic or Latino","Not Hispanic or Latino","Not Hispanic or Latino"],["Not Hispanic or Latino","Not Hispanic or Latino","Not Hispanic or Latino","Ethnicity Not Available","Not Hispanic or Latino",...,"Not Hispanic or Latino","Not Hispanic or Latino","Not Hispanic or Latino","Not Hispanic or Latino","Hispanic or Latino"],["Not Hispanic or Latino","Not Hispanic or Latino","Not Hispanic or Latino","Hispanic or Latino","Hispanic or Latino",...,"Not Hispanic or Latino","Not Hispanic or Latino","Not Hispanic or Latino","Not Hispanic or Latino","Not Hispanic or Latino"],["Not Hispanic or Latino","Not Hispanic or Latino","Not Hispanic or Latino","Not Hispanic or Latino","Ethnicity Not Available",...,"Ethnicity Not Available","Not Hispanic or Latino","Not Hispanic or Latino","Not Hispanic or Latino","Not Hispanic or Latino"]]
%% Cell type:code id:28a0a2d6-95a1-4c86-9577-ef62721c19d6 tags:
``` python
# point 4: Parquet is compressed, with snappy by default
%% Cell type:code id:9ee9812e-76d9-4bf3-9194-4556f83bf0ff tags:
``` python
pa.parquet.write_table(t, "hdma-wi-2021.parquet", compression="snappy")
%% Output
CPU times: user 698 ms, sys: 18.6 ms, total: 717 ms
Wall time: 730 ms
%% Cell type:code id:487c9b6f-559c-4777-b498-b4f41cd8667a tags:
``` python
pa.parquet.write_table(t, "hdma-wi-2021-gzip.parquet", compression="gzip")
%% Output
CPU times: user 2.21 s, sys: 13.9 ms, total: 2.22 s
Wall time: 2.22 s
%% Cell type:code id:f2c3e5a3-7bf2-4f92-8019-e13b8cc28c28 tags:
``` python
!ls -lh
%% Output
total 216M
-rw-rw-r-- 1 tharter tharter 333 Feb 20 15:45 Dockerfile
-rw-r----- 1 tharter tharter 167M Nov 1 2022 hdma-wi-2021.csv
-rw-rw-r-- 1 tharter tharter 13M Feb 24 09:04 hdma-wi-2021-gzip.parquet
-rw-rw-r-- 1 tharter tharter 16M Feb 24 09:03 hdma-wi-2021.parquet
-rw-rw-r-- 1 tharter tharter 21M Jan 5 2023
-rw-rw-r-- 1 tharter tharter 17K Feb 24 09:03 lec1.ipynb
drwxrwxr-x 3 tharter tharter 4.0K Feb 21 09:26 old
-rw-rw-r-- 1 tharter tharter 1.8K Feb 20 15:45 requirements.txt
drwxrwxr-x 3 tharter tharter 4.0K Feb 21 11:39 shared
%% Cell type:code id:92459058-9a4b-4da7-8820-65a6ebb70801 tags:
``` python
%% Cell type:code id:803ee3d0-11db-4b3c-901f-c09969c42a99 tags:
``` python
# !wget
# !unzip
%% Cell type:code id:dc2864a3-8f39-440e-9cc1-a88e6fcf764b tags:
``` python
import pyarrow as pa
import pyarrow.csv
import pyarrow.parquet
%% Cell type:code id:ddb42c11-e332-42cd-be7f-4ce2ce74ed6b tags:
``` python
t = pa.csv.read_csv("hdma-wi-2021.csv")
%% Output
CPU times: user 1.09 s, sys: 810 ms, total: 1.9 s
Wall time: 506 ms
%% Cell type:code id:a582a756-1c75-4869-8f27-b849320213e1 tags:
``` python
pa.parquet.write_table(t, "hdma-wi-2021.parquet")
%% Cell type:code id:80d2c0a6-9c6e-475d-a56b-99a4e7fbb05d tags:
``` python
# point 1: we don't need to do slow schema inference with parquet
%% Cell type:code id:c2f34f52-60c6-48c5-b29f-4f6131fb593e tags:
``` python
t = pa.parquet.read_table("hdma-wi-2021.parquet")
%% Output
CPU times: user 400 ms, sys: 118 ms, total: 517 ms
Wall time: 157 ms
