UW-Madison users will most commonly use the IICS Shared Orgs and Secure Agents, but in some cases business units need additional isolation and control afforded by stand-alone Sub-Orgs and/or Secure Agents. You may find guidance on whether a Sub-Org might be right for you in the [Shared Org vs. Sub-Org](shared-org-vs-sub-org.md) document.
Sub-Orgs and stand-alone Secure Agents have an additional cost that is not included in the centrally funded shared service offering. If you and the IICS team have determined that a Sub-Org or stand-alone Secure Agent is appropriate, we will help you estiblish payment during initial setup.
Sub-Orgs and stand-alone Secure Agents have an additional cost that is not included in the centrally funded shared service offering. If you and the Integration Platform team have determined that a Sub-Org or stand-alone Secure Agent is appropriate, we will help you estiblish payment during initial setup.