%% Cell type:code id:99005a4b-4eb8-4970-a1cd-65422bb6dad6 tags:
``` python
# point 2: parquet uses a binary encoding
%% Cell type:code id:abc45de9-6b4d-4b4e-a2ff-127a69a9e3c0 tags:
``` python
with open("hdma-wi-2021.csv", "rb") as f:
%% Output
%% Cell type:code id:e642e241-078c-45ba-8cf0-6a7587720e17 tags:
``` python
with open("hdma-wi-2021.parquet", "rb") as f:
%% Output
%% Cell type:code id:912485a1-23c5-49cd-bd75-16bd860f8d3a tags:
``` python
# point 3: parquet is column oriented
%% Cell type:code id:4095de52-6859-440c-b614-cdeb9c28ebe6 tags:
``` python
t2 = pa.parquet.read_table("hdma-wi-2021.parquet", columns=["lei", "census_tract"])
%% Output
CPU times: user 26.8 ms, sys: 4.41 ms, total: 31.2 ms
Wall time: 22.3 ms
%% Cell type:code id:d277e063-d31c-495d-8fe1-92883447c451 tags:
``` python
%% Output
activity_year: int64
lei: string
derived_msa-md: int64
state_code: string
county_code: int64
census_tract: int64
conforming_loan_limit: string
derived_loan_product_type: string
derived_dwelling_category: string
derived_ethnicity: string
derived_race: string
derived_sex: string
action_taken: int64
purchaser_type: int64
preapproval: int64
loan_type: int64
loan_purpose: int64
lien_status: int64
reverse_mortgage: int64
open-end_line_of_credit: int64
business_or_commercial_purpose: int64
loan_amount: double
loan_to_value_ratio: string
interest_rate: string
rate_spread: string
hoepa_status: int64
total_loan_costs: string
total_points_and_fees: string
origination_charges: string
discount_points: string
lender_credits: string
loan_term: string
prepayment_penalty_term: string
intro_rate_period: string
negative_amortization: int64
interest_only_payment: int64
balloon_payment: int64
other_nonamortizing_features: int64
property_value: string
construction_method: int64
occupancy_type: int64
manufactured_home_secured_property_type: int64
manufactured_home_land_property_interest: int64
total_units: string
multifamily_affordable_units: string
income: int64
debt_to_income_ratio: string
applicant_credit_score_type: int64
co-applicant_credit_score_type: int64
applicant_ethnicity-1: int64
applicant_ethnicity-2: int64
applicant_ethnicity-3: int64
applicant_ethnicity-4: int64
applicant_ethnicity-5: int64
co-applicant_ethnicity-1: int64
co-applicant_ethnicity-2: int64
co-applicant_ethnicity-3: int64
co-applicant_ethnicity-4: int64
co-applicant_ethnicity-5: null
applicant_ethnicity_observed: int64
co-applicant_ethnicity_observed: int64
applicant_race-1: int64
applicant_race-2: int64
applicant_race-3: int64
applicant_race-4: int64
applicant_race-5: int64
co-applicant_race-1: int64
co-applicant_race-2: int64
co-applicant_race-3: int64
co-applicant_race-4: int64
co-applicant_race-5: int64
applicant_race_observed: int64
co-applicant_race_observed: int64
applicant_sex: int64
co-applicant_sex: int64
applicant_sex_observed: int64
co-applicant_sex_observed: int64
applicant_age: string
co-applicant_age: string
applicant_age_above_62: string
co-applicant_age_above_62: string
submission_of_application: int64
initially_payable_to_institution: int64
aus-1: int64
aus-2: int64
aus-3: int64
aus-4: int64
aus-5: int64
denial_reason-1: int64
denial_reason-2: int64
denial_reason-3: int64
denial_reason-4: int64
tract_population: int64
tract_minority_population_percent: double
ffiec_msa_md_median_family_income: int64
tract_to_msa_income_percentage: int64
tract_owner_occupied_units: int64
tract_one_to_four_family_homes: int64
tract_median_age_of_housing_units: int64
activity_year: [[2021,2021,2021,2021,2021,...,2021,2021,2021,2021,2021],[2021,2021,2021,2021,2021,...,2021,2021,2021,2021,2021],[2021,2021,2021,2021,2021,...,2021,2021,2021,2021,2021],[2021,2021,2021,2021,2021,...,2021,2021,2021,2021,2021]]
lei: [["54930034MNPILHP25H80","54930034MNPILHP25H80","54930034MNPILHP25H80","54930034MNPILHP25H80","54930034MNPILHP25H80",...,"254900X6OAHFW6BUT219","254900X6OAHFW6BUT219","254900X6OAHFW6BUT219","254900X6OAHFW6BUT219","254900X6OAHFW6BUT219"],["254900X6OAHFW6BUT219","254900X6OAHFW6BUT219","254900X6OAHFW6BUT219","254900X6OAHFW6BUT219","254900X6OAHFW6BUT219",...,"549300KY533JFETOYG46","549300KY533JFETOYG46","549300KY533JFETOYG46","549300KY533JFETOYG46","549300KY533JFETOYG46"],["549300KY533JFETOYG46","549300KY533JFETOYG46","549300KY533JFETOYG46","549300KY533JFETOYG46","549300KY533JFETOYG46",...,"ZF85QS7OXKPBG52R7N18","ZF85QS7OXKPBG52R7N18","ZF85QS7OXKPBG52R7N18","ZF85QS7OXKPBG52R7N18","ZF85QS7OXKPBG52R7N18"],["ZF85QS7OXKPBG52R7N18","ZF85QS7OXKPBG52R7N18","ZF85QS7OXKPBG52R7N18","ZF85QS7OXKPBG52R7N18","ZF85QS7OXKPBG52R7N18",...,"54930034MNPILHP25H80","54930034MNPILHP25H80","54930034MNPILHP25H80","54930034MNPILHP25H80","54930034MNPILHP25H80"]]
derived_msa-md: [[99999,99999,99999,29404,11540,...,33460,20740,33460,33460,99999],[99999,33460,33460,33460,20740,...,99999,33340,33340,33340,33340],[99999,33340,39540,33340,39540,...,36780,36780,11540,33340,33340],[29100,31540,99999,22540,99999,...,31540,99999,31540,99999,31540]]
state_code: [["WI","WI","WI","WI","WI",...,"WI","WI","WI","WI","WI"],["WI","WI","WI","WI","WI",...,"WI","WI","WI","WI","WI"],["WI","WI","WI","WI","WI",...,"WI","WI","WI","WI","WI"],["WI","WI","WI","WI","WI",...,"WI","WI","WI","WI","WI"]]
county_code: [[55027,55001,55013,55059,55087,...,55109,55017,55093,55109,55033],[55095,55109,55109,55109,55017,...,55027,55079,55133,55133,55079],[55027,55133,55101,55079,55101,...,55139,55139,55087,55131,55079],[55063,55021,55011,55039,55097,...,55025,55029,55025,55051,55021]]
census_tract: [[55027961800,55001950501,55013970400,55059002000,55087013300,...,55109121000,55017011100,55093960700,55109120904,55033970400],[55095960500,55109120700,55109121000,55109120904,55017010700,...,55027961500,55079090300,55133203305,55133203406,55079000303],[55027960800,55133201600,55101000901,55079016100,55101002402,...,55139001100,55139001803,55087012100,55131450104,55079150301],[55063010201,55021970100,55011960400,55039041300,55097960600,...,55025011301,55029100800,55025012300,55051180300,55021970300]]
conforming_loan_limit: [["C","C","C","C","C",...,"C","C","C","C","C"],["C","C","C","C","C",...,"C","C","C","C","C"],["C","C","C","C","C",...,"C","C","C","C","C"],["C","C","C","C","C",...,"C","C","C","C","C"]]
derived_loan_product_type: [["Conventional:First Lien","Conventional:First Lien","Conventional:First Lien","Conventional:First Lien","Conventional:First Lien",...,"Conventional:First Lien","Conventional:First Lien","FSA/RHS:First Lien","Conventional:Subordinate Lien","Conventional:First Lien"],["Conventional:First Lien","Conventional:Subordinate Lien","Conventional:Subordinate Lien","Conventional:Subordinate Lien","Conventional:Subordinate Lien",...,"Conventional:Subordinate Lien","Conventional:Subordinate Lien","Conventional:Subordinate Lien","Conventional:Subordinate Lien","Conventional:First Lien"],["Conventional:First Lien","Conventional:First Lien","Conventional:First Lien","Conventional:Subordinate Lien","Conventional:Subordinate Lien",...,"Conventional:Subordinate Lien","Conventional:Subordinate Lien","Conventional:Subordinate Lien","Conventional:Subordinate Lien","Conventional:Subordinate Lien"],["Conventional:Subordinate Lien","Conventional:Subordinate Lien","Conventional:Subordinate Lien","Conventional:Subordinate Lien","Conventional:First Lien",...,"Conventional:First Lien","Conventional:First Lien","Conventional:First Lien","Conventional:First Lien","Conventional:First Lien"]]
derived_dwelling_category: [["Single Family (1-4 Units):Site-Built","Single Family (1-4 Units):Site-Built","Single Family (1-4 Units):Site-Built","Single Family (1-4 Units):Site-Built","Single Family (1-4 Units):Site-Built",...,"Single Family (1-4 Units):Site-Built","Single Family (1-4 Units):Site-Built","Single Family (1-4 Units):Site-Built","Single Family (1-4 Units):Site-Built","Single Family (1-4 Units):Site-Built"],["Single Family (1-4 Units):Site-Built","Single Family (1-4 Units):Site-Built","Single Family (1-4 Units):Site-Built","Single Family (1-4 Units):Site-Built","Single Family (1-4 Units):Site-Built",...,"Single Family (1-4 Units):Site-Built","Single Family (1-4 Units):Site-Built","Single Family (1-4 Units):Site-Built","Single Family (1-4 Units):Site-Built","Single Family (1-4 Units):Site-Built"],["Single Family (1-4 Units):Site-Built","Single Family (1-4 Units):Site-Built","Single Family (1-4 Units):Site-Built","Single Family (1-4 Units):Site-Built","Single Family (1-4 Units):Site-Built",...,"Single Family (1-4 Units):Site-Built","Single Family (1-4 Units):Site-Built","Single Family (1-4 Units):Site-Built","Single Family (1-4 Units):Site-Built","Single Family (1-4 Units):Site-Built"],["Single Family (1-4 Units):Site-Built","Single Family (1-4 Units):Site-Built","Single Family (1-4 Units):Site-Built","Single Family (1-4 Units):Site-Built","Single Family (1-4 Units):Site-Built",...,"Single Family (1-4 Units):Site-Built","Single Family (1-4 Units):Site-Built","Single Family (1-4 Units):Site-Built","Single Family (1-4 Units):Site-Built","Single Family (1-4 Units):Site-Built"]]
derived_ethnicity: [["Not Hispanic or Latino","Not Hispanic or Latino","Not Hispanic or Latino","Not Hispanic or Latino","Joint",...,"Not Hispanic or Latino","Not Hispanic or Latino","Not Hispanic or Latino","Not Hispanic or Latino","Not Hispanic or Latino"],["Not Hispanic or Latino","Not Hispanic or Latino","Not Hispanic or Latino","Ethnicity Not Available","Not Hispanic or Latino",...,"Not Hispanic or Latino","Not Hispanic or Latino","Not Hispanic or Latino","Not Hispanic or Latino","Hispanic or Latino"],["Not Hispanic or Latino","Not Hispanic or Latino","Not Hispanic or Latino","Hispanic or Latino","Hispanic or Latino",...,"Not Hispanic or Latino","Not Hispanic or Latino","Not Hispanic or Latino","Not Hispanic or Latino","Not Hispanic or Latino"],["Not Hispanic or Latino","Not Hispanic or Latino","Not Hispanic or Latino","Not Hispanic or Latino","Ethnicity Not Available",...,"Ethnicity Not Available","Not Hispanic or Latino","Not Hispanic or Latino","Not Hispanic or Latino","Not Hispanic or Latino"]]
%% Cell type:code id:41baa49f-51dd-4c6f-9c32-33ba44f4de83 tags:
``` python
# point 4: Parquet files are compressed with snappy by default
%% Cell type:code id:5a043407-2a33-4c0c-8adf-bef72156d3ca tags:
``` python
!ls -lh
%% Output
total 204M
-rw-r----- 1 tharter tharter 167M Nov 1 2022 hdma-wi-2021.csv
-rw-rw-r-- 1 tharter tharter 16M Feb 24 11:08 hdma-wi-2021.parquet
-rw-rw-r-- 1 tharter tharter 21M Jan 5 2023
-rw-rw-r-- 1 tharter tharter 18K Feb 24 10:11 lec1.ipynb
-rw-rw-r-- 1 tharter tharter 16K Feb 24 11:14 lec2.ipynb
%% Cell type:code id:2ff0caa9-6f57-45b0-8ff4-910eb0ad2359 tags:
``` python
pa.parquet.write_table(t, "hdma-wi-2021.parquet", compression="snappy")
%% Output
CPU times: user 716 ms, sys: 24.2 ms, total: 740 ms
Wall time: 754 ms
%% Cell type:code id:ea976df1-d258-4446-a277-9a9d750bfc49 tags:
``` python
pa.parquet.write_table(t, "hdma-wi-2021-gzip.parquet", compression="gzip")
%% Output
CPU times: user 2.15 s, sys: 15.7 ms, total: 2.17 s
Wall time: 2.17 s
%% Cell type:code id:c587e2e5-2167-4663-ab5c-5df51f3f9937 tags:
``` python
!ls -lh
%% Output
total 216M
-rw-r----- 1 tharter tharter 167M Nov 1 2022 hdma-wi-2021.csv
-rw-rw-r-- 1 tharter tharter 13M Feb 24 11:15 hdma-wi-2021-gzip.parquet
-rw-rw-r-- 1 tharter tharter 16M Feb 24 11:15 hdma-wi-2021.parquet
-rw-rw-r-- 1 tharter tharter 21M Jan 5 2023
-rw-rw-r-- 1 tharter tharter 18K Feb 24 10:11 lec1.ipynb
-rw-rw-r-- 1 tharter tharter 16K Feb 24 11:14 lec2.ipynb
%% Cell type:code id:e525a734-ac33-40b4-a8c1-dc4c30b06b02 tags:
``` python
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
image: p4-hdfs
hostname: main
- ""
memory: 2g
command: sleep infinity
image: p4-nb
- ""
- "./nb:/nb"
memory: 2g
FROM ubuntu:24.04
RUN apt-get update; apt-get install -y wget curl openjdk-11-jdk python3-pip iproute2 nano
RUN wget; tar -xf hadoop-3.3.6.tar.gz; rm hadoop-3.3.6.tar.gz
ENV JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/java-11-openjdk-amd64
ENV PATH="${PATH}:/hadoop-3.3.6/bin"
ENV HADOOP_HOME=/hadoop-3.3.6
This diff is collapsed.